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St. Valentine's day next YVednesday. The college library is well patronized. The thermometer still keeps close to zero. The city of Arm Arbor needs water works. Pield-day exercises will probably be held in May. Friday night. Chief Nowland will not be a candidate for re-election. E. B. Hall is in New Orleans ; he is expected back next week. Miss Kate Nebe. of Detroit, is the guest of Mrs. F. H. Belser. The moot coutt cases in the law school liavfi Iippti TiAnriv all liun Mabelle Wood, of Manchester, wants a divorce from Nelson Wood. If ignorance is bliss our chief of pólice ought to be supremely happy. M. Sheehan, and two students, skated to Wayne the flrst of the week. C. S. Fall, of East Saginaw, spent Sunday with his family in this city. The new safe for the Farmers and cnanic s bank amved yesterday. The Dkmockat still remains to be the leading local paper in the county. Ed. Morton was called to Lansing on account of the sickness of a friend. W. W. Douglas returned home Monday night, after a four month's absence. The crust on the snow makes it almost luipossiDie ror team to pass each other. P. M. Strong, of the West Branch Times, is pending a few days in the city. A colt, belonging to Geo. Waterman, slipped on the ice, Fnday, and broke a eg. January was a busy month for Policeman Porter, who made twenty-one arresta. Business in the Kegister's office is very dulJ, there being few transfers of real estáte. The attention of our readers is called to the new advertisement of Adam D. Syler. Nine persona were arrestad by the city pólice last month -the fines amounting tü 844.57. Treasury Soule and Secretary Wade - . curacu ujjon meir auties at the university. Mrs. J. B. Kemp, ot Detroit, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Win. A. Clark, of South Mam street. The stenographer for this judicial districl receives $6468 per month from this county alone. Prof. Steere, of the university, has been elected secretary of the State Temperanee Alliance. The roads in many portions of the oounty are impaasable ou account of snow and ice. The crust on the snow raakes lots of fun for the boys, but its bad for the A large crowd was out, Sunday even"(?, to hear Prof. Seott, of Chicago, at Universicy hall. Mr. A. Moore, who has been with A. M. Doty for over three years, is clerking for A. D. Syler. .Tohn W. .Tohnston, of the Fifth ward, feil down on the ice Wedneaday and broke bis leg. Mrs. R. F. Sanford i attrnding her sister, Mra. Wilder, who is very sick, m : Rochester, New York. Davis, the college librarían, is publishing a new book, coneerning his travels in the old world. Lieut. Danenhower lectured Sunday afternoon and Monday evening, in Cincmnati, to crowded houses. The Annual oí the law and dental eommencement will be published by Fasquelle & Chamberlain. If there is a city ordinance providiug that gates shall not out over the aidewalk it should be enforced. The annual exercises of the Webster and Jeffersonian soeièties, of the law department, will be held March 7. "Aretic and Siberian Experiences" is the subject of Lieut. Danenhower's lecture this evening, at university hall. As the ground-hog could not see his shadow Februnry 2d, winter will vj 'i-a pwjj niiu ua [Iliu 11 lullgcr. The Boston Juvenile Comic Opera coinpany at the opera house to-nigh to-morrow afternoon and eveniug. ïhe law and literary gocieties are selecting talent to represent each in the public entertainment to be given soon. The Wendell directory company are getting up a new directory for naw eounty, to be delivered in April o May. The cotnmittee was unable to discover only a few mistakes, or over-charges- some thirty dollars- in Sheriff Wallace's bill. The Democratie State convention has been ealled to meet at Lansing, March 7. This county wül be entitled to ten delegates. Judge Joslin sentenced Sophie Lyons, Tuesday moming, to three years imprisonment in the Detroit house of correction. The trial of George E. Buil, on the charge of assault with intent to kill his wife, will probably come off at the present term of court. The will of the late Daniel O'Hara is being contested by his son John. Sawyer and Knowlton will appear for the contestant. President Angelí lectured in Detroit, China and Missionary Work Amoug the Chinese." When Lieut. Danenhower and crew ianded in Siberia they had not seen a human being, outside their own number, for fully thre'e years. wub ween aiter a prominent niember of Hopelodge, I. O.G.T., was buried, Borne of the members gave a danoe in the lodge room. The Detroit Pree Press, Monday, paid Prosecuting Attorney Whitman a handsome compliment, in eonducting the oopnie ijyons case. The commissionera of the Fifth ward cemetery received, during the year, for the sale of lots, 25. The expenditures amounted to $43.&3. Lieut. Danenhower illustrates his lecture by two large maps- one the track ohart of the Jeannette, the other the track chart of Melville. Ia January, Chief Nowland paid out, in orders on the contingent fund, $194.53. .■.no largtsji amount was Tor the i'ourth ward, where Nowland resides. In addition to the officers named last ■week, who do not make a living by "running in" tramps, are J. G. Johnson and Geo. B. Schwab. There was a large audience present at the concert given, Tuesday evening, by the Beethoven gesangverein. The society will clear some 885. Chas. Graham (the mute-ual thief) who abstracted a sum of money from the till of the St. James barber shop will rusticate in Ionia for three months. When you see a man pacing round the hotel with a four dollar hat on a ten cent head don't mistake him for the landlord; The Italian residents of this city had a big blow out at J. Sehippaoassi's last Tuesday night, and wound up with a dance at four o'clock next morning. D. J. Fisher, who bas been the foreman of the Kegister bindery for many years, has leased the book-binding establishment of C. K. Pattison, in Ypsilanti. Accordini? to the Tnlfidn AmorioTi there is a " mashing" conductor on the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk road. If such is the case, he ought to be fired. The Bum of 8599.80 was received by the pólice for fees from April 1. 1882. to January 31, 1883, which belonged to the oity, under a resolution f rom the cou ucil. The legislativa committee visited the university yesterday, and were uhown through the different departments by President Angelí. Several of the regente were alao present. The officers of Hope lodge, I. O. G. T., were installed Wednesday evening. M. F. Guinon, who was not re-elected W. C. T., took the matter to heart and called 1 I 1 1 I I I l " .A - m m _ "i Juetice Frueauff has moved f rom over Kinsey & Seabolfs store to the office fonnerly occupied by Will Depew, and adjoining the office of the late Philip Winegar, in the opera house. Koek fc Hallsr, who furnished the pulpit furniture for the new Congregational church, in Dexter, are manufacturing the parlor furniture for Lewia & Gibson's new photograph gallery. Eleven tramps were arrested Saturday night, by Chief Nowland, Policemen Millman and Porter, Constable Manly and Deputy Sheriff Shaw. In this case the offieers didn't let ven one escape. At a meeting of the pomological society, Saturday, a number of peach growers stated that the recent cold weather had killed some of the early var'teties of that most esculent product. Arthur White, Don Cameron and Jas. Gordon Bennett, the three tramps who undertook to thump the entire pólice forcé, Saturday night, will rugticate at the county geat of loria for the next ninety dayg. Why don't the city council take the uniform off of the city marshal and hang it on the town pump? The insigna of office pertaining to that responsible position could then sometimes dazzle the gaze of an admiring community. The eonncil, Monday evening, approved the saloon bond of Henry Laubengayer. The sum of $453.75 was transferred from the contingent to the firemen's fund, and $4,000 from the engine house fund to the contingent fund. "Olivette," by the Juvenile Opera pany, on Thursday evening, drew a very good audience, who were more than pleased with the singing and acting of the young people.