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Business Locáis. For Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, o aucl see L. Grviner, 8 Main street. Hair Jewelrybraided in any pattern to order at No. 7 Huron street. EverythinK in Hair-Goods Mrs. Fitoh kwps. When you are ready to buy that Christmas present look at Stimson's Hoüday Goods. We think Stimson has the finest display of Lamps and China in the city. Cali and see them. Just you try Stimson's Tea, at fifty cents per pound, and be convinsed that it beats them all. Fine Porcelain Ware at Stimson's. Stimson keeps Groceries, Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps, at prieeH to suit cash buyers. Try them. Hair Bands in PearJ, Gilts, Cut Steel and Silver in a variety of patterns at No. 7 Huron street. Seventy-five barrels of pure eider vinegar for sale at J. Hoffstetter's, 34 South Main street. This vinegar is from six to eight yeare oíd and will be sold by the gallon oï barrel. ,T. Hofí-stetteií. Mrs. Miller who keeps the Diehl house onDetroit srteet woul d be pleased to have those in want of meals or an oyster stw, to give her a cali. Thos. MnttlutTTs pays cash torchiokena dead or alive. His placo of business i ou Huron street, opposite the new engine hoiise. Rigs to rent cheap at Gill Suow's barn. Fob Salk - A farra of 60 acres. There is a good house and ba ma ou the promises. The place is a mile and a half from the city. There ifl uo better farm in the county for the number of acres. Jamek Hülbkbt. Chkistmas! Christmasü - Fora Chrismas present cali and buy a Whitley Jet, Gilt or Pearl Ball Comb, at low figures, at Mrs. Fitch's. No. 7 Huron street. Fob Saik - Brown horse, youufj, kind, and sound. Also a two seated sleigh cheap. J. Ferdon, 68 State street. Leonhard Gniner has the finest line of Boots and Shoes in the city. J. B. Sage has made arrangement with Jno. Moore for all music ordered from him, to be delivered at his store. Parties eau get the ame from calling. A hack in readiness at all hours at Snow's livery stable. Charges reasonable. Dry gonds boxes for sale eheap at NV. 9 South Main street. InniR puys cash for live chiekens. At No. 7 Huron street ladies can flnd Switches to suit them from $1 upwards. Important to Tjravelebs. - Speoial Inducemeuts are offered you by the Bdrlinoton Route. It will pay you to read their advertisement found elsewhere iu this issue. If yon wish a fine pair oí Slippers, cali at Leonhard Gnmer'n. No. 8 South Main streot. Ladies' I havo all the Latent Styles in Hair Goods, and the Greatest Variety of Wave. The Thompson, Broadway, Pinafore, Lotta, Pin-Perfection, Doublé Coquette, Neck Cnrls and Switches. I have all the Novelties in Ornaraents, Ooraline Bands, Coraline Hair Pins in Pancy Colors, Blond Hair Pina, Invisible Steel Pointed Hair Pins, Rubber Hair Pins, Criniping Pms. Preneh Pertuined Bandoline Powder, etc., etc., If you want a fine hoise and carriage ?o to Gilí Snow, who Iiíih purchased Kitredfje's livery barn. Ladies ! Come early and see the Daisy, Pin-Perfection, and Lotta Waves. tío lady goes away without buying some one of them. Mrs. Fitch always gives satisfaction. Silk Handkerohiefs, all styles, at A. L. ííoble'B Star Clothing House. Coraline Bands are all the rage. Mrs. Fitch bas tliem in Bed, Yellow, White, etc. L. Gruner sells Boots and shoescheaper than auy other m m iu the city. Gbigo's Glyoerine Salve.- The best on whioh eau trui y be said of Grigfr's Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cure for cuts, l)ruises, scalds, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter, and all skin eruptions. Satisfaetiou guaranteed or money refiinded. Only 25 cents. For sale by Éberbaoh & Son. Add fue! tu the fiame -Milton'a Samson. The Sexton Writes -Fouutiimtoivn, Shelby Oo., Ind.- Mr. A. Kiefer, Sir: For some years past I have been afllieted with liyer complaint. I have had several physicians treating my case, but they all failed to reach tlie seat of disease. During the past year I got much worse and became so weak and feeble as to be unnble to do any work. I had a great deal of headache, and at times became so dizzy that I had to lay down. About six weeks ago I comoienced Tising your Taraxine; and after taking the third dose I feit that dizziaess and headache were leaving me. I jontinued the use of it till I had taken LUlt ULHbltJH, 1I1U i. EtIU 11OW cl Weil IHHT1, and am able to do a days svork on the farm. Yours trnly, Daviu Sexton. For sale by Eberbah & Son. Through thick and tliin. - Uowper's Johu Gilpin. Riohes in Hop Fabmino.- At the present prices, ten acres in Hops will bring more money than flve hundred acres in any other farming; and, if there is a consumer or dealer who thinks the price of Hop Bitters high, remember that Hops are $1.25 per lb., and the quantity and quality of Hops in Hop Bitters and the price remains the same as formerly. Don't buy or use worthlesg stuff or imitations because the price is les. The child is father to the man. worth. Oomposed of the best known tonica iron ani einchona, with well known aromatics is Brown Iron Bitters. It curea indigestión and all kindred troubles. A dim religious liglit -Milton's IlPenserose. "'They who cry loudest are not alwavs the most hurt." Kirtney-Wort does its work likt; Ibe Good Samaiitan, quickly, unnstentatiously and witli ihorouehness. A New Hampshire lady writes: "Mnther has beeti afflicterl for years wilh kidnev diseases. Last spring sho was very ill anil had an alarming pain and numliness in one side. Kidnoy-Wort proved a (fieat blessing and has completely cured lier. Consume the midniglit oil - Oray's Shepherd and Philosopher. No woman reallv practicas economy unlesa slie uses the Diamond Dyes. Many dollarscan be sa ved eveiy year. Ask }our diuggist. A fellow feeling inakes ua wondions -Garriek's Epilogue on Leaving the Stage.


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