Of Interest To All

Coaches were introducod into Piugland in 1564. In China physicians aro retained at fixedfees for stipulated periods, payable only in case of liealth, and coasing when tue patiënt is ill. The Mediterranean, formerly nearly free from sharks. is now assorted to be infested with them. Itis supposed they entcred from the Red Sea and Indian Oceanby the Suez canal. The French are steadily at work endcavoring to redeeni the desert of Sahara by meaos of artesian wells. A great number of wells have been sunk along the northern border, more than one hundred and fifty in the Province o Uonstantinc alono, ana tne worü ís aa vancing into the interior. One cnriou discovery is the existence of fish anc crabs at great depths. An engineer who has for twenty years directed the work, says that he once cooked and at a crab that had been drawn up from a depth of two hundred and iifty feet, anc that it was of excellent flavor. One of the most remarkable thing about paper is its strength. As an illus tration of this, a note of the Bank o England, twisted into a kind of rope can suspend as much as 329 pounds upon one end of it, and not be injured in the least. There is an article made of paper in the shape of a small kitchen or house truck on whecls, used for wheeling loads around the house. The sides and bottom of this are made of finely compressed paper, and it is capable of bearing live tons. There are bath-tubs and pots made in the samo nianner, by conipressing ino paper rnaue out 01 linen libres, which is paintecl over with a composition which becomes part of the paper and is fire-proof. The tubs never leak, or may be put on the fire and will not burn. It is alrnost impossible to break them, as yon can beat on them with a hamnier and not injure them in the least.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat