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C. E. HOLMES, fn.'prietrvr tf thi City Drug Store ! H.t theohoicest lot of pkrfitmkp and tha Laegest Stock of Pure Drugs I I the city. Also ev.crythidg in the and fakcy OOD8 uss, at pilre iower thiin anywhere eUo. Prescriptions Carefulljr Compounded. Xo. 12 Cnnk Hotel Biock, Adij Arbor, Michigan. $500 RFWRD. We will pay the above reward f or any case oí LJver Complaint, Pyspepsla, 8ick Headache. Indigestión, 'Jonstipation or CostivpneHs we cannot cure with West' Vegetable Uver Pilis, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely regetable, and neer fall to gtve satlsfaeilon. Sugar coated. Large boxee routaininr3 Pilla, SS cents. For Rale by all Drugg Bt. Beware of counterfelts and imitatlonH. The genuine manufactured onïy by John O. Wpat A Co., "The Pili Makers," 1S1 and 183 W. lladison 8t., Chicaito. Frce trial package senl by mail prepaié on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. HEALTH 13 WEALTH ! Dr. E. C. West' Nerve and Braln Treatment, aspeciflc for HysteHa, DizzinesD, Convuleions, NervouH Headache, Mental Depreeolon, Loss of Memory Spermatorrhcea, Impotency, InToluntary Rinissions, Premature Ola Age, raufied by over-exertiou, self-abuse, or over-indulgonoe, which lead" to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box oontains on month'a treatmnnt. One dollar a box or aix boxea for five dollars : sent by mail poHtpald on rece(pt of prioe. We guarantee sixboxns to cure any case. With each order received bv ub for 8ix boxes, accompanied with flve dollars, we will Rend the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guárante issued by Brown & Co., sole authorized Ajtts. for Ann Arbor. Mich. John C. Went Co., sole proprietore. 181 and 183 W. Madison 8t„ Cbicaeo. 111. RINSEY & SEA8ÖLT, No. 68 Washington St., " Hato 5P hand ft complete tooi of everything ín t ho Crocery Line. Tfitti, Coffecs anti Hiiiiiirn, In large oiDCunta. and tit CSb&lOL IP3?COS And can sol! at Low Figtuiw. Th Ur inroiee of tka thpy Pny and Seli. ii (rood proof tUat In (Qualiky od Price they Give Bargain. Tya''Roast their own OoffeE8 erery week. and none bot prime articlm are usrd. Tbttr Balcer? tmtui out excellent Breixl, ('olctts and Crackers. CaU and ae thein. jlït. I. K. FITCH. HA1B-W0RK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TSctm, Invisible ('rlnips, Braid, Ciii-ls, JSto. Hair-Dressing for Brides, Salís and Theatrioals a Speclalty. Hair-Jewelry Braided in any Pat'n Huren St. - - AnnArbor. tr[ will nol. be retponMbili for any wort left ihhrty tiny .front nntiee of finish. REPORT OF THE CONDÏTIOS or the - Ann Arbor Savings Bank. At Ann Arbor Mich. at the close of busmos, Monday, January ], A. D. 1888. made in aecor(Unc with Sections IC, 19 and 6" nt the Banking Law aa amended ín U71 RESOURCES. Loanmnd discounts M14,K0t).l Bonds ud mnrtgagm 164.988.82 ü. S. 4 per oont. regiiitered bonds 11.400.00 Orerdraft ÍK8.U ReTenue stamp 1S4.00 Fumitur nd flxtures 3,9:l.88 Bills in transit 438.T.', Due from National and State banks,.... 4.063. 00 SUrer, nlckels and pennle l,NI2.0N L(rl tendéis. Iwnk not and gold cotn 41.8S0.M Mal 58r.0tJ.S9 LIABIUTIIX Capital stock J S0,00(1.00 Surplus f und 85,00i.0f) Januarv dividend 3,420.00 Undivided proflUi 7.626.21 rni dcyosuoiii iOl.WMi.SN Total S 487,001.60 I do solemnly swear that tho above statement ia tru, to the beet of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. SubRcribed and sworn to beforo me, this flrst dar of .lanunry, 1883. L. ORÜNEE, Notary Public.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat