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"Kotjöh on Rats." - The thing Desired fouud at ]st. Ask Druggists for "Koiiijh on Rats." It oleara out rats, wice, ronohos, nies, bed-bugs 15c boxee. Hobson's choiee - 509th Spectator. Who shall decido when doctors 'Iíhügree?- Pope's 4th Moral Essay. Tkhttmovy from the Pkess. - To thoso afflicted with lung trouble, hear what VV. D. Wilson, of tlie Ottawa (111.) TimoH sa.vs : "After beiiifr disabled three rnotithn with a eouKh and lung trouble, ofteii spitting blood, osn tentify that Iaiucured permanently by the ubp of Dr. Bijfelow'n Positivo Cure." A free trial bottle oan be had at Eberbah i' Sou' drug store. Brevity is the aoul of wit- Hamlet. None bat the brave deserve the fair Dryden's Aloxander's Feust. BtJOïiiiN's Akmca SaiiTb.- -The beat !tlv; in the world tor out, bruine8,sori;H, uloerB, alt rheuni, fever Hore, tetter, liapped hnndH, chilblains, oom and all kinds of skin eruptions. Thi salve is iiiaranttieil to give perfeot satisfaotion n every case or tlie moiiey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Ebjerbaeh & Son, Aun Arbor, Mieh. Mother wit- Spencer's Faiiie Queen. Tired nat ure's sweet re3torer, balniy i sleep- Young's Night Thoughts. Frbe- A New Discovery for Piles.A new reinody for this dreadful disease has been discovered by D. Deining. A I single application will convince the most j skeptical of its most wonderful healing I powers. By calling on Eberbaeh fe Sou, '■ drugjiists, you eau obtain a sample box free of cliarfre, which will satisfv j self of its curative qualitiea. Dajth loves a ahining heart. ïoung. Coming events cast their shadows befo re - Gray's Loehitl's Warninif. .Teaxoüst. - Some poet has said thut : "All torments of the damned we find ia the, oh ! Jealousy, thou tyrant of the mind!" Thia is grandly sweeping and I magnifieently iuaccurato. Any suflerer j from indigestión knows to the coutrarv. j Indigestión, the villain of the tragedy { played among the gastric jiiices of the stomach eau and does doublé discount j the horrors of jealousy. Jenl nisy is i ten an attendant ,upon the latter, and '■ when indigestión is removed the jaundiced eoinpanion of a deranged livor nies. Taraxine i the best known remedy tant for impaired indigestión, deranged iici, umi uiütji(. ui iiio !..m v in iiuu kidneys. For sale by Eberlmck & Sou. Music hath chann tosoothetheNBVHiri' brcast - Congrove's Morning Bride. Bread is the staffof life. -Dean Swift. Sktnnï t&ss.-WeÜB' Health Rpncwer. Absolute cure for nervnus dobility and wenkiiess of the pcueretive furjctions. 81. at draggista. Mich. Depot, JAMES K. DA VIS Co., Detroit. Mioh. Virtne is her nvn reward. - Priot'i Ode. Hokest and Liberal.- When the Hops in each bottle of Hop Bittere (at the preseDt priee, #1,25 per lb.,) cost more thau a bottle is sold for, bpsides the other costly medicinee, and the qualityand price Hre kept the name, we think it is honest nnd liberal iu the proprietor, ftiid uo one should.oomplain, or bnr or or nse worthless stuff, or eheating bnrriiR imitations because tho priee ie less. Xrai hended Philtis. -Mütou'a IAllcgro. A Bure ftr ímpoverishtíd blood, ]iiuplss, sallow complexión, i Brown's Iron Bitters. It will produce a healtliv color smooth skin, and is tibsohitelv not injurona. An honest man is the nolW-Ht work of God- Pope. Wobthy of Praise. - As n rule we do not reconimend Patent Medicines Iut when we know of oue that really is a bublie benefactor, and does postively cure, then we consider it our duty to impart that information to all. Electric Bitters are truly a rnost valnable medicine, and will surely cure Bihousnesa, Fever and Agxie, Stornach, Liver and j Kiduoy Complaints, even when all other remedies fail. We know whereof we speak, and can freely recommend thora to all.- Eaeeh.- Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Brown & Co. He that runs niay read -Oowper' Tirocinium. Given Awa y We cHunot help noticing the liberal offer made to invalids avd auft'erers by Dr. Kinfj's New Discovery for Consumption. You are requested to cali at Brown & Co's drug store and get a trial bottle freo of cost, if you are uffering with consumption, Severe CoufrhB ] Coldi, Asthina, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, j .Loss of Voice, Hoarseness, or any tion of the throat or lungn. It will ' itively cure you. While there's Hfe there's hope. Gray'a 26th fable. Youag lady, do not despair. There is still hope. Dr. E. C. West's Nerre and B ain Treatinent will oure hysteria aud all nervous trouble-. Hold at Brown Sr Co.'s Druif Store. Fvora the sublime to tho redioulons.Tom Paine. The Tbue Test.- If a iuan is bungry wlthin aa hour more or less alter h ii)eal he i n dyspepüc, it shova lii stomich íh nol ablo lo dispone of i hut he lias eaen. bui lo ei! ifniu, nivl thu iniposimore woi'k, is abeurd ty. Take Ür. Jones Ked Cover Tonie which curen lyspepsl and all Blomach, live'-, k.dney au 1 bladder troubles. It i a perfect tonio, sppetizer, blood puririer. 11 unie oure for uia1 irinl disew-e. and agüe. Priego 50 cp)its, at Elierbach Soii'k. Man propuse bitt (ird disposes Thonins a'Kempia. Neareu toNatviu:. Nature hag nnde 1 er la-ws with ui ■n-liiih -ne nmi ober or ! suffer th ■ penalty. 'I hie penalty is o'ften luns: or.throat trouble, whioh lends to coixHuroptiim. fjvery uian believes oonsiiinpiiou iDcurable. Peoplp have been ! educated to úv.b belief whitih i proveí) incorrect by Dr. Bigelow's Po.-itivc Cuie which is nature's grtat helpuiate, aud it ! cures consumpliou and all throat and iuug diseases permanent Ly and apeedih Trial iKittles free, at Eberbach Son'." Linkcd RweetucH? lnsr dnwn ont- Milton'a L' Allegro. "He who is ready to buy up kis enende.s will uever wflnt a supply of thera." It i oheaper to bnv a (rué fricud in Kidnoy-Vori, wbo will drive away those enemies a torpid üver, constipation, diabelet, pileH. diseasod kidneys and Iowe1s Tuis remedy ii dow prep iréd n liquid a ttcII as in dry form. A ssdder and s wiser man Coleridg'i Ancient Marmer. The woudors of inodem c-hciinsfry ara sppa'ent in the beautiful Diamond Dye-. AU kinds iind o 'lm'-, of inl; c m Im mida from thoui. Not much tlie wor.c for ('o-wper's John Gilpin. MTR. IL.. N. FITCII. HAIRWORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Neti, r;i-'iwiiu Crlmpa, llroirt.-, Curia, dt-e. Hair-Dressing for Brides, Balls and Theatricals a opyuíany. Jewelry Braíded ín any Pat'n Hurón St. - - Ann Arbor. thtrty dayt f rom nottee o) HnUh.


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