How A Mean Man Must Feel

Sometimos I wonder wLat a mean man thiuks aboutwhen he goes to bed. When he turns out the light and lies down. "When the darkuess closes in about him and he is alone, and coecpelled to be honest with himself. And not a bright thought, not a erous impulse, not manly act or word of felessing, rot a grateful look, comes to blesa him again. .Not a penny dropped into the outstreched hand of poverty, nor the balm óf a loving word dropped into an achmg heart;no sunbeam of encouragement cast upon a strugghng life; the strong right hand of fellowship reached out to help some fallen man to his feet - when none of these things come to bim as the "God bless you" of the departed day, how he must hate hiniself. IIow he must want to roll away f rom himself and sleep o;i the other side of the bed. Wbeu the only victory he can th'mk of is soruo mean victory, in which he haa wronged a neighbor. No wonder lie alvvays sneers when he Iries to smile. How pure and fair and goed all the rest of the world mn at loik to him. Mi:d how cheerless and dusty and dreary must his own appear. Why, even one lone, isolated act of meanness U enough to scatter cracker crutnbs ia the bed of the average ordinary man, anJ what must be the feelings of a man who3ü life is given up to mean aí:t3? Wheu there is so much suffering and henrlache and misery in thfi world, anjhow, why should you add ono pound of vvickedness or sadness to the general burden V Don't be mean, my boy. Suffer injustice a thousaud times rather than commit one.
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Ann Arbor Democrat