
F. &. A. M. A N.N' ARBOR COMJIANDERY NO. 13 K. T Regular Conclave held the flrst Tuesda jreiiing of each month at the Asylum. in Masan] Hall. at eijfht o'clock. W. D. Haukixa.n, E. C, VV. A. Tulchard. Recorder. WASHTENAW CHAPTEK, No. 6, R. A. M.- Recular oonvocation at Masouic Hall 01 Monday evenin on or preceding each fu] mooa. Visiting coiupanions will be cordially irelcomed. WM, O. DOTY, H. P. AlbLt Sono. Sec'v. GOLDEN RULE LOD'iE No. 159, F & A. M Regular meetings at Masonic Hall. Thurs day eveniags on or before the full of the uioon. BENJ F. WATTS. W. M. N. D. Gatks, Bec'r. AMCSEMENTS. HILL'S OPBBA lODSE. MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 29íh. FOND FATHERS, MODEL MOTHERS, BELOVED BROTHERS, SWEET SISTERS, and SMILING SWEETHEARTS, See the Greatest of all Comedies, by Elllott Barnes, entitled Tb Girl i I Love. Presented bv a Powerful Company, im-luding MISS DAISY RAMSDEN, AS POLLY MELLON, Iutrodui'ing her wouderful Champion .Tig. in whieh she challenges any lady dancer in the world to compete with lier. Ailmisiion. 75, 50 and :V cents. Rese rved seats now on sale at Bliss & Son' s.
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