Michigan News

Rcv. Jonathan B. Hubbard, agcd 73, and for nearly 50 years a elergyman in thePresbyterian ehureh, cast aud west, died at Adriana few days ago. A three-years-old eon of Mr. Olmstcad, o Fenton, was drowned in Lis fatuer's cistern oue afternoon not long sinec. Mechanics throughout the state are begin nins; to meet to regúlate priees of labor fof the coming season. A few days ago the postrnaster at Spring Lake sent his quarter's money, $200, to the Grand Rapids oflice, a6 directed by the government, and the same was properly recelved aix recelpted for, but now it cannot be found. N. R. Potter, au oíd and valued resident oJ Lansing, died a few days ago from injuries received while mouutin a norse. During last summer about 100 dwelling liouses, a dozen stores, and two milis were put up at Cheboygan, and at least 1,000 added to the population, and present muieaüons ore umi re will bc an cqually large growth the coming season. A few days ago Cali Sniith.a lumber foreinan near Cliase, had his arm broken in two places bv the "fatal jog," and now M.vron Warren who took lus plaee is laid up with a badly if not fatally crushed chest, received while coupling log cars One evening, about 7 o'eloek, a burglar entered the front door of the house of C. W. Tuilts, principal of Uie Kalamazoo high school, ïhe family having gone to ehurih, and coinir directly up stairs called to alittle servantglfl to come to him. Slie supposcd it to be Mr. Tuffts, and iinmediatcly went up in the darK, when the man caught her and demanded where Mr. Tuffts kept his money. She ünally succeeded in getting away from him and ran to the neighbors and gave the alarm. When they carne he had gone but taken nothing. John W. Clark, of Michigan, has been conti rmcd agent for thp Indians oí .Colorado rivcr ageney, Arizona. W. S. Wileox, of Adrián, and others are tryïng to secure a pardon for Chas. Colbath, eonvicted and genteneed for the ehooting of Cannon, of Deerfleld. The question haviug ariseu as to the pronuuciation of the name of Reading, Ilillsdale county, it is well to know that the 'la" is silent, is in the case of the important citv of Reading, inerland. and also Readinir. Afa6sachusetts. after one or both of which the Michigan vilage probably took its name. S. C. RanJall, of FKnt, grand receiver of the grand lodge A. O. U. W., of Michigan, in liis annual statement for 1883, shows that he received from all 6ources during the year $99,58 30, of which $83,000 was paid "for deatli osses, and $9,758 84" for current expenses, inludiiig yellow fever fund. The balance on handJanuary 1, 1883, was $6,999 52. There ire about 7,000 members in the state. A wood bee was made ior John Musser, of Caraden, Hillsdale county, who lost his hand in a plainer recently, ana tne neighbors brought lim about eight coras. A wealthy citizen of Kalamazoo county, 7'9 ears oíd, has instituted divorcc proeeedhitrs gainst his wife who is 76 years oíd aud lias $30,000 in her own riglit. Cheboygan's salt well is down to a deptli of bout 900 feet and they are drilling at the rate of 11 feet per day. It is thought salt will be ound within 200 íeet more. The Washington house at Grand Haven aught lire at 11:45 in the morning. The iromptness of the fire department saved the milding, Wlth a loss of about $400; in6ured. J. C. Young proprietor. Israel Pennington, agcd 75, one of the rapst irominent and wealthy eitizensor Maeon, Ieniwee county, died a few days ago. Mrs. Amos Pearsall walked six miles to Rosammon after some medicine one eyening, and ied immediately on rcaching the village. Abram Oleon had his right hand badly eruehd at the Osceola mine, Calumet, a few days Tbc armory oí company R, second battalion 1. S. T.,' at Calumet is finished and will eoou e opened witli a ball. Since Oetober Kalamazoo has sliipped about iree tons of celery daily, and hotel bilis of fare hrough the country now read: ''Kalamazoo elery." Muskogon is taking vigorous hold of a new lotel écheme, the building to be of briek, 60x J0 feet, three storiee high and cost with land bout $30,000. E. C. Brown, superintendent of the Michigan Jentral road, was