Death Of Philip Winegar

Last Tuesday week, Philip Winegar ut the foreflnger of his right hand witli pieco of glasa. The hand eommenced welliag, and despite the efforts of tho ttending physioianshe diedWednetóay ight last, of blood poisonintf. Mr. Winegar was bom in Union Springs, Cayuga county, New York, m 1827. He eceived his preliminary edncation in he above place. He spent some time at tie Cary collegiate seminary, in (Srenesee ounty, ana ai anouni üchubbi. u atber was a farmer and a woolen manuacturer, and Philip kept his books. ín 854 Mr. Winegar carne to this State and settled in Northfield, where he remained until 1863, engaged in farrning and eaching school. He was three times lected supervisor in his towusliip. In 860 he was nominated for State Sena;or, and although he ran far ahead of ús ticket he was defeated by a small majority. In 1862 he was elected sheriff nt f.Viia riiTfv nnrl tFjlfl rft-lctñd 111 864. In 1867 Le represented the third nd f ourth wards of thiscityin the board of supervisors. While a resident of Sbrthfield he was appointed postrnaster of Gravel Eun, by President Buclianan. At the time of his death h held the office of justice of the peace, to which position he was elected in 1880. The funeral will be held Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock, from his late esidence on Miller avenue.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat