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Their First Appearance

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The flrst air pump was made in 1654. Mohammed was born at Mecca about 570. The first iron steamship was built in 1830. The iirst Valoon ascent was made in 1G98. Coaches were Qrst used in England in 1569. The ürst steel plate was discovered in 1830. Ships were ürst "copper-Douornea in 1783. The first norse railroad was built in 1826-27. The first steamboat plied the Hudson In 1807. The ürst seciety for the promotion of Christian knowledgo was organized in 1798. The entire Hebrew Bible was printed in 1488. Gold was ürst discoverod in California in 1848. The ürst telescope was used in England in 1608. Christianity was introduced into Japan in 1549. The iirst watcbes were made at Nurenburg in 1477. First saw maker's anvil brouglit to America, in 1819. First almauac printed by George Von Furbachinl460. The ürst U9wspaper advertisement appeared in 1G52. l'ercussion arms were used in the Uaited States army in 1830. The ürst use of a locoraotive in this country was in 1829. Omnibuses were ürst introduced in New York in 1830. Kerosene was flrst used for lighting purpose3 in 182G. The flrst copper cent was coined in New Haven in 1687. The ürst glass factory in the United States was built in 1780. The first printing press in the United States was worked in 1620. Glass windows were first introduced into England in the eighth century. The firststeam engine on this continent was brought from England in 17S3. The first complete sewing machine was patented by Elias Howe, Jr., in 1846. The first attempt to manufacture nina Í7i tïiift pminirv wal madft snnn after the war of 1812. The Qrat prayer book of Ed ward VI. carne into use by authority of Pailiament on Whitsunday, 1549. The flrst temperance society in this country was organized in Saratoga county, K Y., in March, 1808. The flrat coach in Scotland was brought thilher lti 1561, when Qaeen Mary came from France. It belonged to Alexander Lord Seaton. The lirst daily upwspaper appeared in 1702. The Qrst nespaper printed in the United States was published in Boston on September 25, 1790. The manufacture of porcelain was introduced into the l'rovince or JAezin, Jadan, from China in 1513, and Hezin ware still bears Chinese marks. The ürst society for the exclusive purpose of circulaüng the Bible was orgamzed in 1805, vmder the name of the British and f oreign Bible Society. The firat telegraphic instrument was successfully operated by S. F. B. Morse, the inventor, in 1835, thongh its utility was not demonstrated to the world until 1842. The ürst Union flag was unf urled on the first of January, 1776, over the camp at Cambridge. It had thirteen stripes of white and red, and retained the Engiish cross in one corner.


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Ann Arbor Democrat