Proposed Underground Travel

Tho Ïew-York and Jersey Tuncl and railroad Company was incorjorated aome time ago, and thosc interisted in it say that it will soon begin ctive operations. The capital is fixed t 85,000,000. The suni of $25,000 has )een subscribed and this will be used or surveys, engineering work and other )reliminaries. It is intended to tunnel tie Hudson River, starting irom some onvenient point on this side thj river nd connecting on the other side with he various lines of railroads. It is osed that the tunnel shall bc wide mough for a doublé track. Among the ncorporators are several well-known )usiness men, including Wm. T. Hatch, jouis L. Lorillard, Eugenc Schieifelin, O. P. C. Billings, H. C. Stetson, S. D. Schuyler, Gouverneur Tillotson, Robt. ones, John McCracken, and H. Clark and John B. W est, contractors, engagcd on the Northern Pacific Railroad. The ew-York and New-Jersey Tunnel aad iailroad Company is intended to connect with the proposed Central Tunnel. Chis last-named work is to be a tunnel rom the vicinity of the City Hall up the Ïtio nf "y.l onrl on t T .of airoffi- 1 ÍÍJ ' ' I i J lili . L . y U KM I ' ' ' ' IJIIIU V VU ' ' slace, Astor-place and Fourth-ave. The tunnel will be sunk below the present one on Park-ave., and will conneet with the Harlem Railroad at Fifty-fifthst. ïhis project has been under consideration for a long time, and the sur'] veys and preliminary engineering work have been finished for some time. This has been done bvEngineers John Ier, Worthen and others, and they wil begin work next week on the Nortl River Tunnel project. The Centra Tunnel is intended to be doublé trackec and with a capaeity for moving 5,000 passenger and freight-cars daily. It i intended to furnish direct communica tion with this city and the Eastern States for the railroads on the west sid of the North River. The Central Tun nel Company have already applied t the Supremo Court for the appointmen of a commissission lo desígnate th route and perform the neecssary pre liminaries beforo the work can be bc gun.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat