Shyness Exemplified

A young lady in aneighboring tow went into a dry goods store and thu unburdened herself: "It is my desire to obtain a pair o circukr elaslic appendages, capable o being contracted or expanded by mean of O3cillatiug burni3hed steel applian ces, that sparkle like partióles of gok leaf set with Cape May diamonds, anc which are utilized for retaining in pro per position tlie habiliments of th lower extremities, which innate delica cy forbids me to mention. The vender of calicó was noaplusec but not wishing to appear ignoranl said that he was 'just out.' Afte her departure he ruminated iu silene fnr a few moments. when a uew liirh bioke upon Iii8 distracted brain, and h broke forth with: "By tbunder! 111 bet tliat woman wanted a pair of gartera " ïhere is reason to believe that th pewer of the more intractable expío tives will soon be made simply niotiv forcé - at least some of them, jndging from some of Herr Beck's experiments Kests for carving-knives are taking a novel shape. Between a pair of silve horses a bar of the same metal support the knives. A woman woke her husband durinj a storm and said: "I do wiah you woulc stop snoring, for I want to hear i: thunder."
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat