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Democrats, Attention!

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An act of the legislature requires "an entirely ïiew registration of voters" this year. You can be registered in eoways. First- Toa must give your Ml name to the Clerk of your Township with a request that he register your name. No Towuship Clerk will refuse to take your name and have it registered if yon are a resident of his township. Second- If you do not give your name to your Township Clerk in person you must go before the board of Registration t,;"k „'ïi Kö íti aotjainn in vour WlllUJ-L ïlUl Kris 1" um.- .w - v - ship on Saturday, the ith day "f November, between the hours oL 9 a. m., and 5 p. m., for the purpose of registering voters, and then and there have your name registered; but it is tinsafe to wait until that day. One of these courses must be taken or you will not be aUowed to vote. Already Republicana throughout the County are quietly giving their names to their ïownship Clerks, and confidently expect to carry the County by the failure of Demcrats to Register. Let every Democrat attend to this important matter ai once and circuíate this information among his Democratie neighbors and friends. By order of Democratie County Committee. October 10, 1882.- W. D. HARKIMAN, Chairman. FRED. H. BELSEK, Secretary. Fkom now until the day o' election the demócrata should be up and domg. Demockatic township boards should see that every voter in their respective districts are registered. Oub republican brethren concede that the democratie county convention made some excellent nominations. This being true the candidato should command the support of the democracy of naw. It is hardly fair for republicana to claim that the result in Ohio was caused by whiskey drinkers. That state has been naturally a republican state for years, and this large majority, has heretofore voted with the republicans. It is not fair to claim that the party of moráis in Ohio, have been embracing this large body of bad men all these years. If true, they never told the demócrata any Uring about it. -- The Evening News' article on the late university steal, created quite an excitement. Bennett, Angelí & Co., put their heads together, and concluded it best to send to Detroit the Pree Press correspondent, to have him teil to that paper whether Bennett was guilty or not. The correspondent went, and the whole crew rushed for the F. P., Friday morning. Their seeming gmiling faces after reading the article, denoted that they were not happy. The Adrián presa, of the 13inst., representa the Ann Arbor Argus au Boss Beal'a paper. The Press is mistaken as to the ownership of the Argus. Accordmg to the most reliable information at hand, the only democratie paper in this city whicli belonga to the Boss is the Ann Arbor Democrat. -Medical News. Yes, the medical News seems to be in a heap of trouble just now. In the first place the individual who sqnibbed the ítem knew lie lied, but then he was obliged tu obey the behests of Frothingham, Maclean & Oo. We wonder how the M. D.'s feel over the latest developments. The self confessed thief still holda his position. i- i i - If every democrat votes his ticket, this fall, every nominee of the party will be elected by a handsoine majority. The republieaii nomiuees now Lave no hope of election, except by securing democratie votes. Evory demoorat who votes for any republican therebycasts, praetically, two votes agaiust the nominee of bis party. Aá a rule a republican never splits his ticket and certainly a democrat ought riot to do so, as every official, who gets into office, if he belongs to the republican party, must use that office in the interest of his party in the state, as well as in the nation, and will add his mite to the millions that will bo used to defeat us in elections hereafter, state and national. Our nominees are all worthy men, and deserve the full Bupport of their party. Vote the straight democratie ticket and you will have done your dllty. Who was seated in the state senate by four majority over Geo. L. Crane? John K. Boies. Who wascounted in by fraud? John K. Boies. W ho sent Mr. Westerman down to Riga to see that a proper return of enough votes was made for that town? John K. Boies. Who was charged openly with throwing five Crane votes under the table? Some of the Hudson returning board. Who was cognizant of the f act? John K. Boies. Who now says that he never heard the fraud was charged in his election as senator? John K. Boies. Who is John K. Boies? The republican nominee for congress in this district. Who sat by and sawtwo wards disfranchised in choosing delegates, and raised no voice in opposition? John K. Boies. Who always opposed Addison's railroad? John K. Boies. Who, af ter being nominated goes and subscribes a little fund for the road he always before had fought? John K. Boies. Who thinks he can win friends by suoh a contemptible course? John K. Boies. Who is going to be rebuked at the polls in November? John K. Boiea. Who is to rebuke him?


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat