
So far, this has been a year of disasters. Weather propheta predict milder weather. Samuel K. Doty is said to be dangerously ill. Rev. Dr. Lockwood preached in Flint last Sunday. Thos. Dale mourns the loss of a seeondhand overooat. With some of the justiee? business is not very brisk. The sidewalks are nearly impagable on account of ice. Rev. Jno. Alabarter lectnred in Wayne W'ednesday evening. The time for collecting taxes lias been extended thirty daj's. H. T. Morton sold liis place in the first ward last week. J. D. Stirason has piirchased a house on w est nuron street. "The Girl that I Love," at the opera house, Monday evening. Judga Harriman was in Kalamazoo Tuesday and WedneRday. The suprema court has graated Douglas A. Bycraft a new trial. Tït" Tallin nt - J-l. - 1 M ji. jjüip, jl lycHuiL, was ixie guesr ot Prof. Wilson, Weduesday. The town dock has not been illnminated for several evenings. J. M. Swift & Co. shipped, Saturday, a car load of flour to Scotland. County Clerk Robison, like Job, is terribly aiBioted wüh boils. The Cook house is the headquarters of the regenta when in the city. Swathel, Kyer k Peterson, of the City milis, are putting in a new boiler. The monthly meeting of the Pomological society will be held next Saturday. The room in which the new bank is to be located is being thoroughly repaired. Fleet Walker, senior law, will catch for the Toledo baseball club tlm season. The commissioners in the Jas. B. Gott stat are C. H. Millen and J. F. Lawrence. The Burlingame house, 41 Washington street, is to be rented for a boaTding house. A plate-glass in the door of the main entrance to the post-offlce was broken Friday. Robison & Son's water-works, at the foot of West Huron street, froze up Sunday night. Mrs. Mattie Gilbert and daughter, of Toledo, are visiting Mrs. Wm. H. Lewis, in Ypsilanti. The Beethoven Gesangverein will give a concert, February 6, for the benefit of the society. Monday was the coldest day since the oold Nw Year of 18(53- twenty degrees below zero. Mrs. John Haup, who was badly injured by a fall the first of the week, is getting better. H. H. Howe has returned from Indianapolis, where he has been visiting for some weeks. Prof. Herdman addressed the regents, Tuesday evening, on the workings of the anatomical law. There was no lecture in the law de - pirtment Monday, as it was impossible to warm the room. "Rooms for Rent," by the Ensign company, at the opera house, Friday evening, February 2. The trial of Sophie Lyona attractg oonsiderable attention, the court houe being crowded each day. Sunday was a fearful cold day. We hear of a number of persons who had their ears frost-bitten. Too cold for skating or sleigh-riding, or calling on your girl, or anything eicept hugging- the stove. B. F. Watts attended a session of the Grand Lodge F. & A. M., in Kalamazoo, Tuesdayand Wednesday. Mrs. Foster, mother of Supervisor Foster, had a severe stroke of paralysis last week, and is quite ill. We are pleased to chronicle the fact hat there has not been a fire in our ity, thus far, this winter. The cry of fire Saturday night was ocasioned by the burning out of a chininey tthe eideneeof T. Olarken. Iron gratings have been put in the windows of the post-office, so thnt they can not be used as seats. We refer oxir lady readers t the nrw advertisement of Maek r Scbmidt, on the third page of this paper. One lodge of Good Templara meet on Tucsday and the other on Wednesday eveninf?, at Cropsey's hall. The university has settled with Beatty of Adrián, who built the homeopathie hospital, by paying him $372.50. Arrangements are being made for performance in a;d of the Ladies' Librry, to be given in March or April. Charles E. Millard, of Adrián, attorney tor the university, receives $74.80 for services rendered in the Beatty case. About one ton of coal whs consumed uaiiy, uuring me late cola snap, m neating the Oourier building and post-oftïce. D. 0. Hall, past master of Golden Rule lodge, F. & A. M., has been presented Trith a flne silver watch by the fratrnity. Bev. Henry Ward Beecher will lecture in university hall next Tueeday evening, on the "Moral uses of luxurv and beauty." From March 22, 1881, to January 24, 883, 2G0 bodies have been received at he medical departinent, for anatomical mrposea. All kinds of business is very dull. If bis cold snap don't let up, our merhants will have to sell out at cost, or - dvertise. Uur coal dealers are reaping a harveat. The demand for the " dusky diamonds" taxes their delivering capacity to the fullest extent. Joe T. Jacobs returued f rom Newark, Ohio, Wednesday, where he had been to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Eliza Jacobs, A fire, one day last week, detroyed a quantity of straw, corn, and a pen taining forty hogs, belonging to Felix Dunlaveny. That Manitoba wave submerged our intelluctual city the early part of the week. and sent the thermometer down iu the twentiee. The boys and girls are not coasting to any great extent just at present, owing to the position of the mercury in the thermometer. E. A. Nordraan, connty drain commiBsioner, attended the meeting of county drain commissioners, held in Lansinj?, Friday last. The Chelsea band will give a masquerade ball on Washington's birthday, and ihe party will dance to the music of th -i-'-lítíJ-li-O UltUCDllili Harrison H. Soule, of Jackson, has been appointed treasurer of the university, and James H. Wade, of Jonesville, secretary aDd steward. Antón Sedina, a Bohemian, ajjed 77 years, and for 27 years a resident of this city, died suddenly Friday. He leaves a wife and seven children. T. H. Sedina, a cutter in the reform School, at IjATiaincr. wnn in tha tv "KV," day. He lias thirty boys in the tailoring department, learning the trade. Some flfty persons met at the residence of Fred. Rettich, jr., Sunday, the occasion being the christening of his little son, Frederick Albert. At a meeting of the regents, Tuesday night, a full board was present. Kegent Norria is the first Democrat -who has held the position since 1854. For the first time in many years our citizens will have the opportunity of hearincr Kev. Henrv Warrl io_ ture, at university hall, January 30. The steam-pipes in the opera house were frozen up Monday night, and during the entertainment a register, in tha rear of the hall, bursted. The Daily Nevs office was taken posseesion of Tuesday by J. A. Polhemus and Joel W. Hamilton, who held chattel mortgages on the establishment. John Webber, a second warder, has been bound over to the circuit court for threatening to kill one Stoll. Bail $500, which he could not give, and went to Rev. Mr. Sunderland will lecture next Sunday eveDing, on "Darwin." This discourse will be the first of a series on 'Some of the great dead of the past year." Some of our wealthy citizens hve many opportunities to supply the wants of the poor durin;; such weather as thi. A little charity oovereth a multitude of sins. Lyman D. Norris, of Grand Rapids, has been appointed a regent of the univereity, by Gov. Begole, to fill th yacancy occasioued by the resignation of Gen. Cutcheon. Last Friday night, the rooma tised in he St. James and Leonard house for storing lamps and oil oaught fire, but th ire was extinguished before any damago ïad been done. o run down trampa ; though we doubt f they could withstand the temptation if the thermometer should reach the loweet notch. Families in the Ticinity of the university are "short" on water, oecasioned by the freezing up of tanks, from which they have heretofore been getting their supply. Nearly all the mails come in behind time, the cause of delay beinp; that train oan not run on schedule time, with safety, while the thermometer is down in the twentiea. On Wednesday, January 3lBt, the Hon. George Woodford will leoture in the Baptist ohurch, under the auspices of thfi W f! T TT T.ört4-n +,-. , 11 ■ " -" -- J xjt7MHiLO LKJ UUIIlIlltiUCÜ at 7:30 p. m. An incipient fire was diseovered in the aervants' room of the St. Jame hotel Monday. It caught near a wood box and burned a small hole through th fioor before it was extinguished. The " Maid of Arran" was produced at the opera houge, Mouday erening, in excellent style. Those who witnessed it pronounce it one of the best productiong of the geason. Saline Observer : Mrs. Wm. Schaffer has received a check for the $2,000 life insurance of her deceased huaband, from the Knights of Honor, of which gooiety he wag a member. Ihus far, 509 students have retfistered in the hterary department, and the calendar will contain 1,430 names of persons in actual attendance, in the different departments of the university. Chas. Gaaham, the colored mute who worked in the St. .Tames harber Bhop, was arrested in Jetroit for stealinff thirty-flve dollare froiu his employer. He was brought liere Monday for e;wmiuation. Did you ever gee tba "(xirl that I Love?" If not, attend the ment at the opera house Monday evenintf. She will be thore waiting for vou. She's a daisy. Mías Daisy Ramsden, formerlyjleading lady with Kice's Suprise Party, aa Tolly Mellon, the stasre struck waiting-maid, with E. M. Gardiner's company, at tlio opera house next Monday evening. Thosewhohavenotyet paid theirtaxes will gave four per ceut, collection charges, above the usual one and a half per cent., if they pay tlieir taxea before February lat, or before an extensión is given . A county order for $196.16, payable to C. G. Millman, or bearer, and belonging to the citv. waa lost one dar last week. A reward of $25 will be paid to the person returning the same, and uo questions asked. It is rumored that a oertain deputy sheriff is paid three dollars per daj by a certain other oflBcial to run down trampa, and that they "whack np" the feea röceived irom the stat for eash man taken to Ionia. Mrs. J. T. Sunderland's series of Sunday-school lessons on "Héroes and Heroism," published by the Western Unitarian Sunday-sohool society, of Chicago, have met with such favor that they are being published in England. When the Webster post-office was discontinued, some thirty farmers, who indignant, and laid the blame on Willits. An effort will soon be made to have the office re-opened. It certaiuly ought to be. Charles, a five-year-old son ot Willard Banfield, while coasting on High street hill, Wednesday, struck the railroad track just in time to get hit by the cow-catcher of a passing train. The sled was broken to pieoes, and the lad was severely ent in the head and had Uiii hip injured. The temperance organizationa do not seem to work very harrnoniously together. One bronght a member of parliament to address the peopl on the Bubject, at university hall, Monday night, while another had a hop the Rarae evening, at Cropsey's hall. .T. B. Arm, jr., has sold his farm of 97 - - ,m ■ ■ ■ A. - k 41. y"v r m noicB lu a. iinaver, j. j_ianipüer ana Wm. Martin, for $5,000. Mr. Arnis Las purehased of A. A. Buckeliew, for $7,000, a farm of 80 acres ; and Mr. B. paid Wm. E, Waldron $12,000 for his farm of 160 acres. The partie all reside in the town of Webster. The Studen ts' Lecture Assoeiation will bring out, in May or June, Gilbert Sullivan's comic opera, "Iolanthe." The cast the work of learning the piece will be commenced soon. It will be given entirely by home talent, and the chorus will consist of about thirty Toices. B. A. Beal and wife were given a surprise Monday eveninjf, somt) thirty memben of the Beal families present. Mr. Beal was presented with a handsome silk dressing gown, and Mrs. B. with a large oil paintinsr. Mis Mary Beal, of Northville, made the presentation speech, which was feeling-Jy responded to by RA.B. Observer : The new incumbent at Saline station is Mr. ,1. J. Flynn, of son, a genial and courteous young gentleman of considerable experience in railroading, and we bespeak for him the hearty welcome that was accorded his predecessor. Mr. Brown left, on Friday morning, for hia post of duty at Eaton Rapids, to which place liis family moves thiu week. At a meeting of the Unitarian society Mrs. Gov. Ashley and Mrs. Prof. Vaughn were elected trustees. The final report of the building committea was read, which showed that the society was out of debt. It was voted to build, the coming surnmer, a parsonage, at a cost of $4,500. It will tand just aorth of the church, on State street. Jack Frost is a boss temperance racket. Since his advent in our city there has been very few cases of blind staggcrs on the streets. If a fellow ventures out doors with his epidermis f uil of tnnglefoot whisky, the atmosphere iinmediately braoes him up, and he walks off as dignified as a justice of the peace, and looks as wise as a township constable, after "running in" a hungry tramp. In his lecture on "Arctio and Siberian Experiences," Lieut. Dauenhower gives a vivid and picturesque narrativo of the voyage of the Jeannette. of her fot.pnt.inn and final destruction among the "pack" in the Arctic Sea. The lecturer also jfives a thnlling account of his adventures amonjf the tribes of Eastern and Western Siberia. H will lecture at university hall, Fnday evening, Feb. 9. For the year ending December 31, 1882 it cost the State $13,000 for the transportation of trampa f rom Washtenaw county to Ionia, and 327,000 for their maintenance during the year. Aside from this large sum (40,000) there should be added the fees of the sheriff, turnkey, justices, and officers making the arrests. How do y ou like it, taxpayers? In the casa of Edward P. and Desir Smith against George Moffatt. the plaintiff gubmitted to a non-suit; Henry K. Watson vs. Edgar Kook, discontinued by consent of parties, replevin suit, property remains in the hands of Watson ; Thompkins H. Wheeler vs. E. W. Wallace, case ïecond, continued by consent of both partiei. The case of Watson vs. Gugarty and Watson v. Rogers, discontinued without cost, and the property remains in the hands of Watson. Reflil whnt, flii tm-qod # -.1 : -- v unn naj UI UI1Í1 II 11 111 (f Daisy Ramsden, and her great play : "Miss Daisy Ramsden, a pretty, viacious little lady, who, it will be remembered, ulied Alice Atherton's place in "Dreams" lat season, bad the. part of Polly Mellon, the stage-strack waitmgmaid, which ehe entered into with a great deal of spirit, giving an impersonation which perfeotly delighted the house. She sings several songs, among others, "For goodness sake, don't say I told you," which is dow the rage in New York, and she dan cea like a fairy. Th play is very interesting, and i presented by a good company, with new and beantiful scenery." -Globe-Democrat, Dec.ll. This play and star at the opera house Monday eveninsr, .Tanuary 29. John H. Remmick, day operator and ticket agent at the Central depot for flve years, has been promoted to train dispatcher on the Michigan Central, (eastern división) at Detroit. Wm. A. Buntinpr, late night operator at the Central depot, takes Mr. Remmick's place. Chas. Hicks takes Bunting's position, and Mike Fohey asmimes the responsibilitie of assistant operator in the Western Union office, vacated by Mr. Chas. Hicks. Henry Deugler goes to Detroit Junction, as operator on n, branch of the Canada Southera. Each of the abo ve operators learned their trade with Milo PulcipherYpsilanti Commercial : Mr. Geo. Wilber infornis us that, Tuesday afternoon, three -Charles, Adam and swamp, about three and a half miles north of the city. Adam separated a short distance from the other two ; and Charles and Henry, hearing a gun go off, inquired, "Did you kill a rabbit? " Receiving no answer, they went to see and found Adam shot in the head, just above the left ear. He was insensible. They carried him home, and Dr. Post was sent for. Dr. Batwell, happening to be passing, aided in taking the unfortunate young man in the house. The doctors pronounced the wound fatal. Adam was some 18 years old and the son of a widow. lne young man was probablyshot while climbing a tree, and the gun, rest ing on the ground, accidently went oflf. Hi hat ws found, on flre, in the branch nt a tino.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat