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Real Estate Transfers

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The following are the real estáte transfers for the week eniiing Tkursday, October 18: WAKRANTY DEED3. Hanuah Lythall to Hannah E. Miller, property in Ohelsea, $600. Wm. Stevens to Thos. Kelly, property in Ann Arbor, $1,200. Frederick Laubengayer, Jr., to Foster and Lewis Litchfield, 80 acres, seo 4, Scio, $4,000. Edwin Vorce to Jno. Ross, property in Ypsilanti, $400. J. D. Olcutt to Richard Atchm, land in York, $1,300. C. Eberbach to Noah G. Butts, property in Ann Arbor, $500. Carrie J. Wilniot to Wm. H. Butts, property in Ann Arbor, $900. S. G. Miller to Noah G. Butts, 7 acres, sec. 33 city of Ann Arbor, $l,40Q. Walter M. Oulver to W. H. Culver, 88 acres, sec. 33, York, $2,000. Nelson Rice to Wm. H. Culver, lots in Mooreville, $1,400. Jas. Irwin to John E. Irwin, 40 acres, sec. 4, Sharon, $1,000. Jas. Irwin et. al. to Jno. E. Irwin, 46 acres, sec. 5, Sharon $2,300. David Rose to Jno. E. Irwin, 20 acre, sec. 4, Sharon, $400. Edward P. Smith to Mary Jane Harria, land in sec. 29, Augusta, $400. Geo. S. Rawsern to Moransa S. Every, 40 acres, sec. 22, Bridgewater, $500. Elizabeth H. Tuomey to Geo. A. Begole, property in Chelsea, $1,650. John McKinnon to Sherman Henckley lot in Saline village, $650. Joseph B. Prisbie to Louis L. Fenn, property in Chelsea, $1,300. John G. Schmier to Sherman Henckley, property in Saline village, $2,476. Jerome Morse to George Ann Morse, land in Ann Arbor city and town, $600. Robt. McCurdy to Irwin Morse, 6 aerea, sec. 27 Ann Arbor, $1,200.