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The íollowing is a complete list of claims filíd with the board designatsd Uy congress to audit claims arisinK frora the illness aeddeathof President Gnifield: Dr. D. W. Bliss, f 25,000; Dr. D. Hajes Agnew, $14,700; l)r. Ro'nertBeyburn, f10,800; Dr. D. S.Lnmb (forpxaruinaüonof the body at Biberón, N. J„) Yl,0C0;Dr. Susan A. Edsoc, $10,000; Henry S. Llttli, reteiver of tho Central rallroad conipaDy, Nw Jersey, for laying a special track at KlberoD, N.J., and runcing special trains, f 8,289;Milu8 & Pioctor of Washington, forfuru!tu!-e,S162;Georfi;e W. Knox, WaeUIngten, exprerB charge, $13; G. G. C. Simm?, Washington, for drugs, etc, 78 85; Charles A. Eensdict of Ntw York, fuueral expense includiDK caekflt, 5887 50; Thomas DoIkq and Jumes Sheridaa, messengMB at Uio exscuüve maneiOD, eacb, &300; Vüliain üivin, messender at 6tate department (auiount l#ft to tbe diECretion of the board) ; H r. Jamas W. Walsh, for embaluiiug the body, f500;GKrge Truniaia of New York, surgical Instrumente, etc., f 85 27; H. L. Orawford, for Bprinkliag grounds of the extcutive mansion, $270; N. H Balloy, srviiias at t!e mnmiioD, f209; W. B. Moscs & Son, lineo, ttc, 40 85; James Goodwiu, Boeton, for the inwüd bed 7ö; Wm. S. Dupeo, mBBsenger war department, f210; Singletoü & Hoeke, Washington, D. C, for carpets. etc., $122 44; tha National Capital teloplione company, f 50; Charle H. Lee, rasesenger department of justice (no amount named); Jas. WUbob, cookiüg, etc., $180; Independent ice ' company, for ice, f 1,516 92; M&rsaret Nugent, cook, thros months' extra pay; Fred B, Moore, massenger servlc, f 1T6. And claim ol the amployes of exicutive manB ou for thriio inocth?,' exlra pa,-. No claim is yet fiioJ by Dr. Hsmiltoa or Dr. Boynton. Tbe bofcrd aro waltlng to hear frora thsni. TUE JEFFSHSON MONUMENT ASSOCIAÜUM W. W. Corcoran, Chief Juatice Carter of the district supreme conrt, A. R. Spoffovd, librarían of conRrees, Dr. Joseph M. Toner, Jaremiau t. Black and others havo taken out articles of incorporation rnder title tho "JeSsreon monumeut association," for Iho parp se oL erecling a monument ia Wastiing ton to the memory oí Tharaas Jellerson. The capital of the association is 100,000, with power to Increaseit to f 1,000,000. wirHour SUCCES3. The citizens' movement to nominale a auüicipal ticket in New York has com to Haugut. a besionat;on hefüsed. Iudian Agent McGillicuddy of the Mesoaiero acency tenderod bis resignation to tbesïcretaryof the interior. The secretar? deciined to accnpt the resiguation pendiii!,: tho resull, of tho icvestigation novv in progrcM. P0ST5IISTBESS AT LOWELL. The President bas appcinted Emma B. Hioe poBtmistress at Lowoll, Michigan, vice. Jamos W. Hine, reelsned. DH HAMILTON'S CLAIM. Tho board appointed to consider and auiiit varioua claims aiisicg out of tha illnsss and öeath of Presidout Garfl!d havo reeoived f rom Dr. HamiltoD, Nhw York, a claim of 25,000 for profesfiienal serFlcss. FHEK DEL1VEBY OFFICES. Bay City, Michigan, and Saudusky, (Ato, ore placed on tha lis!, of free-4elivry postoffices. 