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A tarilTbill 11 not be reportedbv UieScnate financc commlttee befors the íimldíe oí Janu:iry. PSEPASIKG TO CONTEST. Aeklen of Louisiana. is Imsy arranging plaoE to contest the seat oí Kellogg, and feelfl sure ol suecess. DICKSOU'STESTIMONT. Wl,; on the witiicss stand under oath Mr. Dickson Swore that he had neyer been paid a dfme or b dollar to influenec hls vote ontlie star route jury. HomxsoN's VIEWB. In the dieeussion of the arm; appropriatlon bilí before the House, Mr. Robínson, a republiean representatlye f rom Mass., in commenting on the BUggestlon that if thegovernmentehoose it eoukl eompel transportation of its malle for nothing, said: "There was somewhere Inevery man an impulse tliattold him that in dealing Somehow every man wanted to fee] up to the diguitv of living up to a bargain, and he (Robinson) knew it would be the temper and discretion of the House to put its foot on anv power of rauljustment whlch should amount to reradlation. This was a great government, but It would be weak beyond description when it ceased to do the right and just thing." 'O; it liss. 8ENATE. - Dee. 19. - Thelndianappropriation bill was re8iimed Mr. Beek oilered an amendment to the Indian blll, directing the remova] of tbc Crow Ageucy to somo point cast of Big Horn Kiver, iu the vicinitv of Fort Cuater. Agreed to The bill iiually passed The bill reported yesterday by Senator Sherman xtending the time for the withdrawal of distilled spirits from bonded warehouscs was next conidered .... Mr. Conger thought the tendeney of the bill would be to cncourage over-production f whisky. It was a measure in the interest of whisky men, and at the end of this extensión nother would be asked Mr. Ingalls' amendïent adding a provisión that írom and after ie cxpiration of three years from the entry of ny distilied spirits now in warehouscs 5 per ent. interest shall be collected upon sueh lirits, to be eomputed down to the time of ithdrawal, was adopted Mr. Windom then ïëred another amendment limitingto oneyear he time for the withdrawaJ of spirits on and ftcrJuly 1, 1883 Messrs. Conger, Hale, Edmunds and Ingalls favored this amendment, and .Messrs. Heek, Logan, Sherman and Williams opposed it The amendment was lost- Yeas 24, nays 27. It was then decided to take up fie civil service bill, but the Senate adjourned before any progress was made. House.- A number of bilis were introdueed and referred, among them onc limiting the number of liquor saloons in the District of Columbiato200 The Speaker laid before the House a number of requcsls for leaves of abEcnce. Debate ensued and objections were raised on all sides. Several were grantedj however, whereupon Mr. Browno faid he had voted against a fioliday adjournment in good faith, but was now satisfied that what was transacted in the House yesterday was a low comedy, and that au attempt to meet during a warm debate, the House, by avoteof 127 veas to 100 nays, adopted a resolution for a holiday recess from December 22 till January 2 Mr. Williams, Chairaran of the Committee on Forti.ü'i Affairs, reported a joint resolution rcdtiug tliat the Governmcut of France proposes, to istabliph at. Tunis a judicial Bystem eommon to Christian nations; that courts in that country are opencd for the protectiou of eitizens of tl' United States in their person, property and rigl.ts, and authorizing the President to declare by proclamation that the right on the part of the United States and its eitizens to claim extra jurtsdlction within sald territoir of Tunis has ceased and will no longer be claimed or exercised. Passed The House then went into eommittee on the postofFice appropriation bill, but did not roach a final Y3tc before adjournment The Speaker announced asan escort at the burial of Representative Orth of Indiana, Messrs. Calkins, Pierce, Steele, Watson, Davis, of Illinois. Urner and Rees Sexate.- Dee. 20.- A liill w : f ïntrodueed by Mr. Saunders of Nebraska, to authorize the construction of a bridge across th e Missouri directly bettvcen Omaha and Couneil Bluffs, and establish the same as a post ntd. Ueferrcd. Also (by request), for the admihs-io i of Utah into the Union on an equal footing with the original gtatcs. Referred The counselor and diplomatic appropriation bill was called up. On motion of Mr. Pendleton, with the approval of the Committee on Foreign Relations, an amendment was added appropriating 5"),000 to enable the President to extend diplomatic relations nuil nic vjuyci iiiliuiii, ui XjilbLCI II JiSia. inC bill then passed The civil service bill uext oa:ne up and was considered atlength but without conclusión the Senate went into executive session. Hoi;se. - The House wout into committee on the postoffice appropriation bill, and after consideration reported it to the House, wheu it passed- 163 to 21 .... Mr. Lynch offered a resolution making it in order to offer an amendment to the Pension Appropriation bill placing enlisted colored persons on the same looting as other soldiers as to pensions and bounty to such persons. Referred.. . .Fifteen leavcs of absence were granted. Sexate.- Dec. 21.- Resolutions in regard to a rebate equal to any reduction made. in the tobáceo tax were presented, and Mr. Morgan of Alabama, gave notiee that he would offer an amendment to the resolution of the finance committee In relation to the tax on tobáceo provldlng any rebate allowed should be in certifica tes _to cover future taxation on manufactured spirits or tobáceo Saunders of Nebraska, oiïered a resolution reeitiug that the pre-emption law uuder which land eould be entered for purchase at $1.20 per aere, without permanent settlement, should be repealcd and all government lands should be purehased for i i , . I i i , I . ' ! vn n-t t ii-l w ril l.„ _._1._J 1 w l 1 ui uuii Kbuciucui t'nij. mu resoiuiiou eneitea Bome discussion and was linally referred.... The resolution for the holiday recesa was taken up and disrussed at length. An amendment was offered by Mr. Garland oí Arkansas, giving the consent of the Senate to the House taking a recess, but stating that the Senate coulcl not afford to adjourn. The amendment was lost, and the original question was voted on and defealed, the vote standing aves 85, nays 86. The civil (enrice bilí was tlïeu taken úp and a Uvely discussion followed. Mr. Conger of Michigan, made a speech in lts favor, briínming with caustic remarks, and witlial exceedingly wittyaud logical. Senator Williams of Keiitucky, opposed the bill vigorouslv, declaring it impracticable and worthless, and a mere sham. A little good natured sparring wa6 indulged in by different members, when the debate closi-d, and the agrieultural áppropriation bill carne up for consideration. Severa] amendments were discussod and agreed to, and the bill passed. House.- The tobáceo tax question was the first thing before the House, all members who expressed au opinión being in favor of a rebate on stock on hand at the time the law becomes operative The report of the collector of customs at Sitka, Alaska, justifying the shelling of an Indian village by the "reveuue steamer Corwin was laid before the House The House at this point went into committee of the whole on the arniy appropriation bül. The amount of the appropriatlon Ia $24,681,700. One provisión of the biü is tliat for army transportation land grant roads wliich have received government aid shaü le allowcd compensation pot exceedlng 50 per cent ol the amount paid by private partiep for the same kind of service. It wns tnis provisión that furnished the prinei pal debate of the entire scssion. The question was carefuUy consldered, Imt without aetion the eommittee rose, and af ter granting 35 leaves of absence the House adjourm-d, Se.natr.- Doe. 38d.- The tobáceo tax measure oame up lien the foUotylng was . adopted : 'i!. fliat it is the common srnse of the bcnate that whenevcr the Interna! revenue lax on tobáceo, snufl or cigare is reduced or removed, uniese ampie previous otlceof the time when the act is totake effect be glven, a proportionate rebate paid on stock on hand should bc allowed. The civil service bill was consideredatlength. Mr. Brown offered an amendment opening compctltive examtaations to pereons outside the departmente, but wlthdrew it and accepted as a substituto Mr. Pngh's amendment providiug that the examination shaU be open to all and Immedlately alter the passage of this act those now in ontce shall be divided lnto three classes: First, those v, places can be filled at once by others (under competltlve examinations) without injury to the service ; second, those who can be subjected to eueh examinations six months after tbc passage of the act, and uuru, muse wno can De suhiected to cxamination in twelve months.. . .Mr. Pugli explained and advocated thia amendment, I&eeta. Losan and Jones opposed it Aftcr some discussion Mr-PuCJunodifledit. so as not to apply to solaiersandotheugmcntloned Insectlon 1754 of therevÍKcilst;ituíc:;....Mr. Voorlics, pn behalí oí the Senators oppóeed to the bilí, proponed in agreement that ii sliou be taken up to morrow üítertbemorningbuslnesí andvoted nponnnauy to-morrow at 0 o'elock Mr. lcndlcton was willing to aeree to this lf ununimous consent eould be obtaincd. . . .Mr. Edmunds objected, preferrlng to sit the bilí out to-nlght . . . .Mr. Van Wycl oltcred aresolution, which wan agreed to, dlrectlng an lnvestigatlon and report by the Commlsaloner on Public Lands, as to whether payments eliould be made upon contraéis made under the deposit aystem for survcys before snch surveys had heen inspected by oflicers created Cor that purpose by act of the last session. The Commissiowr Ís given power to send for persons and papers. . . . Mr. Voorhees moved to adjourn. Agreed to - Ajes 24, noe3 21 IIouse. - Mr. Iliscoek offered a resolution deelarlng that on and after Wednesdav, Januarv 3 next, the hour of meeting of the House be 11 a. m. during the remainder of tbc session Mr. Kelley moved that when the House adjourn to-morrow it be till Wednesday. Carried The army appropriation blllwas tben eoneidered in committee, but it beiug disci vered that no quorum was present, the committee arose and reported the absentees to t be House There were twenty eight leaves of absence granted, making a total of 131 members absent on leave, and then the House adjourned, the common understanding being that no linsiness should be transacted to-morrów.


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