Real Estate Transfers

The following are the real estute transfers for the week ending Thnrsdny, October 25: WARRANTÏ DBEDS. E. M. Childs and W. K. Childa to Joseph Sohmidt, land in Augusta, 835. Mariah Nelson to Augustus Seger, property in Chelsea, $800. Robt. Streater to Margaret Dwyer, property in Dexter village, #800. Regina Beek to Louis Seyler, 15 acres, aan OK dnir. Oí A KÍ1 Jno. ï. Hallock to Geo. Jncobus, 5 acres, sec. 28, Ann Arbor, 1,600. L. O. Risdon (trustee) to Fred B.Hottard, land in the township of Saline $],- 500. Richard Alohin to Joeeph Brownell, 3 acres, sec. 28, York, $310. Jno. Gutekunst to Gotlob Andrus, 15 acres, sec. 26, Dexter, $9,000. Patrick Wall to Jno. Lawton, 80 acres sec. 10, Northfield, reservmg crops, 84,000. Edward D. Kinne and Mary E. Hawkins, exocutors, to Jas. M. Welcla, property in Ann Arbor, $5,150.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
E. M. Childs
W. K. Childs
Joseph Schmidt
Mariah Nelson
Augustus Seger
Robert Streater
Margaret Dwyer
Regina Beck
Louis Seyler
John T. Hallock
George Jacobus
L. C. Risdon
Fred B. Howard
Richard Alchin
Joseph Brownell
John Gutekunst
Gotlob Andrus
Patrick Wall
John Lawton
Edward D. Kinne
Mary E. Hawkins
James M. Welch