B. F. Watts' Jewelry Store

HMmynzEnsTsiE display i OF Watches, Jowelry and Solid Silver and Plated Ware for Wedding and Holliday Presents at ö Jo. 1O Soul li TVlain street, Oonsisting of WATCHES of all DESCR1PTI0NS, FINE JEWELRY ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SOLID SILVER WARE. PLATED WARE in GREAT ABUNDANCE PEARI IIANDLEn TABLE KNIVES, OPERA GLASSES, CLOCK8, 8PETACLES, and a great variety of FANCY GOODS, whlch I am Bound to Sell Cheap. Cali and Examine my Coods and Saüsfy Yourselves OCCULISTS' PRESCUIPTIONS tilled accuraiely at low prices. Repairiug of Walcbea aud Je welry a special ty. All work guaranteed. All goods engraved free of cbargc. _ B. 51. Successor to J. C. Watts. S.- All persons havlng accounts with the old house will please cali and settle as my books must be dosen. J. C. WATTS.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat