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Most or all farmers have occasion to ell soine ponltry, either ülive or diMed, ia market or to individuals, nnd ïow to dispose of it to the best advatttage 13 often á queation. Unboubtedly where one can gain a set of ■ customera ■who will, witli other produets, take a certain quantity of poultry at regular intervals till the stick is exhausted, thials the most proütable way; this courso may be adopted where the market is near and good. but where the macket la far away, other modes uust be reaorted to. All wbo dtsire to receive the highest price for their 'dressed poultry must observe ;i little care ia iVtteuing their fowls and preparing them for market. It will hardly do to offer old hens for spriug chickens; nor will it do to ser.d them to market carelessly dressed- or nndrossed, more properly. Where cara a used ziving tUem a clean appearance, tl.ey wili sell readily at the uig'nest ratea, of ten at doublé tlio prico of au inferior lot, although the bitter may be equally well faf.ened. Preparatory to killing, the iowls should have a f ast of twelve to eighteen hours. No moro fowls should be killed at, a time than cari be picked and diawn bofore they become cuid and stiïï. Fickitig is much easierdone while the fowls are warm, The best way of killing a hen, and bleeding at tho same time, ia to conüne the feet and wiuga, hanging it up head down, and theü with a sharp polnted pen kuife pierce through the roof of tbe fovvl's mouth, penatrating tho brain, and causing alniost instant deatb, white the rowl bleeds thoroughly without in any svay besine-iring tho feathers or makiug thein otherwise objectionable in handling. Oreat care should be taken nol to break or tear the skin, giving them a ragged look wben despoiled of feathers. If it is impracticable to pluek bslore. the fowl id cold, I think the looka are improvr-d by jast dippiiig the fowl into scaiding water and at once removing the feathers before Uie skin becomea discolored from löftving the hot and wet feathera to Dartialiy cook the skin. Geese and ducks it is of ten found necessary to siuge, in order to remove the line, downy fentliers. 1 flud it best ofton to Binge heus to remove thé long hairs, whieh sotnetioiesgive the fowl a .1 ' 1 Í. , t f r %-ki hirsuto appearauce; una ia ubdu avwu. plished toy taking a handful of shavinga á newspaper, iighting, and passing the plucked fowl rapidly through the blaze, held by Ibe legs aud head, one i either hauü, using great care not to bold 'va the blaze long enough to soioke the skin or give a scorclied appearauce. By quickly wíping the fowl, after pasj-ng through the uaw thia aDDeárance ia mostly ivoided. After being picked, the fowl should je "drawu" - insides removed, togef her with erop and pipes i'roiu the neck. Ihen the body ia to ba rinsed inside, md the liver, heart and gizzard (the last having beeu emptied aad cleaned) should be returned to the inside. Thia is an operation to be perforrned with greal care. It is onlyneceasary tomake a very sruall opening to draw the inwards, but no-instruction will take the place of experience. The dressed fowl ehould novv te prepared fol ruarket. Wrap around each bird a part of a rjewspuper, tying to keep the Wioga i" place, aud then hang up by the heelb to drain. I sliould have said, while beicg dtawt), the head should be cut off, drawing the skm of neck back, in order not to leave to much neckbone. Neatness "telli" in all the various manipulatioiis essential in preparing the f o wis for market. lf the pap'er wrappings do not get soiled or "mussed," the fowls can be sent in the original wrappings; but where soiled, renew with clean wrappiugs. The legs are supposed to be well tied together. Pdichai-ers, when thoy !ook for a. fowl in market, quickly notice a well dressed, neat looking f owl, while they tura up the noae or shake the head and pass any which have a "mussed" appeaia anee. In closing, allow me to advino that good failh should be observed both with the producer and dealer - "do as you would be done by" is the safest aad best way in all transactions, and will be f ound the most economical in the end. _ Fiant Small Troes, New Eaglaad H: mestead. The average lu a gretff hurry to iealize on hls investments. If he orders a few garden seeda in January he is anxious to have them seni ïmmediately; aud if heforward3 six cents for a copy of some paper which cotitains soine story of which he lias read or heard he does uot forget to request the t,ublishtr to seud it "by return mail "Patience, which takes the iorm of quiet waitiug, is a virtueot which Ite seemstobe wholly ignorant. He caunot wait the progresa of events, but must cotisiantly hurry aud fret in order to make nature move a little f aster Uhan her wonted pace. The tendeucy crops out very plainly when he purchases trees. He ünds them descriüed ia .the catalogue as "second class." "medium," "ürstc!ass," and "extra." The dif&rence in these classes is principally, not wnolly, in the size and height oí the trees. The larger the tree the taigher the pnce- but the farmer "dou't care aaything about that," He wants "good trees or aone" and gives ma order tor tiiose oí sxtraBizeand which ure. four orfive yaaTi old. Ia doing this he thinlts he isacüng wisely, but the nureerymen knows, and the farmer wili find before ; long tliat, with equai care, the smaij tree will grow i aster and (ir a fruit tree) come luto hearing eomluion sooner than the larger one. In half a dozen years the tree that was small when planted will be larger and liner thau the other. The reason for this is obvious. The larger the tree the larger the roots which it haf, and the larger the root the lessübres tbere will be upon theru. A tree that bas plenty of librouj roots will grow rapidly if proper care is uaed in transplantina; but no amouut of skill eau cohx a tree' to live and llourish which is destitute of these little flbreè. The roots of large trees are always more or less mutUated in the proce33 of taking up, while the small trees suatain little iniury from this source. Dealers in trees wwert that exppnenced onen buy small, thrifty trees, while those who are iuat startiug are anxious for the largest ones to be had. Those who are to set trees the coming season will do well to learn from the experienco of those who, atloonsiderable loss tothernse;vcs, have deaaonstrated that smali trees the onea to buy. Removing Trees from Tilled farms. Cor. Uoontry (jentleinan. During the past year I have had some experience in removing, root and branch, some trees that ever since my boyhood had been aneyesore to certain üelds. 1 have found the expense less thau expected. It requires in my experienceone or two years with heavy uianuring to bring the aoil around old butteinut trees up to the average fertility of the soil in the same field. I thiuK, however, that the fertilizing process may be profitably hastened by rtlliug up the hole made by extracting the trefi roots, with decaed soda f rom the roadside. I have plowed some low ground along the roadside, so as to have the soil in good shape to be seraped iuto the flelds when the roots or stumps have been taken out. With a good scraptr a man and team can do a work in one day that will, I think, be worth twenty dollars to the first erop, and will perinanently beneflt the soil. The roHdsides, generally, aro always lich from receiving tho wush f rom tbe excrement vuided iu the roadbed. Of cours tfafa essesa of fertüity acuumulates inlow places, andit will, I thmk, pay to plow Hn'l scra;e toto adjoining fielda Kuch place3 as ot'ten, at least, as ry other year. It will not pay, however, in flelds whose soil is encumbered and robböl by worse tiian useless trees. .Sound, healtby applo trees wkether grafted or not I do not reckon in this category. Tvvo successive failures of the apple croo have discour.iged many farmers, and will land to the digging up f many orchards the present winter. It is provoking for farmers with large oichartls to have not euough fruit for homo cousumptiou, miide doubly so by tho low price of apples, scarcely paying cost of gathering when they havo a erop. But on general principáis an apple orchard of good varieties, and thafc has been planted uiteen years or more. is valuable property. I have a neighbor who has a fray-acre urchard plauted twenly-two years that, has never paid the cost of the trees, to say nothing of the use of the land. That orchard vvill have to pay big, and tbat sood, if he would make up for lose tima. Yet I büliuve if the canker worm is kept out, and the proper precautions taken against the codling moth, this orcliaid will pay. The trees are thrif ty, and possibly being srcded down to grasa, aa must of the orchard uow is, may induce greater fruitfulness. One such erop as Oliver Cha pin of Blootnfield had the satisfáction of gattit riug before his death, after like experience, would mako amends for all diiappointnient and delay. The ouly advantage in grubbiug up au apple orchard is tlutt the soil under the apple trees ia generally richer than uuder the other tiees ia cultivated fields made i idier in part by larger applications of manure, anl in purt by the droppings of animáis attracted to apple treea uy fallen fruit. I would get out íirst the scabby butternut, beach and other trees that have grown ud siuce the land was cleared, and aro usually of iittle valué fur their wood. Then if there is spare time it will pay to make a selectiou of the oíd and decaying uppie tree?, or those whose fruit ia worthless, and which are too large to be profitably graf ted. Should we save trees for abade in pasture ? It the pasture is permanent it may be advisable to save a few. But in this locality there are few permanent pastures. On most good farms evtry field is brought into the erop rotation once in three or tour years. Granted that shade is important for stock, especially cows in the hot season, cannot we better secure shade by buildiug suitable sheds, thus sheltering. notonly from tbe boiiiug sun. but trom cold rains as well, and saving valuable manaré that would otherwise be of iittle advantage to crops ? The cow manure made in pasture in summer ought to be worth uearly aa mucb as that made in tho barnyard in winter, buc it rarely is. because the droppings aro scattered over the fieldt in summer, wasted by rains and burned' by winds. In the barnyard they are better saved untii ready to incorpórate with the soil.


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Ann Arbor Democrat