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COOK HOUSE AND ST. JAMES EH. HUDSON, Proprietor, . Newly Furnished. Ann Arbor. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Joe T. Jacobs' Clothg store. Ann Arbor, Mich. ■WILLIAM CASPARY, TJAKËRY AND CONFECTIONBRY, 32 Detroit Street. JOSEPH CLINTON MerchantTailor. shop over Wm. Allaby's boot and shoe store, AU work guaranteed or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, A TTOENET AT UW. Aoffioe, Nos. S and 3 HlU's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. O. C. JENKINS, SUR3E0N DENTIST. Rooms No. 19 South Main Street, opposite.the Flrt National Bank Aun Arbor, Mich. THOS DALE, the írofessional Dyer and Clothes Cleaner.thlrd door south of the Opera House. Sample of work (tas beseen at the shop. Satisfacflon guaran teed. ' ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN M0NUM5NTB and Graveitones manufacturad trom '1 nnesee and Itallan tóarble and Scotoh and merioan Qranite Shop Oor. Detroit and Catherine sts., Ann Arbor., Mlch. JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALER IN WATOHES, CLO0K8, Speoiiacles, Plated Ware, Qold Pen and Fine Jeyvelry. Special attention given to repalrIne Watches and Jewelrj-. 46 South Main Street. Ann Arbor. WILLIAM HERZ, HOUSE, 8MK, Ornamental and Fresco Pain ter Gilding, Calciminlng, Qlazingand Paper Haaging AU work done in th9 best styl and warranted to irive satisf action. Shop, No. 4 VV et Washington street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Successor to Stone & Parsons, OFFICE AND DISPEN8A.KY, Corner Washington and Fifth Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. C. FRANKLIN, M. D. Prof. of SURGERY, HOMEOPATHIC DE-' PARTMENT, University of Michigan. Restdence and office 41 Liberty streot. Dr. Franlclin wOl attend surgical cases here, or by oonultaon in different parts of the itate. 8P1NAL QURVAIURES ASD DEF0BMITIX8 OTJRED by his lmproved method. M.r. E. F. Todd Would cali the attentlon of her old Patrons to the fact that, haring removed her Dressmaking Booms over A. Wilsy's Music Store, she prepared to do all kinds of Dress and Cloalc making m all the latest gtyles. Perfect Fits Guaranteed. Chiidren's clot hes a special ty. . WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS. OROANS, SHEET MUSIC, Instruc tton Books, Vioüns, Guitars, Flutes, fcc. che&p at Wilsey's Music Rooms, east side Fublic iuare, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The largest and k; Stook of Musical Goods ever brouKht Into WanbL naw County. Violin and Quitar Strlngs a KneoiaJtv' N. B.- It w'U be to your interest to êaü before purchasing anything io the Musio lin. , The Ann Mor Savings Bank, etc., etc., OVER $500,000 8SETS. Business men, Quardians, Trustees; LadleB an other persons will nnd this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENANT Plaoe at which to make Deposita and do bUBin."Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Oí $1.00 and upward, according to the rule the bank, and interest compounded semi-annu aUy. Money to Loan In Sums of S2B $5,OOO, Securod by Unincumberecl Real Estáte and flor Kood securittea. DIREUTOK8- Chrlstlan Maok, W. W. Wln W. D. Harrlman, Willlam DenWe, R. A. Bea Daniel Hlscock and W. B. 8mlth. OPFICBBS- ChriBtian Maok. Preíldent; W W Wtoe. Vlce PrMldnt; C. H. HUoook, CMhler


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Ann Arbor Democrat