1H0UBLE IN ÏENNKSSEE. Col. D. B. Ilenderson, secretary of the BepubHcaa naUonal coagresstooal ( milt' e, tías been adviasd o? a oerlous defeot in ] the law paraed by the Tonneseee!ature to ( asraugo tbc congressional district ia thal ( appears that the bill lot Ibis pur ( , itpasseá the Ttnuessee seoatt", was amended in the bower house, and through a Clerical error tbree couatio?, Comberlnnd, üliega Hni aüm which by tba aenat bül were aGsigned to the tb'rd district, wer omltted. The Wil H amendea io tbe lower house was BnaUyagreed i by tb sauatp;but the orror wh ooi dtooovered and oorreoted. Ab a conBíQuenee thess Utree counUeB are not assigned any eoQgrtssioua! district, aad voters wsldlng in tiieui, sbou'd an election be held imder tbe uow law, Wlll be iebamd from votiug for representativo incongress. Col. Hendírüon thlnks üi9 votei-3 of these counties cannot OHuUtuUonally be depdved oftheir rightto vute for representative, and if the detect is uot romediod H raay vitiate the (Itle to the seiit ol every member eiectsd ucder tbe new law. Re haB eugiü3ted tbat tbfl goTcrnor of Tennessee cal! a epe cial eession oL tlie legislatura for the parpóse of romedjïng th defect. EQUITY IN THE ARÏIY The seeïetary of war has subniitíed lo th judge advocate general for an opinioD, (ha questinu wiiether persistent refuBal onthe part of an officer of tbe army to pay jast dootf, doea not make him liable to trial by court martial upou charges of CMiduct unbecoming an ofQcer and a gsotleman. ABTHUR WELL. The Presidentas reportedin excellent beaith. K is said the report that he was puLtriDg witb Bright's diseasa was incorrect, A CASE COMPEOSIISEP. A dispatch Trom Louí3Ví11p, Kj, says: Bon Roltou, oolored, who brought euit agaicst Jobn ana Ales. Duccan of OWbam connty for $50,000 danwaes, has compromi3ed on$7C0. The property of the defendanta had been repaatedly fired, and thy suspseted Holt.nn. tnok him out of bsi and ecdaavored to forcé a cjnfession from him, going so far in tbo attampt as to put a rope about his neck nnd pulí hhu up BBveral times. Holton left hls home la O'íiham through fearol violenee and carne to thia city and had the Duncansarrested. Re had at all times deuied knowledge of the crime charlea against him by the Duncans. Stamped envelopes will be sold to the public after Jaouary 1, 18S3, at a reducon of 10 por cmt. oa present pricas. The lostoffloe departmeat lian also arranged to irint scecial return rcq'KMt notiees upon cnelopes without an chsrgo wtaen rdered In quantitlaa of 590 or more. Gen. Hazsn states that the fact is not generally known that staraped envelopee, when spoiled throusU nistlirectien or other causes, cn be exchanged for a poatage stamp of the n.'.me decominatioii as túe nearest postoifice. HIS COUBSB COMMENDED. The court appointed to inquire into (ha ohnrtoa aorninst, Cnl. Carf. reDOft that the prompt execuüon oí Ms order to arrest the medicine raaD, and hi subsequont eonduct m lotion and tba disposition made to secure ttis coruruand when ihe figbt comnioncd are lilghly commnnd-ible. Considering all the taols m tha case and the gallïnt conduct of Col. Carr when the moment for prompt actiou arrivei), Iha charge and Bpecifiwitions embraccd q this inquiry snon'A not, ín the opinión of the court, be made subject to trial bycourtmartia!. THK CAPITATION TAX ON IMMI0EANI3. Tho receipts from the capitation tax on immigrante under the act ot August 30, uptoandlncltKiiD,? September 80, were THE CÜST OS' Üïïtt AKMY. Thwe were expended during the past fiscal yfiar for nrmy purposeB $12.440,442. Tbe aiaonnt approprlated wm 18 1 NEW SILVKR D0IXAR3. Duriag theweek ended October 21, Itiere were 53,000 stand jrdsüver dollars put in circulation by the roints. T!io correspondiDg perlcdUwtyetw tal H497 Bta&dart! liollare wen issusti. OOSCtBKSS I'X1'K.NSI-S. For the 48th congress - 323 memben and 8 delégales- lhere bs 'wen wkd W665,000 for psy aml í 23,000 for conleat.mts; tor ralless f 15,00", eilimHtü'l: : total over $lr 800.0ÍO THK ST. 1.0UI9TRAHEDÏ. Col. Cockerell has buen admitLed to bafl tu tha suin oí ftO.OOO, Uit) ha murter iu the Bècond degteé. amotmt of bail eonld bnva ban ralsod for bita), as ha 'ad hosís olj írieudo abundaatly :ible aud .willing o sigD a bonJ. The friends of Col Slsjtmcí called a meeting tu other oveáng to ralse f undfi to aid his lasnily, ami abots.t 16,000 wm immediately subaciihed toward païin '1ï 12,000 mnrtgage oa ttie family ng'dsDC. Jolm McCullough. tbe actor, wbo i- R stronj? personal frisnd o! Col. Cockerell, hasvoiuuteerwltoRive a benefit entertainjnent to Coi. Slayback'a fiimily aa a token of bis efoipathy, and as ev'.dence or hia eiacero deaire to bs of sírvion te the man who feil at the hand of his frií-Dd. Tickets wiU be auctioned oS on 'Ohange, and it is thougUt soveral thousand dollars will be raised by thie meane. Ool. Cockerell haolaftSt. Louis for a Bbórt vfcM to bis home in Ohio. PH1PPS PLUNDER. Tüe i iiiiaaeipnia aeuuiu puummo an oxpt3ure of tho thefte oomuntted by Eüis P. Phipps, ex-auperintendent of tne PMIadslphia alma house, who flsd to Or.aala and now contests proceediogs for his extr;iditto- The article saja PMpp's thef ts roach a total of $050,000, extendisgcver a period of nine f eats; that Phipps made a bargsin when e!ected superintendent in July, 1873, to divideü .Ud profits of hia tfBce wHh four motnbcrs of the board of guardians of the poor, and that nnúer tbls agreement $75,OOCt w stolen every jaar. DuriBg the presout year from Jammry to Jnly, by m6ans of duplícale bilis and by forgery aad connivance wilh contractore, Phipps man. aged to eteal f40,000, thia thsft havlng occurred aftet the city councüa had ineUlutedan investigation iuto allegations of fraud. Phipps kept 15 families goic?, amocg these being liouseB of four poor Ruardianp, five contracto! p, two discharged enipioyea and other pii'sons' ofQcial and otherwiae, who h.d obtained a hold nu thfi annarintenden"g fears or affections. A pass book bas been naifl public ia whlch ap pears entrii for innrketing suppled to ppreons at the majoi'B expense aggregaücg total oí $29,000. Ihe artiele saïs tbat ia 1876 Phipps expended $10,000 in cigars, which ha seattered w'lh n Iftvïsh hand-thia beiug h favorlte method of olecüoneering. JfLHrS NOTES. A COLOBED COHVENTION. The colored people of Rhode Island assenab'.ed at Newport the other nigbt for the purpo3e of takiog action as lo theír alleüod politioal vncgs at the hands of the Republicau party. AmoDg th resolutions adoptd was the followlng: We nöirin ouc deteimination to support that yarson, let hitn be allied to wbstsver party he may be, if he Bhali eonvioce a ho haa tha m"Bt regard for our rigbta and fieüngs as citiznB of tha Blate'. We rtamand Romaloa resDoet and fair plsy iu the ipportlonment oípflMfiloentandothsrSfBaírí, aot eimply htCMK of moisey cocaideratlona lint ueutiüy acconi{Rc!es nflicc, bnt tbnt it. may be son Ibat our claa9 ia reepected and leferred tn ss are otber cUizens. A BIG I-MOK FOR SKATS. At the auction of sents for 11 ie beaQt to Ooi. Slnyback's fa'.iüy la SU Locip, 1lie choics of boxea was sold to a !aiy, name un knowD, for $i.0;0, au1 donated back and resold. Other boxc-s brought $200 and ilüO. The firet aaai wan koocksd dowa for $ü00, tbe eecond fíO, aud á larga oúmbw bo!í trom f50 1 _ ar.ïr IO ii O. A OOLLÏSIOH. Two fretghta on üie Hudson IUver raiiway coilidad at Bhine Gllfl New York. Ths englne and 12 cara wero thrown into the river and other cxn damageil. No Uves Tvcrs lost. The ongine and fireman climbed out aftar tha oagiue was Bubmsrgod n t- river. The loss is esUniated at 180,000, MOLPH FOB SKNATOB. The deadloek which bad bothered tbe Orejón legislatur since it conreaed, was broken on the 20th instant by the electlon of Hoa. J. N. Dolph, Rep., for eenator. RAILSOAD COLLISIOH. A disastrous railroad collisioa occurred oa the State Road cear Norlh Adams, Matsachusetls. The engine DaerBeld !elt the depot pii5Mng a caboose with 80 mea, who ware goiaa to work at various places along the roart. A fearful colusión soon occurred wlth a Troy & Boston ecgine. The caboose wUcfa was in front of tho Deeifield, was raleed from Hs trucks aud cariied to the cow-catchar of the englüe Doeifieiö, smashiog ia the emokestack, head-light, etc Stoain and hot wr.ter flew into the cabooss and the inun not in the colusión were burned badlj', and tut faw esoapüd witbout injary. None would have teen Beriously hurt but for the explosión of the eugine Desrfisld's boiler. Men ru9h6d in disorder for th rtn,ira_ anrt íinrirír th excitement many r B0 k m - y -r-m - mv - - - - - fj - bonoa woie biokeu. Amopg the injuries received are the followiug : Chas. Welle, engiaeor of tho Deeröeld, badly burned; condition precarious; Joseph Bostley, firemuu of the Deerfield, scalded and brulssd fcadly; will (iis; G.L.Van Hoser, te!egraph operator In the caboose, scalded, swnHoweá hot watsr and etaam, will die; Daniol Coanoll, laborer, anno and legs Bcalded ; Chas. Pattsrson John Flynn, foreman, and John C. Madden, masón, all scalded and cut; JohujMaddeB, sealded and brulse i ; Thos.Qainn, Bidé, back, arma saalúod; James Wall.Thos. DempBoy, John O. Young, Chas Carpon't-r, Amasa Carapbol!, Thos. Oraltf, all buruf i!, some seriously; Conductor Hey wood, BOald.daboutuead; Jas. Eawood, Tbos. Connors, Thop. Flavln, scaidcd; John Wolcb, ligs brokea and Bcaldad; Jas. Bolger, ssalp wound, fccecQt, sealded; Jap. Hall, Patrick Mnwtfi ThoB. DriMoIl Jossph liarralovr, M. Riuly, CouibHub Shay, all irjured not seriouely. The general manager of the road stat s iha accident was caused ty the Tioy & Boston engino becomina urcoupled from ltïcarê aud returnlnj? to the yard by the tastern maiu track, which it should not havedoae. It whb foeyand impossible for tho enüiuecrs lo see one anothei's approach. Engiaeer Wateon, of the Troy & Boston eDg:ut, acted dirrcily opposite to the csmpaDj'd instracüoas, and wused the awiul disnater. THE OHIO VOTE. The official election returns from Ohio show the following votf : Newman, D 11MH Townsend, K ï7.76t Schomachor, V UjMU Hafer.ö 6,845 Newman over TownBend iy,us Newman over al! !i58S Judee of Oourt : Okey, i f16.763 Oovl?,R Ws Koseborough, l' l?í' ï'nHI.' f} 0,ob 'Uil! Ka . ■ Qüï Okty over Poylc V'ío Okey leen Ihan all ■ '.5ÍS MemiJf-r of the B ar,1 of Public Workx: Weible, I) 818.3" Fli-kinger, H iS'Sn Alderman, g" Stevens, G 5.882 Wei Wo over Fiickinptor löli,i, Wpü)! 1m iban all 'HU' OXIiinN áXTAIHS. COUNSEL AI.LOWED. Tho criáis bas ended. Tho Bgyptian miniiter ha? intimated an inttmtion to perroit B-oailloj', Év r.üii Napto to defe'id Aráb P,:s!iao.i coarti'ioa wtto8al lo tte ■;■.! un - dcirRo iiielimiiiars (xiunír.ation. iWI'.MIVSMKNTIN I8KLANJ). Geo. Otto Trevelyan, chlef scretaiy for Irol.u!, te b gpeééh at Soíkirk, Spdtland Bald íhrt resMeüt mágislrates ia Iro!and m tha'i I were Rin.íu'.arly imanimous Ín stating üi it the rel! su lándlord s(j i.. renta weto l)eiK mldalion (iecreaskig. "Anothi : : i ](■ for thankfulnesg," saM frevtiljaii, ".stiii ?i "t ihu it is now aeürij h,x m intha Une Mier has boi a collsioi bstwosn tbrt coDStabulsry bd lha tiwple n (ha írielí prOTÍncési" OHiaOES AQAINBT AHMU. CuUitiiule bediisf eoiintaot Wi 'jilictaient ngainst At.ïIm l'asiia: 1. That ia violntioti of the rigbt of uatioas, be tuitotsd a whito fb.g in Alexiindrta and nnder covur tUsrf retirad with histroops [mi gave up the city to firo anJ pillage; :!, Uut ho exoitod BjrypüauB to arin againat Ui khsdive; 3, that ha continu wardrispiio ;;e3 of poace; 4, wilh baviug exeited civi! war, Jwastïtion, faasMlcre and piUage i;i Kíypíi'AU iorntoiy. A RIQDEST FOK PSOTKCi'lON . The inhabitants of Damletta complain of the of the British Iroop3 Bndhavéreq4étedtóat sttinétroopí ba psrrnUted to remain therp, M bbe lower classes cannot be depended oü. COMMANUEB OF TUK NKW BMÏ. Baker I'aslia has been officially ap pointsd to lhn comtnasii of U:o new Eayptian arroj. BE LESSEFS WAHTBD . Aiabi rsha desires De Lessepa to be siiinffioned as a witaosa at h!s trial. THE SOUDAN DISiURBANCFS. The íniniatry are indiistriously repregectlng thai tU reporta (if B rmewsl of disturbauccs ia SoudaB aniunfounded, while tbey have bseu in possesslou of messages in regr.rd to disturbam: tot the last three daye. The Sondan moveiPöat has no conuuection wHh the Aval) risi:L'. A falsa uroohst anuouncea bia intenüoü i f iBvadlng tbs country, but hs uot ytt advancod bejond Kburtoam. He hsa several reglmenta ol Nubiaije. Pief. SoUwsñn'urth haa commu&ieated the following from Soudan: "Lis' June 6,000 EgïpÜOM wore sur rounded by troops of the fulae (.ropiiet aud maesacred," SchWfciufurih dselaree tbat tbo Bituation in Souden dwarf Arabi'a revolt into iosïgnificanco. THE KIN8 OF SE11VÍA FIR8D AT. A woman Uied twice at King Milan in tbe cashsdral at Belarade, bat his mn1sty was not hur!. The kiuá'iassaiiant is tho vftóow of Col. Jufrew Markowitcb, execated suih several othew iu Mny, 1878, by order of Milan, it ia Buspocted tiiat tlw aitnaint io not meraly attilbatable to raveiige, but paitl} to political motives. Afíer tbo attempt to assasslcale tho klng, Q ïeen Nat t)ie, who was witb the kiag iu the Cííhedral, fointeii, aud was carried ia au unooaseiouB couaitioa to the palace. The kin;? iccompaniod her thither, aid Uien retnratd to cüurch unattc-iided and remained until tba end oí Uiesmvica A.crowdattemptèd tolynebtï-e :ss:'i83in.


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