Food For Thought

The trouble and worry and wear and tear tbat comes from hating people makes hating unprofltable. In the calendar of happiness, time is reckoned in minutes; in that of unhappihess, it is reckoned in days. We judgo ourselves bywhat we feel capable of doing, while others judgeus by what we have already done. If you can count the sunny and cloudy days of the whole year, you will ünd that the suushine predominates. A coward boasting of nis courage may deceive strangers, but he is a laughing stock to Uiose whoknow him. Goed qualities are the substancial of the miud; but it is good breeding that sets thm off to advantage. To posesa a superior education, vvitüout natural abiiity, is to nave a quiver f uil of arrows without a bow. Tïuth is a good dog, but beware of barking too close at the heels of error, lest jou gut your brains kicked out7, To be perfeetly juat is an attribute of the divine nature; so to the utmost of our abilitieí', i: the glory of man. Poetry is the blossom and fjragrance of all human knowkdgp, human thoughts, human passions, cmotion, language. A3 pure and fresh country air gives vigor to the systeuo, so do pure and fiesh thoughts tend to iuvigorate the mind. Every great example of punishment has in it sotne justice, but the pufïering individual iseompetisuted by the public good. When a misfortune happens to a friend, look forvvard and endeavor to prevent the samething froni liappening to yourself. Truthfulness is a corner-stone in character, and if it be ürmly laid in youth, there will never af ter be a weak spot in the foundation. We look at the one little woman's face we love, as we look at the face of our mother eartb, and see all sorts of answers to our own yearuiug3. Self-love is at once the most delicate and most tenacious of our sentiments; a mere uothing will wound it, but there is nothing on eartli will kill it. Help others and yon relieve ycurself. Go out and drive thatcloud away fiom that distreseed l'riend's brow, and you will return with a lighter heart. Many a small man is never done talking about the sacrafices he makes, but he is a great man indeed who can sacrifice everything and say nothing. Leniency will opérate with greater force, in soine instances, than rigor. It ia, therefore, nay wisH to have my whole conduct distinguished by it. Thougb we eannojt cieate favorable circumstances, we can, at least, refuse to join the euvious throng that bark at the heels of their more fortúnate fellows. None are so fond of secreta as thoae that do not mean to keep them ; they covet a secret as the spendthiïft covets money, merely that they may circuíate it. Use dispatch. Remember that the world only took six days to créate. Ask me for whatever jou please excepttime; that is the only Uring which is beyond my power. With love, the heart becomes a fair and fertile garden, with sunshine and warm hues, and exhaling sweet odors; but without it, it is a bleak desert covered with ashes.
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