
OB Hï UjpBJ f , _ L ! . ,,„. ï -- - - - - - - - - - -- - c - -- : ! i m - i . 9 - -T " I W ' &gS . m !- w 5 'i - 5 s ao5 ■ !?L - ËBERBACH&SE D malers in Drugs, Medicines And a fl lot of French Hair Brushes AND Enlish ITooth Brushes. We cali special at I ent ion to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own importation. A f uil line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list prlees. STTJIDEHsTT S Are cordiallj invited to examine our stock as; quality and prices. EBERBACH A. SON. MBS. L. N. FITCH. o- HAIRWORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Hiv Net, Invisible Crimps, Braids, Curls, A ■- Hair-Dressing for Brides, Balls and Theatricals a Specialty. Hair-Jewelry Braided in any Pat'n HuronSt. - - Ann Arbor. fWI vW nnt he rcsponrtble for any trnrk Uft thirby days from notvx of finwh. QENUINE MlfWAUKEE rn SBv ' ' " 'A P" L. ., ■ ! ■ u ia n WW ELJB ft) C2 rH oí !■ IQ il C 9 os LAGER BEER DEPOT. 75,000 Bottles Sold per Year. =S Si 3! ■ m J - S p. s fi ss cö 3 = !eöi S3 2 h = ) Sü h75 ! ff 10 A WEEK. $12 a day at home aU jr 9 L mad. Costly outütjlree. Addro Trut A Co.. A uguata , Maiii. A 820.00 Bibllcal Reward. The publishers ef Rutledge's Monthly tter t wel ve valunble revrards in their lourhly fnr February, amonff which if he followiug : We will tfire 820.00 m gold to the peron telling UB which is the niiddle verse a the Old Testament Scriptures, by Febuary 10, 1883. Should two or more oor eet answers be received the reward will e divided. The money will be forwarded o the wiuner February 15, 1883. Persons rying for the reward must send twenty ifiit-i in BÜver (no post age stamps taken) dth their answer, for which they will eceive the March Monthly, in which the isme and address of the winner of the eward, and the correct answer, will be rablished. This may be worth $20 to rou; cut it out. Address Rutledffe Pubishing Company, Eaton, Penn. "frëëTsorg, Dealer la PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHEK BRUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, And all Painters' Supplies of the Bost Qualuv SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington ?st ANN ARBOB. - MICMIGA Notiee to ('rcdltors. O TATE OF MICHIGAN, County oï Washtenaw Ogs. Notiee is hereby given, that by an order f the probate court for the county of Washteaaw, made on the 8th day of January, A. D. 1883 sir months from that date were allowed For creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Frederick G. Herzer, late of said county, deceaaed, and that all creditors of said leceased are requlred to present their claims to aid probate court, at the probate office in the ;ity of Ann Arbor, for ezamination and allowance, om or befere the 9th day of July next, that such claims will be heard before said court on Monday the 9th day of April, and on Monday the 9th day of July next, at ten o'clock in the f orenoon of ach of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, January 9th, A. D. 1683. WILL1AM D. HARRIMAN, Judee of Probat Éstate of Emilia Uiting, Minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN county of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate ofüce ín the city of Aon Arbor, on Tuesday, the th day of January in the year oue thouKand sieht hundred and eighty-three. Present, William D. Harrüuan, judge of proIn the matter of the state of Einllie Eiting minor. Leohard Gruner. the guardián of saiH ward, comes into court and represent that he is now prepared to render nis annual account as Guch guardián. Thereupon, It is ordered, that Tuesday, t.l'e 80th dav of January instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the eximining and al: lowing such account, and that the next of kin of Haid ward, and all other persons interrated in said estáte, are reruired to appear at a Bession of said court, then to be holden at tue probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and ühow cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is rurther ordered, that Raid guardián give notiee to the personsinterested in said state, of the pendenciar said account, and the hearing thereof by causing a copy of this order to be published in Thï A Arbor Dbmocrat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, two iuccessive weeks preTious to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, A true eopy. Judge of Probate. WrujAK 6. Dott. Probate Register. Estáte of Ann L. Covert. STATÏ OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw sa. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of flee, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thuraday, the llth day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Ann L. Covert, deceased. On readlng and fllling the petition duly verifled of Ncrman 8. Covert, praying that he may be Ucensed to geil the real estale whereof said deceased died siezed. Thereupon It is ordered, that Tuesday, the Sth day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons intereated in said astate, are required to appear at a session of said court, then tob holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause if any there b, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is f urther ordered, that said petitioner gire notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said petition, and the hearing thereof , by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Ahbuk Dehockat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said County. three successive week previous to said day of hearing, WILUAM P. HARRIMAN. A true copy . Judge of Probate. Wiljjam (ï. Dott, Probate ResTster. Estáte of Joseph I). Irish. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteaaw, O ss. At a seision of the Probate Court for tin county of Washtenaw.holden at the probate offlea in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the 16th day of January in the year oue thousand eight hundred and eighty three. Preseut Wüliam D. Harriman, Judge of ProIn 'the matter of the estáte of Jogeph D Irigh deceased. Charles B. Irish, George D. Irish and Frank C. Irish, the admiiüstrators, with the will annoxed, of said estáte, come into court and represent that they are now prepared to render their final account as such aduiiuistrators. Thereupon , it U ordered, that Saturday, th tenth day of February next. at ten o'clock in th forenoou, be assigned for e.xamining and allowing such account, and that the heira at law ef said deceased and all other persons iuUreated in said state, are required to appear at a sesalon of said court, then to be holden at th probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show caus if any thr be, why th said account should not b allowed: And it is f urther ordered, that said administrators give notiee to th persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said account, and the hearing thereoi by causing a copy of this ordr to be published in Tilt Ann Arbor Dtmoerat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county three successive wk DrTious to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, A tra copjr.) Judg of Probate. Wh. Q. Dott. Probat Register. HATS. HATS HATS. HATS. HATS. CAPS. CAPS. CAPS. CAPS. CAPS. And everythius; iu the Get's ForÉMi Ule ! E. J. JDHNSON'S NO. 9 NORTH MAIN STJtEfJT, 7Vo Doort from the Opera House. TIES, TIES, TIES, TIES. I Have Replenished My Stock and Would Like to Have Everybody Cali and Ex amine my Goods and Prices E J. JOHNSON. ÍAlyon&healy} Stitta Mtnrot Sts.ChiCígoJS,, Wl!lMí vnfiA tony l-ru thttr f BV BAÑO CATALOGUE, I -■.-■ jf iBiUumtnU. StitU, Cap, IWlU.% SUndv Drum M).". SutL od JWTf fCkoloBaiiii !". A mmiM wntc'. IA a Pt made aell. ■fMI ■ALE. Weiühnp u 55 lb. PríiM, P? I.O. ■ ! "- '-li.'li. O. Estáte of Fischor, Minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbtenaw. O sa. At a session of the probate court, for the county oí Washteuaw, holden at the probate offlce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, tbe 9th day of January. in the year one thousand eigbt hundred and eighty-three. Present, W illiam D. Harriuian, Judge of ProIn the matter of the eatate of George Fischer, John Fiseher, Aunie Fischer, Lew is Fischer, and Hary Fischer, minors. Leonhard Gruner, the guardián of sald wards comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to render hia annual account as ucli guardián. Thereupon. it is ordered, that Tuesday. the 30th day of Jauuary instant at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aasigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the next of kin of said ward and al! other persons interested In said estáte, are required to appear at asessionof said court, then to be holden at the probate ofllce, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid county, and show cause if any there be, why the said acoount ghould not be allowed: And it if further ordered that said guardián give notiee te the persons interested in said estáte, of the pen dency of said account, and the hearing thereof, hy causing a copy of this order to be puhlishedic the The Ann Arbor Democrat, a newspaper prin ted and circnlatiug in said county, two suc cessive week9 previous to sald day of heaiing. WILI.IAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. Q. Doty Probate Register. Estáte of Henrr Bnsenbark. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenavr, ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of flce in the city of Ann Arbor. on Friday, the 5th day of Jaiuary in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Pro"in the matter of theestate of Henry Busen bark, deceasedOn reading and flling the petition, duly veri fled of Fleming Busenbark praying that a eer tain instrument uoir on file in this court purpor ting to be the last will and testament of sald deceased maybe admitted to probate, and that Calvin Mitchell may be ppointed execuuu thereof. . Thereupon. it is ordered, that Monday, the 5th day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing cf said petition, and that the devisees, legatees and aeirs at-law of said deceased, and all othei pereons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause.if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it u furthei ordered that said petitioner give notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of the yendency of said petition. and the hearing causinj: a copy of this order to be published in the Ank Arbor Dïmockat, a newspaper printed and circulatodln said county, three uccessive weeks previou. tosaid "ayhearing HARRIMANi (A true copy) JudK of Probate. Wm. U. Doty, Probate Register. Lllpl Maviiifif ïui-elnaisecl the Livery Statole ofH.Kitredge on Went Ann strect I am pvepared to furnisli the FINEST RIGS IN THE GITY I also run ji HACK AND BUS LINE! CHARGES REASONABLE. Telephonic Communication with the Barn. GILï. SNOW. Sam. B. Revenaugn Is nw takliig the Best Class 01 PkotosjiBis Ju the City at Prices to Suit the Times öround Floor Oallfrj-. GOODRICH BLOCK, East Side of thf NKW COURT HO ü SIC Get Youi Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE ACENT No 4 Somh AI a i n St., Ai.n Arbor. The oldent agency in the city. EHtublish-d a quarter of a century ag' Kepresentingthe fol lowine first -clans companies: Homeins. Co., of N. Y., $ 7.000,000 Continental Ins. Co., of K. V 4,207,206 NiHiTJira In. Co., of N. Y.. 1,735,508 Girard los. Co., o! Pliila.. I.182.4S6 ! Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford, 1,419,522 ! Commercial Union of London, 12.1X)U,000 : Mantiattnn Ins. Co., of N. Y., 52,117 12T Rates low. Losse liberally adjust" ed and promptly paid. C. H. Millón. V jlCHIGAN CBNTBAL 1ÍAII,I1. a 1 . TIME TABLE. MAY 14lli J (ii! ... WEST. j Iw ! ?w i ?5 ! Lí ! éá a. m a. m. r. f. r. .I v. v. i". Detroit Lv. 7.U0Í ::, 6.r.5 405 B.K U. T. Jane 7 lo! .S6 6.10 4 20 8.16 ' 0 Waim Jum ... 7.6S 10.29 6 : o Vilmni„ H.-3 10 M 7 06 5.0i UWI i i 2 Aun Arhor K45 U 00 1 7.V4 5 2 9 . L' xti-r 9(8 7 48i 5...9Í .44 ... - Chelfi-B 9 25' 8.0i 5.62 i 00 .... Gr,ielki 50 !.:, ti i Id. SU . . F. M. Jackson Ar. ÍO.IOI B.UO Jíckson Lt i 10 20, 12 15 . i'.ór. i.ii IS AlbiOi 11.04 12.50 ;.4O 11.68 I -! iMhall I 11.511 UM _ c i 06'i.tO i4, i j. .( C I 15:. í . 8. 40 12.4Í ü.OT ' I a. j (JaHíburi; 12.53 a. lu., II 15 Kalamazoo 1.13 2 SU 4.S0 :, .47 LawtUi 152 6.25 ï 13 Decatm 2 07 6.42 ! SSi Duwagiac 2 29 ti.l!7 1 8 57 Mies 2 55 4.01 B.EO 8 87 4.15 Buchanau s 08 7.02 HA rhree Oks.... 8.381 7.27 4.121 New BufWo... 3.53 4 52 7.40 4.35 . Micil. Uity 4.23 5.18 B.08 6.08 5.8 Uke S.13 B.0 8.Ú4 6.51 6.18 Keiniiiüton b.OO ' 5(' .J5 .... B.40 'i.ll Chicago rA 6.60 7.40 IO.:-5 ! T.:-0 (0. ÖUINI. EáSi . ■ í A -i iá Illii f_ _Lf _ L_ .! A H. . M. T. .1 V. U. P. V, Jhicago Lv. 6 45 9 00 3.0 6 15 i &=n.iiiKtuii 7.3Ó 9.5D 4.30 tt.06 10.01 Uke 8.H 10 27 5.1. B.)10.4 Uiuta. City H.00, i.Üli ! S New Buaalo... 9 87 11.88 t;.y,: I llS Three üks 42 ti.4f i. i. Bnchanan 10.10 i-.m. 7.16 Nlleí 10.i 12. ÍS 7.-7 9.01 Ís í-r Dowaifiac 11.58 06 I 1)2 Decr.tur 11 18 8.:te Lawiui U. 3 Buil. Kalamazoo 12.1S 1.88 .8I 6.Ö 10.28 4.3C Baloelmr!; 12:5l I k 7.0X1 Battle Cre.k... l.tti Í.15jc "38J1.08 3 iO p m al MarahHll 1 SO; 3 0' 9B I R08 11.38 8.41 Albion S.Ki' S.2I --=- 8.821 II.!! 1-1 I A. M.. I A. 11. Jackson Ar. 8.05 lackeon Lv. 8.0 4.05! 7.0o 9.30 12.40 SJO 3rawLake 8 33 1 7.28 9.501 B.Ï6 Jheli-a 358 75'! 1U.O7 ! 5.00 Dexter 4 1..I i 8.(8 H. & AnnArbor 4 371 5.071 8x51 Hi 311 i.04 1..: 5 ïpitlanti 4.65 5,'8 8 4S 10 48 í.2 ".41 iVuyiie June... 5.20 5.45 .08 ll.l 2.41 7.' 5 S.T.Junc ...1 B.00 (i.loi B.4SÍ1186 Detroit Ar.l 6 15 (i.S0 lu 0 5 H.iQ The New York Express, a fai s Chi?&go at 3.30 in the aïternoon nnú inakes the folawinp stops, Michigan City. 5,30: Nites, '..27; Kalimazoo7.4ü; Battle Treek, 8. 6; Jackson, S'-'S; Ann Arbor, 10 46; ïpsilanti, 10.41; G. T. Junction, (1.25; arrlvingin Detroit ;U K.4 P. M. suuday tjxcepicd t&aluiüay a. uuüd ►Daily. HENBY C'. WEvTWt,, tu, T!. P i O. '.■ 7. ., Vhíc-i-jo. (ttn'l ' t T AKW SHORE & MICI1K. ERN 1 RAILWAY. YPSILANTI B ANCH -I.AXSN'! DIVrSIOK GüING WEST. LEAVI. M1IL. Ypsilantl 7 üo a. m 915 a . Pittüfleld Junction 74 a ni Si I a. 111. Saline 8 87 a. 111 IB . 1 Bridgewater 9 '5a. 111. líu a. ui. Manchester 10 -'3 a. m !1U8 a. 111. Watkine 10 55 a 111. 10 -a m. Brooklyn 1140a. m. 1056a. ui. Hillsdale 3 5 o. ni. lífl BiiBkers 3 ..o o. 111. líí .0 p. ni OOING EAST. leavx. inBanken 8 00 p. m. 810 p, .. Hillsdale 8 ni) p m. a .5 p. m Brook vn 1 00 ,.. m. 4 2 p. m Watklns 1 BQp. m. 4 r p. rn Manchester 2 ■''■ n. 11.. Briagewater S -'■" i "' r' 18 p. m, Salins 4 10 p. 111. ! 2'i 1 111. Pittsfleld Junction. 4 40 p. m. Ypsllanti 5 15 p m, 5 Way Freight goea west Monday. and Frlday at. Tuesday Thi ■'■■■■ Suturday. W. H. ('A NIFF, SuDerintendent. Ooi). W. Híll. Ticket Agent. T'OLEDO. ANN AKliOR & GEAND TEUNK 1 RA1LKOAD. Taking effect Sundav, December 10 188S Train ron by Oplrnibua time. 6O1NO NOKTH SOUTH B$t t i I " 8 ■ I. o. 6TAT1ON3 w S S lili il ' l j P. M. I P. M. I A. M. I A M. P. M. 1 M. 6 20 ! 3 20 8.35 ivT'ledo ar I 9.3.") :! 85 6 SO I 3 -J5 I 8.40 Man'n. J"n I 9 82 8.--S 5 80 6 40 1 8 321 8 17 Alexis J'n I SI.23 8.18 ' .'3 7 85 l.09 9.29 MonrVJ'n S-ll 2 20 4.51 7 50 1 4 17 9 40 DuncU'e 8 82 2.C7 4.4' 8 10 1 4 37 9.54 Azalia I 8. SO I 1.47 8 30 1 4 4t 10.0'i Mi an 8.05 1.28 4!0 8 55 4 5 I 1(19 Urania 7 ,v.' 1.0 8?T 9 15 .1010.'5 Pittsflelil 7.42 12 10 3.4' 9.85 5.Í5 I 10.35 Aun Arb'r 7.30 12.Í5 I 3.85 I p m ! lv ar.! I . m. I i v 11.30 6.55 ia.82 j Jackson I 5.20 ( 0.20 A. Si. II 1.07 9.00 2 15 ' BattlefVk ! 3.40 7.58 7.58 1.55 9.Í5I 2.56 , Kalamazu ' 8.601 7.101 7..0 i' K. 7"0 10.50 4.50 O. Rapids 10.40! 6 50] 60 6.00 6.15 10.35 AnnArbor ...11225' 3.35 725 801 11.20 SthLyons ... 11.S5 8.00 .... 7.80 1 18.02 Howe'll 10.22 í.lfl 8.45 1.20 Lansing.. .. O.'Ol 1.00 .... 10 15 3.00 Ionia 7 45 11 16 11 5S 6.04 Edmore I fi 10 9 m Connections- At Toledo, with railroads diverging; at Alexia, with Canada Southern. L. S & M. 8 and F A P M railroads at Manhattan Junction, with Wheeling A Lake EJie railroad at Moneo Junction with L S & M S ; at Dtmdee. wlth LfM8 railroad: at Milán, with W St L A P railroad; at Pittsfleld with L S& M S. . at Ann Arbor. with MC railroad; at South Lyon,. with DLÍS railroad. H. W. ASHLEY, W. H. BNNETT, Supt. Oencral PawaDger Agent.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat