Election Of Officers

There will be a meeting of th Ann Arbor Sporting Club, for the election of officers, on the second Monday in February, 1883, at 7:30 p.m., at P. Winegaru office, in Ann Arbor. Albright Gwinner, A. H. Winslow, Christ. Fritz, Adolph Hoffstetter. Thoa. F. Leonard, Oscar Werner, Philip Winegar, M. Wïnegar. Saín. Gregory, Warren E. Walker. Ann Abbor, Jan. 9, 1883. An Enthusiastic Endobsement. - Gobham, N. H., July 14, 1879. Gent:- Whoever you are, I don't know; but I thank the Lord and feel grateful !o you to know that in this world of adulteráted medicines there is one compound that proves and does all it advertises to do, and more. Four years ago I had a ulight shock oí paisy, wiucti unnerved me so that the least excitement woxild make me shake like the ague, Last May I was induced to try Hop Bittere. I used ooe bottle, but did not see any change; another did so change my nerves that they are now as steady as they ever were. It used to take both hands to write, but now my good right hand writes this. Now, if you oontinue to manufacture as 1 h -■ nut d- - J . . h h J _ 11 _ I . uonesi ana gooa bu article as you do, you -vrill accumulate an honest fortune, and confer the greatest blessing on your fellow-men that was ever conferred on mankind. Tim Burch. They are rich who have friends. Bdcklin's Árnica Salve.- The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises.sores, uleers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, ooms and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or the money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Ebhprhflph Jtr Sim A Tin ArKr "fii The road to perdition is paved with good intentions. Don't die in the House.- Aak druggist for " Rongh on Kats." It cleare out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roaohes, vermin, flies, ants, insects. 15c. per box. No house without a mouse, no barn ■without cora, no roie without a thora. Catabbh of the Bladder.-- Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, oured by Buchupabia. $1, at druggists. Mich. Depot, James E. Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. Luck will carry a man over a brook if he's not too lazy to leap. I. Shipp Speaks Or Hia Wife- Indianapolis, Ind.:Mr. A. Kiefer- Sir: My wife bas for several years been a great sufferer f rom periodical attacks of Neuralgia in the head. Several of the most eminent physicians bas been oalled upon to treat her, but they could only cive temporary relief. About two yeare ago ahe commenoed using the Taraxine, and I am gratified to say, since then she has had no recurrence of those terrible pains. I attributie her restoration to health cntirely to the use of Taraxine, and in conclusión would say.to all who suffer that excruciating of all pains, to give Trxine a trial. Truly, etc. I. Shipp. For sale by EberVa jh & Son. A lean compromie is better than a fat lawïuit. Pilbs- A Positive Core.- A certain, .iniv uuu □jjvuj l llin LJl LUXB UIHtíBHO I138 been discoyered. A single application of Dr. Deining' a Wonderful Remedy will convinee the patiënt of its miraculous power of healing. With the firat applioation suffering is practically at an end, and the sufferer is well started on the road to recovery. For aale by Eberbach & Son. Keep well with your neighbors, whether right or wrong. "What is bred in the bone, will neyer out of the flesh." But rheumatism, piles malaria, constipation and all other confiuents from derangements of the funotions of the liver, kidneys and bowels will "out of the flesh" without fail, after the thorough use of Kidney-Wort, the cure for all auch diseass. "Darlinjjf.thia potato is onlyhalf done." "Then eat the done half, love." Everj color of the Diamond Dyes is perfect. See the samples of the colored cloth at the druggists. Unequalled for brilliancy. Fair, good, rich, and wise, i a womon four stories high. Dyspepsia, lieart-burn, nausea, indigestión, etc., are alway relieved by Brown's Iron Bitters. A GknkbaIí Stampbdk.- Nerer wu such a rush made for any drug store aa is now Eberbach & Son's for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for oonsumption, coughs and colds. All persona afflicted with asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, severe coughs, or any affection of the throat and lungs, can get a trial ne oí luía ffreax remeay rre, by calliníf at the abo ve drug store. Whin a bse ball nine geti a goosegg, is it laid to the fouk or by them? The Trub Test.- If a. man ia hunjfry within an hour more or leas after a meal lie is a dyspeptic, it show hi stomach is not able lo dispose of wh&t he has eaten. but to eat again, and thus impoe more work, is absurdity. Take Dr. Jone R,ííl fllílVOr 'PrtTlirt -nrVii#ih ■!■■■■ A - ■- - ■.-.. va __ umv t UK..U tiui Ofj IJ y ■ UcDI 1 H and all stomach, liver, kidney an:i bladder troubles. It is a perfect tonic, ppetizer, blood purifier. a sura cure for uirlurial diseases and agüe. Price 50 cent at Eberbach Son's. Tobacco, cigars and cigartttes for sale by Treston, opposite the post-offiee. For Sale.- A newmilch oow. Inauir of G. 8. Howe, boi 2073, Ann ÁrS PreBton keeps the best brands of tobáceo and cigars. Cali and see him, in the Duffy block, opposite the post-offioe. Pianos and organs cheaper than ever. atWilseys musió store. Nice organs with book and stool, f rom $50 to 860 cash. The famotw Estey cottage or.' gans; four different makes of pianosflve of organs; store full of goods
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