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Amomlcdrogulations, and limit tables, dividing the Common School curriculum of the Montreal Common Schools into seven years instead of six, have been approved by the School Board. Albert University, Bellevillo, is about to mako a vigorqus cffort to raise its endowment to $100,000. Kev. J. A. Campbell) the energetic agent, is sanguine of success in his canvass. About $50,000 have been already subscribed. Inspector Kidd, of the Kingston Public Schools, has repoi'ted to his board igainst the practical value of the night schools of that city. The board therefore proposed to pay the Mechanics' Instituto $50 for the season, on condition that children be admitted to the evening English classes. On enquiry we find that among the promised and actual contributors to the Ryerson memorial fundare: - Archbishop Lynch, $10; Vicar-General Rooney, $10; Rev. Dr. Nelles, $10; Rev. Dr. Grant, $5; Rev. Dr. Caven, ígó; Provost Body, $5; Dr. Tassie, $5; Inspector Tiley, $5, &c. The counties of Halton, Ontario, South Hastings, and North York, and the city of Toronto, quite take the lead in liberal contributions to the fund. Much yet remains to be done to mako the scheme a suceess. Many counties, eities, and towns have as yet eontrihuted nothing, nor havo any of the colleges. Rev. Dr. Nelles, in a recent edncational address in Montreal, said: - The students in the denominational colleges numbered four to one when compared with those attending the secular colleges. Till 1841, wven the charter of their university was procured, there was not an institution in the Province of Ontario to which the youth of the Methodist persuasión eould repair to procure an academie training and seek an academie dogrec. After referring to the establishment of the Ladies' Colleges, he said that Victoria University was ,-itronger to-day than it ever wasbefore, but he hopéd the time would come when it would have a million dollars, and be the strongest university in the Dominion of Canada. The expenditure of the Provinco of Quebec for the past half of this year, as iven by the superintendent of public mstruction, is as follows: Commorj Schools ?155,000 00 Superior education proper 67,800 00 Ilifih schools of Quebee aud 2,470 00 treal 2,470 00 Compensation to R. C. iustitutlons for grant to high schools 4,940 06 Normal school 42,000 00 Institutions for deaf and dumb 13,000 00 Superanuated teachers' pensions... 8,000 00 Prize books 10,798 00 School Inspectora' salaries 28,745 00 Poor Municipalities 4,000 00 Jouneil oí public instruction 1,732 13 8ook depository 2,514 55 Montreal Provincial Exhibition. ... 700 00 School of science and art, Montreal. 5,600 00 Ecole Polytccnnique, Montreal 1,000 00 Miseellaneous 1,723 07 Total $345,000 75 The contributions to the theological faculties in the Methodist colleges this year are as follows: Trom the London conference, $2,730; Toronto Conference, $1,864; Montreal Conference, $1,488; SJova Sootia Conference, $535; New"oundland Conference, $227. The folowing disbursements had been made: Grants to studente, $3,752; on account of salary of president of General Conference, $200; liquidation of the debt of ;he society, $1,200; Victoria University, $914; Mount Allison College, $-157; Wesleyan Theological College,Montreal, $457. A nevv basis of apportionnent of the income has Deen decided upon for the ensuing year. One third wouldbe administerea as a loan fond to needy and deserving divinity studente; two-fifths of balance granted to Victoria University, and oneSfth to each of the following institutions Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal; Mount Allison Wesleyan College. Sackville, N. B., and Faculty of Theology, Coburg. The Toronto Conference contributed 4 cents, the Montreal Conterence 6 cents per niernber towards the educational work of the Church. In the cities, Hamilton contributed 11 cents per member, London 16 cents, Toronto 17J cents, and Montreal 19 cents. During the past qnadrennitim the ineome of the society bas been $25,000, and all the money which has been contributed for this purpose during the same period was $250,000. Of this suin Mount Allison College has reoeived $50,000, btansteau College jbo,OÜO, Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal, $55,000, iiinl the Educational College $25,000, making a total of $227,000. During the same period of four years the Methodist Church of Canada had given $750,000 for missionary purposes, making in all a million dollars contributed for missionary and educational purposes.


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Ann Arbor Democrat