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Postmaster General Howc is offleially iuformed by the Canadian postofllce department tbat au act was passed at the last session of the Dominion parliament exemptingfrompostage alluews papers mailed from the office of publication iu Canada addressed to subscriben in that country and that under the terms of tlie postal convention of 1875 tilia exemption from postage has also been extended to newspapers mailed from Canadian offices of publication and addressed to subscribers in the United States. A NARROTV ESCAPE. C. A. Cimery, a locomotivo, íireman, of Grand Rápida, Mich., jmnpcd from a Canada Southern coach near Tilbury, Ontario, while asleei. nnder Kiinnositinn tliñt hp wn nn in'o own engine and was about to collide wlth another train. Although the train as making 45 milos an hour the somnambulist eseaped with slight bruises. A LON0 LEAP. A stranger, J. Davis, from London, rcgistered ui the International hotel, New York, and sbortly after being assigned a room he jumped from the sixth story wmdow into the central area of the hotel, splitting his skull in two. DECEABED. Col. 6. W. Sehofleld, of the regular army, died suddenly at Fort Apache, Arlzona. Hewas a brother of Gen. J. M. Schofield, coni mander of the división of the Paciflc. NOTICE OF KEDUCTION. The notices posted in their Works by the Phcenix iron company of Phnenixyille, Pa., inform the employés that a reduction of wagee will go into effect Jan. lst next. The puddlcrs are reduced to $4 per ton and other employés Lu uu ïuuiR-uu uuoui ( per cení, me compunv employee about 3,000 men. A TEXAS TOWS BADI.Ï BUKXED. Fire devastated Corsieana to the extinl c.f $150,000. The most serious losers are Soales & MeCannon, 1,200 bales oí eotton; Congressmau MlUs' business house, and 18 or 20 genera] stores were destroyed. TUE INSURANCE. The iusuranee upon the Hall bloek and eontents burned at Toledo foots up $472,000. The building was abundantly supplied with fourinch water pipe, with eoils of hose on every floor, as a safeguard again6t flre, but when it became necessary to use them they were iound to be empty. The water had been shut uil' to prevent freezing. A GREENUACK ASSEMBLAGE. The central committee of the national greenback labor party hekl a meeting at St. Louis on the 3Oth instant. A dispateh of this date s:üd : i'After the noon hour the raembers lield an nformal talk among themselves, in which it was developed that the principal questions before the committee would be the adoption of a platform ; also the propriety of changing the name of the party. This látter is cxpect'ed tó cause alively fight in the committee. There will be four distinet propoeitions to re-name the party, a?, the National, the anti-Monopoly, the Independent and the Whig. It is also probable that aetion will be taken on the prohibition question. The committee were in exeeutive session during the afternoou and are holding a secret meeting agaiu to-night. It leaked out, however, that the chicf matter before the committee so f ar Is a resolutlou presented by De LaMatyr of Indiana, lookiug to dissolutton of the Greenback party, the calling of a national convention by alf elements opposiug the Republican and 'Democratie parties and organization of a new party under a new name. It is understood that all "the leading spiritu present including Gen. Wcaver of lowa, 1 1. ipkins of New York, Chambers of Texas, )v LaMatyr, Studebakcr and Post of Indiana, SpringOf rT iïliiri Tllll s-if T Mik -,1 „11 ._.!._ vi ui -'■ .iiiir . i i ni yií lot. lJl).lln illlll ULULIB ttUVO" cated the proposition, in fact it is said nobody opposed il exeept Jessc Harper, who thought it would be botter to continue the present organization and gradually edúcate the pcople up to their principies. Messrs. Weaver and De LaMatyr are said to have made strong speeches in favor of the resolution." HOW IT TUKNED OCT. Except to lawyers it is not generally known that ander the common law it is a crime to attempt self-destruction. It is quite.unusual for any one to be arrested on this charge, but a case has just come up and been disposed of in New York worthy of note. Dorothea Christina Matzeu was arraigned in oourt on a charge of attempted suicide, lier reason being that she was refused the hand of a man in marriage whom she had come from Germanv to get. Everytalng wa6 in readiness for the cas'e to proceed, when her lover came to the front, and made known through a triend, his deeire to save tlie girl by marrying her. All parties conseni ing, the defendant was dismissed, when her future husband feil to the Hoor in au opileptic fit. Ou recovering the eeremony was performed, and au vrero niaue napp) . FAII.ED. The City bank of Rochester, N. Y. has falled w.'th liabilities amounting to $500,000. A list of creditors is not obtalnable. Mr. L. P. Koss, a director, bcing Introduce)} explained the cause as follow i : "Charles E. Upton, the president of the bank, took the bank's moncy tul lic extent of $330,000 to speculate in oil, without the knowledge or consen' of the directora or any ot the officers." This f act was not discovei edun til the day bef ore the f allure. Mr. Rosa thinks 75 per cent. wlll be obtained by the deposltors. Upton will probably be arrested. TnE riNi; pajd. Gten. N M. Curtie, of New York, convlcted of levylng politica! assesements on governmeni employés uuder him, has paid his flne of Y1,500 to Judge Barrett. ELECTIOX DAY APPOIKTJOB. Gov. Porter of Indiana, ha appoiuted Tuesday, .lanuary 9, as the date for a special electiou for successortothe 'ate ( 'ongressman Orth. It is be'ieved the republiean nomiuee will be Ilon. Jos. K. Gray, ol Hamllton eounty, and that the demócrata will name Ilon. Thoj. B Ward. TUK KINGSTON" I!HI.. The steamer Alvo, froni Kingston, Jamaica, brings details of the recent conflagratlon. All Bhippina removed out of the liarhor was saved, altnough the heat at that distanee vragso greai that they had to lii-cp the salie et. lluudrals of people fieeiug from. the city swam out, the Alvo retculog 2üO. T!ie loss was $3,(KX),0(K). The iiistom house was fi red several timee. but saved. The cause of the ire sprcadlng is nttributed to the f act that all the houeee were roofed with plne hingles. ANOTIIEH BHOKEN HANK. ïhere ia great excitement at Víctor, New York over the suspension of Moore's bank, with liabilities of $100,000. Mr. Moore made an asslgnment to Josiah Upton of Víctor, of a $12,000 farm, raortgagcd f or $0,000 ; the bank building, $12.000, mongaged tor $7,000: cash and papers in the bank vaults, $1,000. Therc are 1,200 dapositors, with balances on deposito! $35,000. stFFERINa SETTI.EKS. It is reported frtan Dakotathat 15 families of Russiau refugees, sent by the relief associations to different parta of this territory, are destitute, and unlcss aid is furnishcd at once they will starre or freezc to dcath. MSASTK0U.1 FTUE AT nrFI'ALO. A most disastrous fire occnrred in liuffalo, N. Y., on the afternoon of Dec. 21. The fire is one of the most destructive that has visited the city in manv years. A oí business blocks were dcstroyed, among them the beautjful Maaonic temple and Commercial Advertiscr building. The loss is roughly estimated at $300,000. The fire originated in the engraving room of the Commercial Advertiser building. Files of the Advertiser for 50 years were lost, and the loss on stock, fixtures'and building is about .$170,000, withan insuranceof $100,000. The carpets and furniture of the Masonic" temple, costing $12,000, together with the jewels, valued at 25,000 more, were all destroycd. TIIET AGHEE. The Sioux Indian eommission has arrived at rierre, duk., Davmg effected au amicable trcaty highly satisfaetory to both parties, 4,200 Indiana of different Sioux tribes being treated with, The new reservation is boundcd on the north by the Cheyune Grand Elver, on the south by the Cheynne river, on the weet by the 103 meridian, and on tlic cast by the Missouri river. This opena up a vnst i , rritory to settlement and gives au unquestlqned route to the Black Hille. A Krcit PROM ST. THOMAS. Ata meeting of the eity couucilofSt. Thomas, Ont., a eommittee was appointed to wait upon tlie Canada Southern railway officials with reference to protesting against, the proposed removal of that company's offices to Detroit, as agreed upon as one of the terms of the consolidation with the Michigan Central. It was detcrmined to have reeourse to the law, if neces sary, in order to prevent sueh remova!.


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