Tolu Rock And Rye

■ Use Lawrence & Martinas " Por COUCHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, PNEUMONÍA, CONSUMPTION, Diseasesof THROAT, CHEST AND LUNC3. n I I rt ■ ■□ Al Ia Al II Hm alwavs been One of the most Important IJ n I V II Rn I L 9 weapous wieldeil bv the MEDICAL FA( I J M I 11 HlVl i Ir II aKainsttheeneroaclirncntsofCOUGHS.COI.D8, wrispVrilII yl I 5J LU bronchitis, asthma, sohií tíhíoat, CONSUMPTIONIn its incipient and adTanced stages, and all dlscases of he THKOAT.CHEST an 1 LUNttS, butit has never been so dvaiitageously compov-.dcd as h. the TOMJ, ROCK ar.a UYL. ltssoothingBalsamicpropertles aiford a diffusive stimutant .-inct touie to bu.kl up t:i8 jstem alter tne cough has been relieved. Quart size bottles, ftice Si .nu. All F I ül T Do not be decelved by dealers who try to palm off Rock and Eve WWW I lUm in place of our TOI.U, EOCK AND BTE, wlrtch is tho ONCr .-íí-DiGAlED artlcle- thegenuinehas a Private Die Prqprletary Stihip on eaeh bottle, vvliioii jeniiiïsittobeSold by Uruggists, Grocers and Uoalerilvcrynberc, WITHOUT SPECIAL TAZ OR LIC3ÍJS53. The TOLU, ROCK ANO RYE CO., Proprietors, 4! River Sí., Chicago, UI.
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Ann Arbor Democrat