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Civil Service Reform

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wo hope the demócrata in congres will oppose the bill introduced by Senator Pendleton, designed to reform the civil servicf-, and called the "civil service reform bill." It is con'raiy to the spirit of oiir republicati institutions, because it creates an office holding class- an exclusive set, who are to bold office uring good behavior, and it is doubtful wneiner or not it will havo my effect on the as-essment of governmcnt offiels in the ititirest of the republioan pariy. The niost of these officials are men wbo will ive hII that their meaus will allow, ia ny event, io cleft-at the democratio par tv; and tbe democrais, by allowini; the bill io pa-s, are simply allowiug these bitier paitsans to hold their p.-süions m case of democratie seccess In 1884, and cutting off ihe chanci s of tlieir own suc cc-ss to a certain extent, as the hope of a gov.rment position, ia case of a democratie victory in 1884, would nerve many of Lis party. Just why men, who have held a fat govermtnt office for yoais, slioiild be rstained for yers to come by democratie volea, the writer fails to ee. We ought t mike the governrnent democratie and cli nu out the sink holes of fraud and corruptioa at Washington. The people want to look over the books, hen the chanco comes, ani see for theinselve how things have been tho past tweüt}' years. This can aot be done wlilc Uie government offices are filled by republican political tools. If the governmeut is to lie demnoratic, ufter 1884, Ut it all be democratie, and allow thse tnola and wire pullen to retire to privatu life, and be repleeed by meo who will iidminist' r Die affai s of (fovernment in aceordanoe wilh democraiic principies. How ca the (emocraf y hope for smci ss iu the future if thi ir eflbrts in the interest of good government and houest reform is to be, as it will be if this bill passes, impeded by these republican offi;e holder.-V We are oppoed t o holding office lor life, irrespeciive of politie. . i-ii. v c j 'Mil' i iiit.iiM,. ui i nyi 1111 11 1 111U civil seivica wihout doing anythiug coutrary to he spint of the sonsiitiitiou. Tbere h;is been too mueh aping of monaroü.oül forms durina: the past Iweiity, and this is but anlher step iu t:at direct ion. To crea 'e an uffice holding iiritocracy is not the way to bring about genuine ri turm. We hopu to tes the bill deftated. ÏLat it was intioduc d by a democratie s nor and defU'ied by a few democratie papers, lke ihe New York World, whioh is c ntrolled by Jay Gould, who said he would yive a million dollars to 8te örunt pre?ident for a third trim, ib uu reasou viiy il siiuiuu ou supportcd by democratie vi.te-j. It is not ili'znocmt iu aml ought to b.; defeatd, and pröbably will bc. o. L. M.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat