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lisíate of Martha S. Dentón. CT ATE OF MICHIGAN, county of wuAtnw 0 ís. At a esRion of the probate court for the coiuity oí WnshU'iiaw, holden at the probate oföce, in the rit y of Ann Arbor, on Frulaj. the S&th flay of December in the year oue tlionsand eignt hundred and eigbt-y-two. Present, Wüliom F. FTarrfman, jndpfp of probate. In bï tnatir of the catate f-'f Marthu B. Dentón, deceased, EdTrafdl Klnne, ooe of feae excutora of the last wü! and testament of said deceaaed, comes tato court and represent tbnt he is now preparad to render his annual account as sueh executor. Therpunn , it isordered, that Saturday, the thirtcri'tfi day of Janna ry noxt, at ren o'clock in tho forcnoon, bc as!signed for examini'iij and allowing suchA.ccount.and thar th hei ra at law of said deceased and all other persons Intrested in sald estatn. ure required toappearat asession of waid court, then to be holden at the probate oflïce, in the city of A nu Arbor, and show causo if any fhere be, why the said account should not be allo wed: And H is further ordered, that said executor give notire fo the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeuoy of Raid account, and the hearing thereof, b causíngr a copy of this order to be pubUshed in The Ann A.YDOT Dcnwcr&t, a newapaper printed and circulated in said county. two íuccearive weeks previou to vald day of nearinsr. WILUAM D. HAKKIMAN, A true copy.) Judge of Probat. Wm. O. Doty. Probate Reifiter, DO YOU TAKE A COUNTY PAPER ? If not, aml yon arfl alxut c invite your attention to i lie ANN ARBOR DEMOGRAT ! And respectfully inform you that It is the People's Paper. IT PCJtLlüHES FULT. REPOBTS OF ALl IMPORTA KT EVENTS In TTRbtmaw countv. It glvea a roiiciso anrl inlertstinji suuininry of Tin; iroiiLirs NEWS, ForeiLii, Axnericftn, Congressional, VVcsrTn snd Korthern. It prints 3K 1ÍEWS OF MICHIGAN; 3oiled down for brief roading, and ílveii qrnopata of the dolnge of tbc Legüli It cïironiclos all tuk HAPpsmyas m a a The eounty spat, givini? full nnl accurate re bf th Circuit Court. Politica! Meotíuga, Farni6rH Olubs, Unlversity amt School Matte, Etc, il' JS FEARLE8S la. its denxuiciatlon of monopolies, and all otheiburdenstlmt weiRh upon Iho People; and shows up all frauds regardlesa of wno it. hits. It pubiishos A OOOD S1ORT Every woek, and lias interestiug niiicles for the rouns. '&ft Piirc i.-i $1. per Ttar, in Arlvance., nd is retrarded by its subscriboi-s ns too valuablo :o loan; sodou'ttryto borrow. We invite your ttnntion to ome of the nian3' complimentary ihingsthatareheingHaiilof The Dkmocbat"It evinoes shrewiliuss, push and ability."- Langlng Journal. 'It is makinpc frifmds ert 7 day. It, ia a wellonduetod and roadaWo Meet'.-Pontiac BUI Poat#r. ",A-.rSry entwpiWilft "idp-awako local jour 'Afi Uof ne7 anr Rood a-V'"Ks. "-Gchcm "It is a live, spicy newFpappr. and a ralnable iddition to the joiirnaliEtic list of Washtenaw jounty."- Tccurnseh Ucrnlrl. "Editorially, locally and tvpoRraphically it i ine of tue flnest looking pajiers that ever carne nlo Ihis offlee. "-Detmit Keenino Acu-x. "Thk Democat aboundsinable andvigorous 'ditoials, a great variety of local information md interestinR ci-npral tires and mLscollaneoua natter. -Jackucn Patriot. 'THE DEMOCRAT" II Publtehed I'.vrry Tliiirpday Mornine. does UfUVOÜ ■o-DRrULWJIÏj Hn-,iinp it ai-laon tlw I.IVL'K, IIOWELsl umi KIDNKYS ut tlieimrnfUine. I Becaiue it ciAnF0B theeyitemof Uiepoüion-H Jons inunora that develope in Kidney and Url. H Hinary Diseoses, Eilloujcncs, Jaujsdioo, Consti. Q ■patfon.Pilm, or In Bheuraatia:n. Nstimtgia, tÊ PlNervom l'iioram Kua l'omalo Coraplaint. ■ 8EB WHiT PJÜOPLB BAT : U "";, of Jiinctlon Citv. Kanraa,n ■ .". bitlne.r-Wortciirtd blm Mftor recular l'bj U ■Islciaiia luiú buen tiylng for four jeai . Q Mr. Jolin Al'tif 11. .r (Vanliluirtuli, Olllo, Miy PI ■ herl.oywseiPiiiii.t,.,ll hr four lnominentU HpliTSlcMiia na tliat lis un atlonvanU cui'edl by ■ !■ M. M. B. nomiBln, nnedttoi-in CbBvdon, 01ilo,H ■ aayBllJwainoteiMoudlullra. balliff NlMtlfl nbwondhelifr, luit Kidiioy Wortciiredhim. ■■ ■ Anna L. Jarintt of Soutli Salem, N. T.. iniU ■Jthotfeven fron. kldnTtroiil)lsiB , 11"!" r couiplk-atloui cuslvil Ijj tU une o'M ■ John D. Lawrenc of JacVion, Tiui„ iffereriM ■Ifor y-rir(Mii Iivt nn,l kidnqr liouhlo anilH Híi'dne.-w'cüíni'a'hí,',1; &." '"."Q I Mtehn- oeto ut MontKotmry Cenlr. Te.. ■ imabl ia work. Kidney-Wort inad himM ■ "moUiuetai." PERMANENTLY CURES I Qkidney diseases, liver complaints.i PlConstipation and Piles, f 19" It input np In Prr Vrcctable Fitrm te H ■Jtln eansf oie packageof wliicli maiisBix quartp ■■ not Alisoin l.tqiil.l Form, Trrr Onn. W Hcntrate)f for tbüt tbflt t:aitnot renriiiy M ■ prsll. ■ BF" f "'t wiffl tqntil effleientv ♦ tttbv farm. ■ H GET ir ATTHE DltUGGISIS. TRICE, .Q ' 1 WELLS. KltiUUDSOM Jk Co.. Prop'. I 3fW)U end the dry post-paJd, ) III I1M6TO. TT. Q Bk9CHC3Bl]HCBDHKXOB Roineniber Thi. Jf TOU are wiek Hop Bitter!, aid Nature in m;kin; yon we else failn. If you nro eontive or dyspeptic, or are su ffering froni iny other nt : ons fliseasea of the stomaob oi -, it is your oto ïault if yon . Hop Bitters are a 8overei#u ïvuK-dy in l sin la coraplainte. If you are wasting away with any fonn of Kidney disease, stop temptiiix Dea i this moment, and turn fur a cure to Hop Bitters. If you are siok with tbat terrible siokDass, Xervoiisness, you wül tind n "iialm of Gilead" ii) the use of Hop Bitters. If you are a frequenter, or a resident, I of a miasmatic district, barricflcli1 yonr system offainst the scourge of all cottntrieB muiaria], epidemie, bilious and interraittent -bv the use of Hon Bittew. If yon havo roufjh, pimply or Ballot? skin, bad brcatli, pnins bhü achee, and fet)l miserable generally, Hop Bitters will sive jou fair skin, rich blooo, and sweetest bresth, health and comfort. In short cure all diseases of tlie storaach, Bcrwels, Blood, Liver, Nerves, Kidnoj-H, Bright's Díhihío. 8600 will be jiaid for a case tbfly will uot oure or help. That poor, bed-riddon, mvalid wife, sister, mother or danghter, oan be made the pioture of heoltfa by i few bottles of Hop Bitters, costina hut a trifle. Wil) you let them surTer? cFOR THE PERMANENT CURE 0F 2 rinMTiïAxsorj ï x tnf r ■ w ■ m r+ ■ m - m ■ O lío otbr diaoaoe is o ïnroTaioTit in thia Q " try asGoTjHtipjitioa, and no remod,rhii ever equmlled th cclebratod KJduoy-Wui-t as a c E cor. Wkatever tïio cauaö, howcrer obetinato f5 W the oait. t.his wmedy will overootue ït. k. 0 DIÉ CA THI8 difitroMñr.R O CiWfcW plaiat 1 very apt to be - 5 oomplicated witlicouaUpation. Edney-Vort "J_ wt-rouittlieaB tha pria.k.en'Ml portseLad qiilckXv o'curo all Viuda of IUes even wh'in pliyoioüuul [ Vod ïtwdiodnea b ti boforo taileiL cl j í_?TIf ycu liave eiihe .- of thaw tj-oubl&a ] ; a. WAAJAJiri ■ That is what a great many people are doing. They don't know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and nches, and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yct found is Brown's Iron Bitters, and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and cnriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives out rlisease and gives health and strength. This is why Brown's Iron Bitters will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, malaria, intermittent levers, &c. Mr. Simon Blanchard, n weili:nown citizenof Hayesville, Meade county,Kentucky, says : " My wife liad been sick for a long time, and her consütutlon was alt broken down and she was unable to woik. She was advised to use Brown's Ircm Bitters, and found it to work like a . .1. r. _-. tMT ■■■■1 J f__ _ - 1 -illtU. ITCWUU1U nDlDOW DCWItnout it for any consideraron, as we consider it the best tonic in the v-orld." -__, Brown's Iron Bitters is not a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious effects. Get the genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations, Abstracts of Titles on Real EstáteTIIAVK complete c'oaipilatiou of the Offliial Records tr Wisbttiaw Couni.v txiaip. nclu ilinsf iH Tnx TitlRN, Exeoutione, auy iucutnïnanee on tleal Fuiat. lliai i of Kecord in tlie Reginter "ffice, is staowri bj ui,v book Office, in tfaA office of tbe 8rT6try of the Washtsnaw mutual nnce otnpany. in the basement of the cour house. C. H. MANLY, Ann Arbor, Mteh ff CC a week in your rnvn towu. Terms and S5 JOD outfiti. fr...'. Vddri . ! Hfllletl & Oo., portland. Mallie I


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Ann Arbor Democrat