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Council meeting next Monday evening. The "Girl that I Love" took immensely. Frank Ortmann was in the city yesterday. The candy factory is running in good order. Business in justiees' courts il extremely dull. A revival is in progresa at the A. M. E. church. Manchester is to have a hand flreengine. There is a preat scarcity of water in our citv. Moses Seabolt was able to be out yesterday. Eggs, thirty cents a dozen, and few in the market. Henry Ward Beecher stopped at the Oook house. " Kooms to Rent " thia evening, in the opera house. Nelson Booth is running a ranch in New Mexico. Lieut. Dauenhower at universitv hall next Friday. The sporting club will eleet officers February 12. J. W. Hamilton has taken another trip O. L. Matthews laas engaged in the pension business. Monthly meeting of the Pomological society to-morrew. Deputy Sheriff Shaw aummoned his firt jury Tuesday. There is to be a Eed Ribbon dance in Deiter this evening. Next Wednesday will ba the commencement of Lent. The ivife of Eugene Bartley, of thi city, died Tuesday night. It cost nearly $100 to ropair the steam pipes in the opera house. It was D. O. Fall (not Hall) who was presented with a silver watch. Our old pioneers are dropping off ■ like Ieave3 in wintry reather." J. D. Stimson moved in his new house on West Huron street, Monday. Company A has an inspeotion and " hop" tnis evening, at the armory. The time for collecting taxes in Northfleld has been extended one month. The office of the agricultural company has been removed to the Fifth ward. Mrs. Lavina Saundere, wife of William Saunders, aeed 47 vears. died Mondav. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Kobison, of Detroit, was in the city Monday. The secret societies of the nniversity give a hop, at armory hall, this evening. The number of marriage certificaten recorded in this county the past year was 405. Miss Nichols has a class in painting, which meets in a room in the Hamilton block. (Jol. Woodford spoke last evemng before the W. C. T. ü.( at the Baptist church. The boards for Lieut. Dauenhower'a lecture will be opened Wednesday, at V:30p. m. Thomas Fitzsimmons, aged &á, a pioneer of this township, died Saturday, of paralysis. A. W. Hamilton purehased, yesterday, the printing material belonging to the late Daily News. The ladies' aid society will meet at the homeopathie hospital Thursdar, Februry 8th, at 3 p. m. The agrieultural company propoge erecung a ware nouse, iw reet in wngiix, in the Ffth ward. The time ior rendering an account of the estáte of Chas. C. Bliss wasoontinued until next Tuesday. Rev. Dr. Haskell took part in the opening of the new Baptist church at Albion, Wednesday. The hotels were crowded Tuesday night with parties visiting the city to attend Beecher's lecture. Some 8325 has been collected for the relief of the Germán sufferers from the tiooda along the Bhine. " Modern Greece" was the subject of Prof. D'Ooge's lecture, Friday evening, before the Detroit art club. John Quigley, of Northfleld, expects to dispose of his peraonal effects, at auction, in about three weeks. lM . W llrn rr a a -nr- art mfolniiiniini r . t . iuuíjiiiH, wuu o ui} Bienousiy ■disappeared some four months ago, has been heard from at Manitoba. A new time schedule went into effect on the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk railroad last Saturday. The person returning the oounty order tor $196.19, payable to policeman Millman, viü receive $25 reward. The attention of our readers is called to the closing out sale of boots and shoes. 8ee ad. on second page. Three groceries and one general store in lower town makes it look as if business was looking up down there. Prof. Holmes recently gave a series of entertainments through the State, which we see highly spoken of by the press. Thomas Lehaney, convicted before Justice Freuauff for assault and battery, was sentenced to jail for ninety days. Prof. 0. F. R. Bllows, of Ypsilanti, has been eleoted Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Michigan, F. & A. M. G. Josenhans, of this city, received a telegram, Monday, announcing the death of his cousin, Chas. Josenhans, of Toledo. Why are prisoners, after being sentenced to Ionio, detained in jail for days and weeks before being taken to prison? 'Die house lately occupied by Jln. BurliiiRame, on Washinjfton stroet, has been rented to Orville Moe, of this city. sion a great curiosity, which is said to have once belonged to the Cardiff giant. At a recent seBsion of the county buperintendents of the poor, D. B. Greene, of Ypeilanti, was elected vice president. I Mrs. Theresa Lewia was the guest of Mrs. Mary A. Foster, the well-known inember of the Washtenaw county bar. In anotker column we publiah Prof. Frothingham's reply to the attacks made upon him by the Detroit "ministerial unión." Henry Banfield, while coasting on High street last Saturday, collided with a milk wagon, and his head and face was badly cut. Maj. W. VV. Van Antwerp, of Jackson, has been appointed deputy inspector of oils for this district, by State Inspector Smith. The Detroit Evening News charges some of the Ferry managers with having attempted to bribe members of the legislature. The new hall of the Beethoven Gesangverein will bo dedicated next Tuesday evemng. mere is to De a aance arterwards. A nuinber of boys, and some overgrown youths, "put in" Sunday coasting, while others amused themselves skating on the river. Deputy Sheriffs Olarken and Schniild served all the papers and subüoenaed the witnesses for the prosecution in the Sophie Lyons case. Two juaticea of the peace ara to be elected in the spring- Gen. Clark retiring, and a vacancy to be filled, oecasioned by the death of Philip Winegar. The firemen turned out yesterday in response to an alarm, but as it was onlv a chimney burning out in the Fifth ward, their services were not needed. There was a large audience at university hall, Tnesday evening, to hear the Bv. Henry Ward Beecher's lecture on the "Moral Uses of Luxury and Beauty." The indigent poor should be taken '"'■' VIi wui üj tilC JLkiJ BilUlllU llliJUlftll wood to a person Tvho has ten cords on hand is a question for the poor master to answer. The Ann Arbor Typographical Union mourns the loss of its late treasurer, who skipped out with the available asseta of that amatner associatfon- somt' twenty odd dollars. If a chief of pólice has nothing else to do but attend to other people's affaire, which do not concern him, and to trot horses, his head can't be dropped into the waste basket any too quick. Edward Winters, of Ohelsea, is said to be insane. Public opinión is abou evenly divided, however, and the case is to be fought for all it is worth. Geo. W Turnbull will appear for Winters. The late John O'Hara lett his Bon John $4,000; and 2,000 to Phillip and $1,000 to Ellen, children of John O'Hara, jr. The balance of the estáte he bequeathed to his daughter, Mrs. John Nanry. Gus Grote, -who has been working for the Hangsterfer confectionerv comnany. left Wednesday for Indianapolis, Ind., where he has a fine situation. Gus will be missed by his numerouB friends in this city. The sun and the town-clock have both gone back on their illuminating contraets. No sun by day; no ïlluminated town-clock at night to wam the watcliless student when to retire to his lonely pillow. The homeopathie hospital is full. We hear no more about its having no clinics wbrth speaking of, as the regulare so long contended. We are glad to see the school so successful in the treatment of disease. From the records on file in the navy department it may be seen that Lieut. Dauenhower's commanders have invariably mentioned him in the highegt term, as one of the most zealous and courageous officer ia the navy. Dave Williams, of Albion, celebrated his silver wedding Wednesday evemug, at the residence of Wm. Graves, in the Ffth ward. Some flfty persons were present, who kindly remembered Mr. W. with a number of handsome presents. The Tecumseh Herald thinks that there is no need of the ladies letting their house plants freeze while ooal is only six dollars a ton : and three tons of coal will most generally carry one dollar's worth of house planta through safelv. Several of the chureh doors, main entrances, open inward, and in case of flre, with several hundred persons attempting to get out, the reault can be imagined. It would be a good thing for the authorities to investígate the matter. There is a law on the subject and it shotild be enforced. It seems almost superfiuous to make a remark about the weather, but we hav slipped on the sidewalk so often the past week, in hunting up delinquent subscribers, that we hope to be excused for making the remark that this is very disagreeable weather for eollecting arrearages on subscnptions. By an order given by Chief Nowland to the keeper of the county house, the third supervisor's district will be obliged to foot the bilí for boarding a mother and daughter at the county house. The mother went to take care of her daughter, who is enciente. During the late oold snap the store of Joe T. Jacoba was warmed, in every nook and corner, by steam, It is a wonder that other merchants do not follow Mr, Jacobs example and have their business places comfortably warmed, regardless of the figures on tlie thermometer. As some of our subsoribers are anxious to learn the ñames oí the ofBcers who have been doing the "tramp business," yre would mention that the following deputies and constables do not belong to the ring: Thos. Olarken, Paul Schall, J. F. Schlanderer, Michael Clark, Thos. F. Leonard, E. B. Gidley. The Dexter Leader says there ú a movement on foot among the business men of that town to raise a bonus for the pui pose of bringing the Columbus and Northern railroad through Dexter. One gentleman has already expressed his willingness to give $500 toward it, and two acres of land for depot purpuaes. The jury in the Sophie Lyons case went out yesterdaymorninsr, and at 10:80 this morning broüght in a verdict of gnilty. John Alber eooubltted suicido yesterday, by hniifjinii. He was fonnd daiiííling frora tlie lnuh of tree, uear lfiiiu h cuiirch. We lenrn from an èxohange that Judge Dnffy, of New York City, has been appointed pólice justico, by Mayor Edson, for ten years, at a salary of $10,000 per annnm. A house belonging to E.W. Morgan, on South Main street, was nearly dest royed by fire last Saturday. Owing to the "'"'j i water me nre aepartment were crippletl in their efforta to subdue the tfanies. Tbe house was insured for $2,000 iu the Boyal, of London. This city has telephone comniunications with the followiug places: Detroit, Dexter, Ypsilanti, Delhi Mills, Boydeii, Birkett, Pinckney, Ohelsea, Grasa Lake, Jackson, ïecumseh, Adrián, St. Clair, Marine City, Port Hurón, Mt. Olemens, Saline, Plat Rock. Monroe, Eoseville. Leesville, Toledo, Ohio, and Windsor Ont. The Dexter Leader says there was only two cases of drunkeness in Chelsea last week. The constables of that benighted village are not "fly." When -we belonged to the eonstabnlary we used to give a fellow a quarter to "bowl up" on, or teil him where to steal something, so we coukl make an "honest" fee by running him in. Hastinfifs Banner: "All who attended the entertainment given by Prof. Holins of Ann Arbor, Friday night, speak of it in the highest terms. He is one of the very best elocutionists and an inimitable inipersonator. His selections f rom Mark Twain and Shakespeare, humorous and tragical, were invariably well rendered, and all present highly enjoyed themselvea." Kev. Snnderland will pive, next Sunday evening, the second discourse in his series on " The great dead of the past year." Subject, "Kev. H. W. Bellows, D. 1., the eminent and eloquent clergyman of New York, who orgauized the sanitary commissiou during the Tvar of the rebellion, and for forty years was one of the foremost promoters of reform, philanthropy and Bdvnnoed thcraght in the nation. For three nionth after the sinkiug of the Jeaunette, Lieut. Dauenhower, and the othersurvivors, made their way glowly and paiufully over the rugged ice. After landing on the Lena Delta, Lieut. Dauenhower, though in a most helpless condition himself, took charge of the ship'g papers and assumed the command of a number of the crew wlib were in an invalid condition, (one being violently ïnsane), and brought them safely throuffh the wilds of Siberiu. Priday evening a tramp went iuto Stimson's grocery aud called for five cents worth of chewing tobáceo. He put the weed in Ms pocket and started to go out wil hout paying for it. Mr. Stimson demanded the money, which the tramp refnsed. When cornered, he admitted that he was advised by au offlcer to take the tobáceo, so he could be " run in." The game didn't quite work. Mr. Stimson did not know the oflïcer, or his name would have been made public. A young man carne hare from Danville, 111., last fall, to attend the high school, and after reniaining there two weeks he decided to enter the medical department, bougbt his books, ana then decided to study music. He bought a piano, on time, of one of our music dealers, and finally concluded to go home, laaving tne piano behind and unpaid for. A wrathful music dealer is after him, with fire in his eye, and the landlord Erom whom he rented rooms would alsu like to have his money. The News says : " The deposition of Assistant Postmaster Gaylord, of New York City, in the case of Donald Mclean against the News has has been received n the superior court. Gaylord is a noted expert, and was summoned by the defense to examine photographs of letters Wr'.tten bv Dr. MíllpflTl. nVÉT iía nwn airr. nature, and others alleged to have been written by him, over a nom de plum?, to Mra. Emily Wardle, and give his opinión as an expert whether the letters were written by the same person. The expert hinks the lettere were written by one and the same person." The attention of the circuit court, for -he past nine days, was occupied by the rial of Sophie Lyons. A large number of witnesses were examined on each side, and the case excited considerable interest. Mrs. Lyons was ably defended by ohn F. Lawrence, of this city, and Col. Jno. AtkinBon and J. A. Hawley, of Deroit. Prosecuting Attorney Whitman conducted the prosecution. He was asiuted by J. W. Babbitt. During the argument of counsel the court room was rowded, many ladiea oecupying seats within the bar.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat