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COOK HOUSE AND ST. JAMES EH HUDSON, Proprietor, . Newly Furnlshed. Ann Arbor. W. W. NICHOLS, DKMTAL OmCE, over Joe T. Jacobs' Clothng store. Ann Arbor, Mich. ■ WILL1AM CASPARY, r AKEEY AND CONFECTIONERY, 32 Detroit Street. JOSEPH CLINTON, MsrehantTailor. shop over Wm. AUaby's boot and shoe store, All work guaranteed or no obarge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, TTORNEY AT LAW. -fYofftee, Nos. S and 3 Hill's Opera House. Anu Arbor, Mion. O. C. JENKINS, SURGEON DENTIST. Room No. 19 Zouth Main Street, opposito tho First National Bon Ann Arbor, Mloh. THOS DALE, the Professional Dyer and Clothes Claaner.third door soath of the Opera House. Samples of work cj&h be seen at the shop . Satiaf acnon guaran eeed. ANTON EISELE, rvEAL&R IN MONUM"CTS and Qravettones LJ imiuufactured froni '1 nnesseo and Italian Marble aud Scotoh aod merioan Granice 8hop &r. Detroit and Catherine sta., Ann Arbor., BÊcli. JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Specta les, Plated Ware. Gold Pen3 and Fine Jewelry. Special attention given to repairinjr Watchos and Jewelry. 8 South Main Street. nn Arbor. WILLIAM HERZr HOUSE, SIQN, Ornamental and Fraco Pain ter. Gilding, Oalcimining, Qlazingand Paper Sauging AU work done in the bst atyle and warranted to eivesatisfaotion. Shop, No. 4 West Washington atreet, Ann Arbor, Michigan. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Successor to 8tone & Parsons, OFFICE AND DISPENSARY, Corner (Vaihlngton and Fifth Strccts, Ann Albor, Mich. E C. FRANK LIN, M. D. Prof. of SURQERY, HOMEOFATHIC DEPARTMENT, University of Michigan. Residetnc and office 41 Liberty street. Dr. Franklin wül attend surgical cases hare, or by eonsultiv on indifferent parts of the state. SPI " AL CÏÏUVA'llTItES AVD DEFOHMlTllS GURED by hi irnproved method. 3rlr. E. F. Toad Would cali tha attention of her old Patrons to the fact that, having removed her Dressmaking Room over A. Wilsey's Mugic Store, sho 1 prepared to do all kind of Dres and Cloak making In all the latest tyles. Perfect FiU Ouaranted. Chiidren's clothes a specialty. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. Ï)IANO8. ORGAN8, SHEET MUSIC, Inatrucüon Books, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, ace. ciieap at Wikey's Music Rooms, ast ido Public Square, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The largest and bst Stook of Musical Goods evt-r brou[ht into VVashtenaw Countr. Violln and Qutar ntrlnrs a tpeclalty. N. B.- It wUl be to your interen to CJili before purchaging anything in the Musia Ka, The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Organized 1889, undur the General Banking Law of tuis state) has now, including capital Stook etc., etc., OVER $500,000 ABSJtTB. Businass uien, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and otíier persons will flud this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at which to make Deposita and do busineef . Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of $1.00 and upward, according to the rules tb bank, aud interest compounded Bemi-annu afiy. Money to Loan in Sums of S2S Ht,OOO, Securcd by Unlnoumbred Real Estáte ftnd hor Kood seourities. DIBEUTOH'6- Chrinlilan Maok, w. w. Wlnes W. D. Harriman, Willlnm Dcnble, R. A. Baa Oantel UUcock Hnd W. B. Smith OFÏ'ICBKB- Obrlitian Macv. President; W W Wlnes, Vloe-PrwUK'nti C. E. Ulseock, Ciwtaler.


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Ann Arbor Democrat