recently given a ïtteens. The total amount oí lumber manufaetured at ast Ta-was during 1882, was 24,938,443 f eet; oí liich Euiery Bros. cut 11,SOO,600, Wm. Loeke 250,000, and the East ïawaa Salt and Lumber o. 12,888,443. Lumber now on docks, 8,366,00 feet. Amount of logs expected to be cut uring winter, 26,000,000 feet. Total barrels alt manufacture d, 70,937 ; Emery Bros., 33,607; East Tawas Salt & Lumber Co., .'S4,3S0. alt shipped, 65,178 barrels; now on hand, 14,556. Lath manufacturad, 1,000,000, all by Wm. ,ocke. Ashland, Newaygo county, is sliipping over 00 cords of tanbark daily. A man was found drunk at Mauistique a few :iys ago with eight bottles of whisky in his oëkets. The Central company will build a depot at ilC6 in the spring similar to the one just built t Michigan City. TIi! annual state encampmcnt of the grand rmy oL the republic was held at Battle (Jreek, it.h au attendance of nearly 1,000, ineluding 'aul Van de Voort, of Omaha, grand eommander of the United States. The Kalamazoo Gazette reports the breaking p of a gang of grain thicves ie Climax and 'avilion, Kalaraazoo county, hy the arrest of ugh Wolcott, Heman Ellswortli, Escek Hamlton and Chas. Pieree,all of whoin live in thoee ownshiDS about two miles north of Seott's staon. All are married and hare fainilies,except arnilton. Lumber items froni Harrisville, Alcona ountv : Seymour Spencer drew to the banking round a log 80 f eet long whieh scaled 4,734 w-t of lumber; Frank Chapellewith seveu-foot muks drew a load of logs which scaled 3,130 eet, while John Burt with ten-foot bunks drew load ol 3,382 foefc A sevcn-years-old son of Geo. Kirby broke irough the ice at St. Ignace and was herocally rescued by one of hls playmates natnèd rauts, who laid'llat on the ice in several (pchea water and pulled him out. Cadillac people report that the Cadillac & ïvart railroad is a certainty, suryeyors haviug )ecii at work nearly all winter and decidetl on ie best route. A broken wheel derailed a Wagner coach ataehed to the Grand Rapids express at Hastjrs, alter which it was dragged 60 roils and ually plunged into the river, almost a total reck A gentleman had hie head badly cut iv Klaas ana Mrs. J. 8. Barstow, pi Detroit, liad Ter hand severely iujured. The state ealt assoeiatlon met at East Sagilaw, eleeting VV. lt. Burt president, Thomas anage, jr., treasurcr, and D. G. Holland secetarv. A resolutlou was adopted recommend ng the reappointment oí Geo. W. Hill as state alt inspector. Last year 2,671 ,327 barrels of alt were sold, a deercase oL about 230,000 from 881. Magee & Jay's wel!, at Simnsou farm, six iles from Port Huron, caught fire from the ;as with which they were running tbc cngine, rad seriously Injured tlie driller, Mat Porter, SBtroying the derrick and causing quite an xcitement. Nelson & Co.'s general stores at Sniith's reek, St. Clair couuty, burned at 10:30 in the veniug ; nothing of special value was saved; ooks aud $1,500 in accounts were lost; insurnce $900. At one time it was feared the whole own would go. ff atoan May, oí Marine City, hadan arm angled in a "planing mili at St. Clair not long nee. Ilis fellow-workmen in St. Clair and :arine City got up a puree of Í200 for him. At 0 o'clock in the morning the dwelling ocupied by Lanning Hart, located on the corner :' River aud Fifth etreets, Evart, was burned o tbc ground, together with all the houscliold lects. The assistance rendcred by the Water Works saved several other buildings close by. The property belonged to Jacob J. Reik, :md was not iusured. Loss only about $500. '1 'bc fire originated from a detective stove-pipe. Itis the lirst fire at that place in over eight months. The residence of Wm. B. Smith of Howell, ie limllv hiiriind the other dav. Loss betwecn $500 and 800. Cause, detective chünaey. The saw and planing mili at St. Louis re(ciitlvburncdwas sold several weeks ago by II. L. Ilolcomb, withthe fiouring mili adjiuniug, to James Henry íor $20,500. A planer and considerables other property In the mili belongedtoMr. Ilolcomb still, and his loss wül be several hundred dollars. Mr. Henrj's k88 on building and machinery will reaeli neaiiy $0,000. B. K. Eteed, the new fornlture man, liad $100 worth of lumber burned. '1 lie total loss will foot up sonie $7,000, with no Insurance. !t was feared at one time that the large flouring mili, standing but a few fcet from tfie burning building, would burn ; but the hard work ol the Sromeo tared it. A a reward Lor their faithful services Mr. Henfy the noxt morning gave the ilcpartnu'iit. a check lor $50. Constable Tafft, St. Louis, has capturtd Freemau Irish, wlib tole a Iiorse froni Win. Lock, of Edmore, The thirfand horse were foiuul two miles southrast from Wbeeler, Gratiot Co. Eev. F. L. Pattcrsoii, Baptist pastor at Hudson, haptizcd two candidatos iu the creek, hole having been cut through elght incheeoi icc, the meivuiT meauwhüe masUiigldegseea below zero. The remaius of the G. A. E. baajüet at Battle Creek made '11 deservlng families happy. Fortyfeet of the dam on the west brauch of the Rifle river were earried away a few davs ano. loss 2.000. The aupreme conrt bas afflrmed the award of L1,000 damages to the wldow of Daniel Parkhurst who was burned to deatli in Johnson's lime kiln at Saginiw last fall. Cliarles Shay, a single man 35 years okl, was robbed of all Ma money, $7, ou the higln ay four miles sonth of MeBrides, Montcalm county, by tbree men who aiterwanis attempted to mutílate bim in a horrible manner. After slashing liim promiscuously bul, serionslv and perhaps fatally they ajlowea bim to go bis" way. Wlth the aicl of a teamster who soon after came ulong, he sneceeded in reiching Crystai, and was afterwards taken to his home at Carson City. Stanton ofticers are in pursuit of the men. T . ï . TT" 1 i , 1 i t f jonn neuoner, a tcamstcr nauimgcoru woou at East Sagiuaw, was found on the top of a load so badly frozen that he could not speak, and fears are entertained for his reeovery. The funeral of W. E. Wiley of Port Iluron, ïvho pcrishcd in the Newhall house fire, was attended by fully 1,000 persous. The floral tributes were maguilieont. Paul Roberts' house at Port llunm was burglarized and robbed of $25 and a silver watch. A broken tire on a Lake George & Muskegon railroad engine oaused :ui incident, in wiiich Conrad Schaithesten had hls leg broken and was ellghtly scalded. Jolui Detrlch, tho enineer, had liis ankle sprained. Legislativo ftcrord. Se.nate, Jan. 16. - The ouly business of importanee was the diseussion upon the bilí for inereasiug the salaries of circuit juilges to $3,500. The bilí fiually passed. House. - In spite of the auxiety eoueerniug ;he vote so soou to be taken on the senatorship, ;he House went through the order oí business smoothly. Bills were introdueed as iollows: Po amend tïie school laws; to drain certain landsin Shiawassee, Benningtou and Owossc townships, Shiawassee county ; to secure minority represcntation on boards of stockholders to regúlate the running of raihvay trains, and to provide better crossing faeilities ; to incorpórate invcstment associations ; to amend the mim'nglaws; to build sidewalks in townships; A joint resolution for a eonstitutional amendment to increase the govcrnor's salary to 'i,000 For the first time this session the House vent into comraittee of the whole and passed he following bilis: To providé punislmient or assault with deadly ór daugcrous ireaponB : o change the name of Shilliviilard S. Eearslsj o Frank S. Johnson ; to provide for the es.ablishment of wille during tlie lifetime of estators ; to amend the laws relative to tlir .oetamentary guardians.. . .After a lively de)ate, the House, in committec of the Tïhole, lassed upon the joint resolution requesting the ilehigan delegation in congress to use their nfluence and vote agaínst any legi%lation for ,hc remoyal of the internal revenue tax upon utoxicating liquors and tobaeco, or either. 'J'he vote was very decidecUy in favor of this resoution Speaker HoVard named MefiBTSi Cook, Phiunej , Dustan, Blackey and Bmnt ap lic lhiuse committee on latior.' Sexate, Jan. 17- The first juiliciary eommitte reported favorably the 1I11 under discussion permitting appeals from the Detroit pólice court in minor cases Mr. Romeyn's bill for rr-mnvinp1 lbo 1:iwr tbn.t cmieíl neb t.ronblo in the Jones Walker miscegenation case in Detroit was passed in the eommittee oïthe ivhole. The probabilities are that the bill wlU pass the iScnate. House- The House passed bilis as follovs: To proyide lor punishment for assault with dangerousweapons; to provide for the establishment of ivills duriDg the Ufe time of testators ; the.House joint resolution to request congressto vote against removal oí the revenue tax on liquois and tobáceo, alfio passed the House by a vote of 78 to 1(1. Sexate, Jau. ÍS. - Bat vcry little business was transacted at the session of the Senate toda}. the opening routine, and subjects of minor importance discussed, bilis were introduced to amend the laws rclating to titles of lands of heirs of deceased persons ; to change the names of reform schools to industrial schools. House. - In the House a big grist of bilis were introdueed. The following are amen;.1; the most important: by Mr. .Uarkness-To m'iil ïuiiu.v uipimjjeis iium uuiei suui'h uy mi. Dickson - To punisk the wrongful appropriatien of inoney by warehousemen, "commistlon, dealers, ete. : To imuish lor oUtaiulng liquor under ialsc pretcnse ; by Mr. Viucent - To allow tlie town of Clyde, St. Clair Oo., to borrowinoiK'V tobuild a over Black rivcr: byMr. Hpwé- TorepealactNo, 102, laws öi '79, relativo to punishment for libel and slunder; by Mr. Fletcber - To give mutual fire iusurance cömpanies pcrmission to do businegs iu other counties ; by Mr. Fletcher - To authorizr pitias and villages to tafcè private property for public use, and to repeal act No. 26, laws of 1882 ; by Mr. LaDu - To nmend the school lawBsothat school inspectors and toivn clerks may consti tute the school board and elect tlicir own chalr.man ; by Jlr. Darragh - For the appointmeut of a superintendent ol vital statisties ; by Mr. Braut - To increase the salar; oL the aseistant proseeuting attorney oL Wayne county. Skxatk, Jan. 19. - Bills were introduced ameuding the kiv relative to f ces of justices ; for the incorporation of co-coperative and mutual benefit assoeiations, and torepeal chapter 94, compiled laws, aud the amendmeut thereto; amendiug liquor act 259, of 18S1, so as to give localities the option of absolutely prohibiting alltraülcinliquors; making appropriations for the Pioneer Society; ameudiDg the act of 1860 relating to soldiere' bounties; for the appoiutment of an additional Proseeuting Attorucy for Wayne County ; toauthorize suits at law and actions iu ehancery against railroad corporations in eertain cases; incorporating St. Ignacc Petitious were presented for au amendment of the drain law The bill to amend the game law of 18S1 Mra8 roported adversely, and the bill was laid upon the table.. . . The concurrent resoluuon for aajournment until Tuesday was passed In executive session the Senate conflrmed the followiug a])pointmentB 6ont ta by the Governor: Member of the Board of Managers of the State 1 fou se vt Correction at Ionia, for six years - John Heff ron, of Detroit; member of the Board of Control of State Reform School for six years, u place of Edwin F. L'hl, dcclined- James Blair, of Grand Kapid:-. HotJSE. - The usual humber jf bilis werc introduced; to amend the act 164 of 1881, relating to public iustruction and primary schools; to amend the eleetions act, being sections 169 and 1?(). eompiled laws, 1ST1 ; to ameud the act 2.ri1 f ,f 18S1 lo consnlidatirthi! Liwn rcliith'ff tn the protcct ion oí game ; to aaiend the :u I ing tp highways; to amend the act rehitin,!? to public instruction i.m primary schools; to provlde for the punishment of persons acting in a fiduciary eapacity who knowiugly appropriate to their own uses the money or proper ty coin mittcil to their care. Also, to amend section 4907, corapilcd laws of 1871, relativo to tlie Supreme Court; to amuud the dissection act: to ainend tbc act providing for the aseessment of property and the lcvy aud collcctiou of taxes tbcrcon; to ainend tfte act rdTattog ïo hignways, private roads and bridgcs; to amend the act providing lor the asseësmeut of property and the levy and collection of taxes ; to compel railivay compaiiics to]t si-hcdulcs or time tables" in stations; to proyide for enforcing specilir performance of ootion contra(ft8 for mlning leases A resolution was introdueed to request the Auditor-General to submit a statement of the amsunta pald by counl Les [or advertisiug delinauent tax lands Jn 1877, Í87, 1879, 1880, 1881 . ...Mr. Fvhe Butoütted a resolution aslting the Auditor-General for nurnber of pareéis of lands adyertlsed for sale in all counties in 1883, and for a statement attoapplications by papere to print UgU atlower ratcsthan actually wen; paid. . ..The resolution, froiu the Senate, to mljmirn from Saturday iintil Tuesday, was concurrcd in. Senate, - Jan. 20. - Mr. Koon introdueed a bilí to provMe for the taking of thcensue and statistica of Michjgaa and to repcal all existing laws outhe sulijeet; also, to autoorjze Audrew HuwiU's '(ieueral Laws of Michigan'' to be roceived as evidence in eourtsaúdiegalproceediuís - Adjourned dntil Tuesday. EtOL'SB - Petitions werc riiceived fromeitizeiis of Jackson for au amendment to the Tas lafirs; of J. W.Donovon.a eitizen of Wayne,oifering to prepare a bsoli oa the TowBíhlp law, to sist of 500 paces, and to sell the same at $1 a volume, providedthe Legislature would pur (i, non copies of the book Mr. Paine int n idueed a bilí for the proteetion of hote keepers, and Mr. Snyder one amending the law rclating to .services "of process ou iusurami compaiiu'S. . . .A concurrent resolution was adopted authoriziug an investigation oí the charges againet the fish commission No other business was done and the Housesdjourned until Tnesday, the 23d inst. The Senatorial EÜection. For mouths past, the principal topic of dis cu36ion among Michigan politicians has been the election of a United States Senator to succeed the Hon. Thomas W. Ferry. Politicians of every name have worfced hafd for their favorito eaudidates, and the contest has l)een vigorously waged. By a vote taken in both branches of the legislature several days since, Tuesday, Jan. 16th was decided upon as the evenflul day. Promptly at the usual hour the Senatc and House convened in their respective places. Upon the roll being called in the House only tvfo were found to bc absent - Mr. Caee o: Detroit, and Mr. Itose of Clinton. In the Senate there were two absentees - Messrs. Buttars and Eriebfe. After the mual opening routine, the real business of the day was anfiounced, and the Senate proceeded to vote, and the vote taken resulted as follous : Thomas W. Ferry 4 Benton Hanehett 2 Byron M. Cutcheon 3 Charles Upson 1 Byron G. Stout 13 In the House the vote stood : Thomas W. Ferry 45 Byron G. Stout 37 James McMillun 1 Perïy Hannah l 3eth C. Moffatt i Edwin Willits 1 Roswell G. Horr 2 J. C. Burrows t Byron M. Cutcheon 2 John S. Newbury l Charles Upson 1 Brnton Hanehett 2 l'homas M. Cooley , Richard Winsor l James F. Joy i F. B. Stockbridge l The grand total vote in both houses stands ; Wliole number of votes. 13Í. nfwhipli Vorrv rcccived 59, Stout 50, and the ethers in the order abQve named. No choice having been reached, a raotion for adjournment was made and canied. Wedxesday, 17.- Both houses assembled in ota) eonvention at noon. The obiect of the oitit eonvention was announced, and after the record of yesterday liad been read and apmnvil, the conveution procraled to vote. The vote of the Senate rcsnlted as follows : Thomas W. Ferrv 14 ?yrouG. Stout.." , 13 ienton Ilunchett 2 3y ron M. Cutcheon 1 Charles Upson 1 ïdwin 8. Lace; ; l The elerk of tbe House called the roll of hat body, and the result was the same as yes(lï'i l'MT TIIT w JW ii ïi "4" TT1" (.lm n f+y-,n n -v i'v v ft 4-1-1 anti-lerry uien. No choiee having bien reachcd anti there being no authority for tbe second ballot on the same day, the eonvention adjourned. Tiiursday, Jan 18- The feellng among the friends of the eontendingfactions waxesstrongj cr, and every eilort is being made to bring the matter to a ïoeus as soon as possible. l'rompty at noon the joint convention asseinblcd. Representativo Hall was filled with an eager and expectant erowd, thus attesting the deep interest feit by all in the eleetion. Alter rofi cali a vote was ordered, and thefojlowing is the result : Wholc nuinber of votes 131 Necessarv to choice fi(i Thomas V. Ferry 56 Syron G. Stout 50 Sentón Ilanehett 7 ulius C. Burrows 5 Edwin WllUts 2 Itnnncr HqwwbI 2 íark S. Brewer 2 "liornas W. Palmer 3 'urry Ilannah 1 ames F. Joy l i1. B. Stockbridge 1 Jyron M. Cntcbeon 1 Séth C. MofEatt 1 No choice being made, a motion was made to djourn uutil 3 p. in., whieb iinally prevailed. 3 i'. M. - W'beu tlie convention reassemblcd he real business of the hour was at once coi, icnced, and the first vote, - the second of the ay- was taken, and resulted as follows: Vhole nuinber of votes cast 131 Vi tv 53 Stout 50 lanthett... . . S iurrows (i Villits 4 Cutcheon 3 feumner Howard 3 'ahner 1 iannah. 1 tcckbride 1 oy : i lollat 1 IcMillan 1 There was no choiee and an effort was made o adjourn, hut the motion was defeatcil, aud a liird ballot ordered. This last ballot sten ui: ferry 53, Stout 50, and the others scatteriiig as il the preceding ballots. It was deemed unwise to continue longer in session, and a motion to adjourn was carried. Fiiidaï, Jan. 19- Both houses met in joint oenvention at noon, and the first ballotior Senator resulted as iollows: AVhole number of yutes Kil: neecssary to chofce W; Thos. W, Ferry, 52; Byron G. Stout, 50; Beatón Hanehett, 7; Julius C. Burrows, 7; Edwin Willits. 3; Byron M. Cutcheon, 2; Hannab, 2; Lacey, 2; Jos. E. Chandler, 1: James F. Joy. l;Jerome, 1 ; F. Ji. Stockbrtdge, 1 ; MoMUhm, 1 ; Thos. W. Palmer 1. No choiee havlne; been made, another ballot 4?a8 ordered. The votes for Ferry and Stout, the two leading candidatos, were the same as on the first ballot cf the day. The onlv difterence in the two votes was as followe : HariChel t from 7 to 5; and the additional ramee of John T. lii-.h, 1; C. M. Croswell, 1; Barkcr Bult, 1 Still no cDÓice was made, and by unanimous vote, the convention adjourned uut il Saturday. Satuüday, Jan. 20. - The eonvention mét at noon, aud took one ballot for United States Senator, and then adjourned until Tuesday, 23(1 inst., at 11 a. m. The result of the ballot was as f ollows ; Whole number of votes, 110; neecssary to choiee, 56 ; Ferry, 40 ; Stout, 39 ; Burrows, (i; Hanehett, 6; Willits, 5j Lacey, 2; Kicli, 'i; Cutcheon, 2; Hannah, 2; Baldwin, 1 ; Blair, 1 ; McMillan, 1 ; Joy, 1 ; Palmer, 1 ; Stockbridge, 1. The actual reduction in Ferry's VOte was but 2, there being 10 Ferrymen absent. The cause of this lightest vote of the session was due solely to absenteeism. DETROIT .tlAKKH'l'S. VIi at -No. 1. white $ 1 03 @ 1 04 Flom 5 50 @ ( 00 Huekw hcat 5 75 @ Corn 5i}4(& 55 Oats 41 (á 4Ü ('lin-crtíccd, f bu 7 '25 (3 Apples, f bbl a 75 @ 3 00 Uriiil A pplcs, Ib 7ym Btttter, Sil 24 @ 25 Eggs 26 @ 37 Dressed Cbickens 13 & 14 DressedTurkeys 15 @ 10 (cese 11 @ JWks ■ 13 M 15 Chc.sc 13 @ 15 l'otutoes, 5(í bu (55 @ 70 Honey 19 @ 20 . picke.-, 3 00 (a 2 1C Bean, uuiikked 1 50 g 1 09 Hay 12 50 @14 00 Straw 8 50 (glO 00 Drrssed Hogs, f 100 7 30 (5 7 50 l'ui k. mees 18 50 ál 8 75 l'ork, family 19 00 @19 50 B.-ef, extra meis 13 00 12 50 Wouil, Beeeh ancl Maple 7 00 Wood, Maple 8 00 Wood, Hickory 8 00 Goal, Egg 6 28 @ Coal,Stove...., 6 50 CobI, Cliestnut & 6 75 - ♦- Australia, wilh Tasmania, is only a 1 ï 1 1 1 1 less in si.c than Europe. TIn: hottest elimate in the world probably occürs 'm the desert interior of Australia Capt. .Stuurt hung a thermometer on a trBé shaded from both sim and wind. It wás graduated to 12Z dco;. Falnvnlicit : yi't so great was tlie heat of the air that the mcrciiry rose till it burst the tube, and the temperatnre must have been at least 128 deg. Fahrenheit - apparently tlie highest ever recorded in ;mv nnrt, fit' tin wrnrlíl. l(ir tlini inönths Capt. Stuari found the mean temperatura to be over 101 deg.Fahrenhcit in the shade. Nevertheless, on the southern mountains and table lands three feel ofsnow sometimos fallsin ;i da. Snow storms liavc been kuownto last three weeks, tlie snow lyitur from finir to fifteen feel in depth, and bmying tlie cattle.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat