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The Regenta adjourned to meet. Jan. 23. R A. Beal left for Lansingr Wednesday. Coroner Clark will hold no more inquesta. Annie Pixly at the opera house Jnnuary 10. Business was generally suspended Monday. Senator Kiohmond left for Lansiag Taesday. E. D. Manu, of Adrián, was in the city Tuesday. Rev. George, of Daxter, was ïij. town last week. "I-own-you," says the constable to th luckless tramp. City Eeoorder Fretiou got home from the east Tuesday. Fred Bettich smiles all over. Cause - a nine-pound boy. The common council will meet next Monday evening. Deputy Treasnrer Belser took the oath of office Monday. County Clerk Bobison took charg of the office Monday. If you feel cold cali at the post-office and warm yourself. W. A. Tolchard, treasurer of the university, has resigned. Dr. P. B. Rose, of Chicago, spent New lears with his family. Only one Kepublican now holds the fort at the court house. I. K. Pond was home on a viait to his parents a few days ago. Some $50,000 in taxes have been paid to City Treasurer Schuh. The oíd expresa office is being repaired for Durheim's cigar store. E. B. Clark has been appointed deputy olerk for this term of court. Dan Donovan opened his new store, in the Fifth ward, this week. & How muoh is a tramp worth, anyhow, in this Christian community? E. N. Gilbert and family enjoyed New Years day at Whitmore Lake. Frank Hangsterfer is hauling ice, which is some ten inches thick. Last Friday evening the Rev. John Alabaster lectured at Brighton. Charming Annie Pixley next Wednesday evening, January 10, in M'liss. Miss Maggie Donovan has returned from a four weeks visit in Chicago. This weather does not stiit livery menThey sigh for the " beautiful snow." During the past year there were 121 interments in Forest Hill cemetery. The Keek furniture oompany give a concert at Armoy hall this evening. A little snow would make fine sleighiug and materially improve business. Geo. R. Slatterly left last wek for Butler, Pa., to engage in railroading. Boughton's news stand has been removed te the new post-"ffice building. C. B. Davison has been presented with a gold watch and cliain by R. A. Beal. The trial of Sophie Lyons will commence in the circuit court Monda} nezt. It is rumored that the shops of the Toledo road are to be removed from thia city. Durheim's new store is to have a plateglass front and to be overhauled generaliy. Steinfeld, the boss clothier, announces a great reduction in clothing and underwear. Dr. Spaulding is moving back to Ohio on account of the severe illness of his father. The many friends of Dr. Cooker will be pleased to know that he is somewhat better. It will take at least a month before everytbing in the poBt-offlce can be arranged. A United States mail box has been placed on the lamp-pogt oppoaite the post-offioe. Edward O. Stiles, many years ago a resident of the city, last week visited his old friends. The savings bank makes a splendid showmg, as the statement published today will show. Judge Wilson, of Chicago, formrly probate judge of Washtenaw oounty Jid lust week. Andrew DeForest is io hnvs a tuit of rooms in the third story of the new post office building. The balls at the Whitmore Lako nd Clifton houses Monday evoning wer largrely attended. vuun upenau monaay ana aajourned until Tueday. Next Monday the jury ia to be in attendanoe. Albert H. Perry has been appointed supervisor of Sharon, viee 3. J. Eobison, elected oounty clerk. 8. N. Preston expec's to be able to open a cigar and tobaoco store m the Duffy block next week. The Detroit Evening News is the paper to take, for it oontaina all the latent news, boiled down fine. Fred. H. Beker, depnty oounty treasurer, forwarded to Lunsing, Wednesday, 35,090 on taxes of 1882. Ann street is now a good business street. lts property owners ought lo set them ud to brother Beal . The new superintendent of the poor, Wm. Aprill, met with the board, for the tirst time offloially, last Tuesday. Edgar Bumett, agent for the American Bxpress company at Jackion, is in the city visiting relations and frienda. , One young lady in this oity is jealoug because another young lady received 40 more callera than ene did New Years. " Tramp, tramp, tramp," is the oheery tong of the constable, as he marches ■ome penniless pedestrian off to prison. Miss Traoy Schiappacasse, who hu been visitingr her brother Jame, returned to her home in Detroit the last of the week. The Farmers and Mechanica' bank will be started as soon as the store to be vacated by C. J. Durheiin can be put in ■hape. David Rinsey, A. Kearney, and W. H. Mclntyre are Commissioner McKernans bondsmen. The bond is in the gum of $5,000. Jas. Kelly, Manchester ; Tho. F. Leonard, Ann Arbor, and Thos. Orcutt, Ann Arbor town, have been appointed depnty Three ex-probate judges of this county have died in a little over x months, H. J. Beakee, B. F. Granger and Judge Grmger. Prof. Holmes is giving eloontionary ntertainments throngh the northern part of the State, and is meeting with good suooesa. The bill for the maintenauoe of insane persons from this oounty, at Pontia, for the quarter ending December 30, 1882, was 81,119.57. W. Kendall, Geo. Knioherbecker and two othere, caught several bushel baskets of fish New Toar1 day, in the mili dam at Foster's. During the year the Forest hill oemetery oompany received 4,508.59 and disbunsed 83,496.03, learing a balance on hand of $l,00a56. Thos. Clarken was reappointed deputy sheriff yesterday. Mr. C. has been a deputy for years, and has always proven a very efficiënt ofificpr. When the new post-offioa opened, at 10 o'clock Monday, there was a perfect jam, and the clerks were kept buay in passing out mail matter. Circuit court oommisioner StephenBon's bond in the sum af 85,000 has been aocepted. The sureties are (Jeo. Stephenson and Thomas Ninde. The ahooting-gallery, which has been for some time above the billiard hall on Main street, will open next Monday in he Reynolds building on Ann street. It is astonishing how many persona cali to see Edward Duffy's gas engine. And then when they look at his goods and prices they art still more astonished. H. D. Bennett, secretary and steward of the university for the past 11 yearr presentad hia reaignation to the board of regenta Wednesday, which -raa accepted. M. C. LeBeau, of the Oolumbos buggy company, has had his salary inoreased to $1,800, and waa presented with 8100 last month. He must be a pretty good man For 19 years the expresa offioe waa looated in the old Thompson building on Huron atreet. The oöloe was moved Monday to the Btore vaoated by Southard. A M. Roderick feil off the train at th M. C. depot, Sunday morning, and got his head badly cut. Dr. Darling sewed up the wound and gent him on Lis way rejoicing. The Aan Arbor agriculturol oompany eleoted the following direotore yesterday: J. A. Scott, J. W. Knight, J. J. Ellis, Jno. Finnegan, M. Seabolt, E. W. Moore, J. M. Wheeler. A Mr. Bennett of Jaokson has rented the old Weil tannery; at the foot of Washington treet, and will manufacture eider. He wiü also dry fruit and manuf act ure jellies. The X Y. Z. olub, oomposed of young oolored gentlemen of this oity, giva a social party Monday even ing. Therewaa a bill of fare, and the layout is laul to have been immense. "Thunder and lightning ?' exolaimed __ uuuuouu, na ue mi suaaeniy down on the sidewalk laat Sunday morning, on his way to church. No one else heard the thunder nor ww the lightning. A party who tried to get out of the city laving one of our business men in the lurch, to the extent.of $100, was caught on the fly by Olcutt. The goods will be ■old soon, in the old Register building. Washtenaw lodge No. 9, I. O. O. F., elected the following offloers Friday evening: N. G., H. E. Gidley; V. G., E. J. Morton; R S., Geo. Soott; P. S., C. Krapf; treasurer, H. T. Morton; B. to G., J. Sprague Installation this evaning. Next Friday evening, January 12, Dr. A. B. Palmer vill lecture at the university on the phyuioal and pathologioal effects of alcohol. This is the second of the acientific temperance leotures ofifered by the university temperance association. The board of supervisors approved the bond of Jacob Knapp, sounty treasurer. The bond is for 8150,000 with sureties as follows: Ernst G. Haarer, Wm. Nebling, M. Klayer, D. G. Eose, John F. Spafford, Gottfried Eisemann, Fred. Scheible, M. MoDougall, Wm. Kirohgessner, Lambert Dresaelhouse, Conrad Lehn, M. Seabolt, Jacob Eeichert, David Riasey, L. Fritz W. B. Smith, W. W. Winee, L. Gruner, O. Mack, Fred. Schmidt, Jr., C. H. Worden, W. D. Harriman, Wm. DuebeJL D Hisoock. I Eyerett B. Clark, ex-oounty clerk, etepg down and out with 8 reoord to be proud ot. Fot four years he faithfully daib arged the duties ot the offioe, nnd as he contémplate oon leaving for Dakota, the well-wiuhea of bis many friend will fullow him to hia new home. The followingr uamed persons are on Couuty Olerk Bobison's bond, as master in ohancory, which is for $6,000: Wm Osborn, Albert H. Perry, Lambert Giskie. Ab county clerk, in the snm of $2,000, ■vrith the following sureties: A. J. Kobison, Wm. Kirohgessner, Horatio Bnrch. Ano iicui m ia weeK g paper suout the student who reduoed hi board bill by staying away a few meals each week and deducting for it, seems to hare hit a nuniber of the boys a square blow and a eounter. ïhe mental horizon of ■ young man who would do a trick of that kind is limited. Deputy County Treasurer Belser has given bonds for $150,000, with the following sureiies : O. Maok, ' W. D. Harriman, F. Schmid, jr., W. U. Smith, O. E. Hiscock, Wm. Deubel, D. Hiaoock, L. Gruner, A. D. Seyler, Wm. ApriU, C. 8. Gregory, J. J. Bobison, E. Mann, H. F. Belser, M. Seabolt, David Rinsey. Hon. Geo. W. Bain, the silver tongued orator from Kentucky, will lecture in the Baptist olmrch, Tuesday evening next, on "country home and dnty." The lecttrre will oommenoe at 8 o'olock. Mr. Bain is well known in this oommunity, naving spoken many times in thi city and eounty. He is deserving of a ful] house. Clark French, passenger and freight agent of the T., A. A. & Q. T. railroad, at this place, has left hia position, much to the disappointnwnt of those who hve had occasion to do business with him. He was always obliging and aocommodatiag, and his numerous friends, outside of the business men, will regret hia departure, L. D. Hale, a resident of this ei t.v for ■ome 20 years, died Wednesday in hi 80th year. He was formerly Bsgociated in the banking business with L. W. omitn, on soutn Main street. Mr. Hale af terwards removed to Grase Lake.where he also engaged in banking. He was man of sterling integrity, upright and honorable in all his dealiugs and ha wül be orely misaed by hig family and friends. While a certain deputy sheriff aad his assistant were about to board a train, a few days ago, on their way to lonia -with a couple of " unfortunates," they spied another victim at the depot, and in order to bug their game, one of these vigüant ■ officials took charge of both priaoners whüe the other " rnn in" tramp No. 3. This kind of " game" may be profitable to the huntera, but does it pay the oounty ? There hasn't been anything to trouble the yonngsters this week- not even daysohool- and they have been only too numerous upon the streets. "Kids" with skates and sleds have held high camival thia week, and a general prayer of thanksgiving wül ascend when the beU tolla for their reassembling in the school room. We like "kids" in moderate doses but when acres of them are let loose we umte with the immortal apostle of the Mormons in saying, "Qood Lord deliver ug." In 1876 a number of atudents of Madrid university, Spain, killed in the use of guitar and mandolín, formeel s concert oompany and made a tour through Spain and the principal cities in Europa, with great success. At the Paria exposition thy were received with much favor. Two years ago Henry Abbey brought them to America, where they have won great praiae. They will be accompanied by three competent Boloists- Mra. Hervy, soprano; W. H. Stedman, tenor, and Miss Howes, pianist. Reaerved seats in good locations will have to be secured earlv. The Philadelphia Record eays; "Anni Pixley is always and deservedly a favorito in Philadelphia. Her personal attractireness has muoh to do with it- as much, perhaps, as her exoellenoe as an actress. M'liss is probably her most accaptable as well as most celebrated speoialty, and she has long sinoe won fame in the presentation of the title role. Her re-appearance last evening at the "Walnut, in this charaoter, was th occasion of an ovation whioh must hare been hicrhly gratifyinir to hr. unA iIiai tK hold she has on the public." "Esmeralda" wm greeted with a íine audience, at the opera house, last Friday eyening, and gave most excellent satisfaotien. Esmeralda and her father enlisted the sympathy of everyone at the opening of the play and retained it until the olose. There is an element of grim humor in old Rogers' remarks about "mother," and her being "hih spiritcd," which are so true to life that they can not fail to capture an audience. The oompany is composed of artista who thoroughly understand their business, and if they visit our city again they will meet with a hearty welcoine and draw a crowded house. Dexter Sun: The officer of Huron Lodge No. 30, L O. O. F., were eleoted lst Monday erening, for the ensuing term: Henry M. Ide, N. O.; Russell C. Reeves, V. G.; Rev. W. George, Ree. Se c; A. D. Crane, Per. Sec; N. A. Phelpg, Treas,; A. D. Crane, G. L. Rep.-Twodollar dances are about played out in Deiter. It costa "too ruuch money," especially if the bovs have to hiro a rig to get their girls in. A new departure is to be taken in the line of dances in this village. We are informed that thsre ia to b a fitty cent dance in red ribbon hall in a week or two. First-class music and a crowd guaranteed. .A large and happy andience cam away f rom the Boston theater last evening, even though it was well nigh midnight when the eurtain flnally feil on the now familiar drama of M'liss, in which Miss Annie Pixley and the company in her support had proved so entertainmg. Miss Pixley i really a remarkable Httle actress, and when he breaks looso from "one part acting" we predict rapidly rising fanie for her. In her present character, ho wever, she is a perfect host; and it was evident from the applanse and recalls given her that the audience was thoroughly delighted. Her singing is of itself well worth going to hear.- [Boston Herald, Sept. 28. Saloon keepers and dealers in the "weed" do not look forward to the coming flrst few weeks of the new year with iiny expectation of a rieh harvest of ■hekel, for they know that tliin ii th annual "swearing off" time- the waoon when both the voung men and the more advauced pilgrims vow that they will never nffHin indulge in anytUini tht tsxes them ahke in health and pocket, and brings no return. All intend t "braoe up,' and lay by their urplui earningft, and o Uve that when the summonfl comes to join the ianumerable host of spotless cherubims they will be found in a oondition of purity- their breaths untainted by whisky-cocktail, and their garments guiltleas of th rüe odor of stale tobáceo smoke. W.K. Chüda has been eleoted sergeantat-srma, and Will W. Hannan enrolling and enÉrroflainir clArt lw tiA lAin'alatiirft. D. W. Levalle, law '81, and Misa Woodin, law '82, hav conoluded to go into s life partuerskip. Misa W. ia a gradúate of the Sherwood musical institute, in New York, and ia also a fine stenographer. Tliey go to East Saginaw, wherfi Mr. L. located a few weeks ago, to practícela w. Their many f rienda wiflh them success. A temperance meeting wil] be held at Cropsey's hall Sunday afternoon, at thre o'clock. The Rettich Bros. havf rceeired nothav nat 1 in A .S Ü..UÜIU 1 II U :i waukee. The same will be on draft Saturday nijfht. Yesterday tbey shippeil a)0 empty boxe to Milwaukee. It is astobisbin how much lieer this flrm gclls.


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