- [Séneca Falla cor. Elmira Sunday Telegram. Ann Arbor is supposed to be the headcenter of intelligence in this State, but we have a chief of pólice who can not write hia name legibly, and who tere tne king's .Knghsh every time Le opens his mouth - except to tal a drink at somebody else's expense. The Boston Juvenile Opera Company nppear at the opera house, in "Oli vette," this evening, and in " Patience" to-inorrow evening. They will draw full houses, as they come well reeommended, and give excellent representations of these popular operas. There will be an "Emerson Memorial next Sunday evening, with addrcsses by Judffe W. I). Harrimau, Prof. B. O. Burt and Rev. J. T. Sunderland; and brief readings from Emerson's poems, by Mr. George B. Holmes. Alfred Bunningham, charged with stealing a horee and carriage from Jolan Finnegan, and who broke jail a year or more ago, was brought here Saturday by Sheriff Wallace, who found his man at Ionia. he having just completed a contract at that institution. A student, named gtrong, whileskating near the "cat hole," Sunday, slipped and feil on the frozen snow. He cut hia cranium, skinned his probocis and used vulgar language; and when he retired ;o the boBom of his boarding house he ooked as if he had been through a ihreshing machine. The business men of Saginaw use au envelope, the back of whicü is corered with statements of the advantages of hat locality as a business center. The New York Sun thinks Saginaw must be he proniised land, judging from the adantages set forth on the envelope. Senator Eichmond leaves for Lansingo-day. He is a member of the investiating committee, which meets to-moiv ow, when the charges of bnbery in conection with the senatorial fight, are to ome up. Mr. E. thinks the investigation will last fcnir wefiks. The city ought to keep the sidewalks passable, and pay for the same out of the contingent fund. Every citizen would be satisfied with sueh an arrangement, for then non-residents would be obliged to pay their proportion of taxes, and their walks would be cleaned. Our merchants complain that it has been a game of " freeze out" in business this winter, -with the cards stocked against them by the weather bureau. It looks as if the clerk had been dealing from a "cold deok," but the play has been in the hands of the ice dealers, and we wiii au be nappy next sumnier. In the'smash up on the Toledo road, near Pittsfield junction, last Friday, the following persons were more or less injured: A. W. Hamilton, Mrs. A.W. Hainilton, Edith Phillips, G. W. Halford, of this city; Masón Brown, East Toledo; Miss Mary Berger, Kaisinville, and Fr'k Vincent, train-boy. F. Pistorus has in his possession eeveral old coin that belonged to his anceEtors. One, dated November 16, 1631, "a iu uujjimeiuoration or ine oaitle of Lutzen. He has a gold coin about the size of a silver dollar, dated 1632 ; also a Bilver coin, dated 1681, given in honor of the discovery of Halley's cornet. These oíd relies are valued at several hundred dollars. Monday evening, uuder the head of miscellaneous business, a member of the council poked up Ohief Nowland with a sbarp stick, for not attending to certain duties. John herned, hawed and stuttered, and flnally gave it up as a bad job to answer the alderman's questions. Since the organizatiou of Ann Arbor lodge, No. 27, A. O. U. W., the grand lodge has paid $10,000 on deaths, and l" rt lnflv iirvlf l-vrt _ _ - Jl 1O Ont f uno .ivyvigo ilcii üíu receiveu otojv in asessments. Athens lodge has paid $1,463 and has received nothiug from the grand lodge. The total membership in both lodges is ninety-five. It has been a long time since the j ple of this vicinity have had an opportunity of gathering in Gibson hall and witnessing as good an entertainment as mat given Dytüe Jioston Juvenile Comio Opera eompany. "Olivette" was rendered m fine style, both the singing and acting being of a high order ; and these were not alone the attractive features, for the faces were more than ordinarially pretty.- [Phelps cor. Elmira Telegram. Died, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Snow, in Wmona, Minn. on Tuesday, January30, 1883, Sophronia,' wife of J. N. Westcott, in the 72d year of her age. Deceased was the mother of Mrs. W. G. Doty, of this city, and formerly resided in Homer, Mich. Shs was pleasantly known to many of our citizeDS, by whom she will be long remembered for her many virtues. The blow falls heavily upon her afflicted family, and the sympathy of the community will be extended to them in their sad bereavment. Kalph Kuechler, '84 literary department, died Saturday of acute peritonitis, in his 21st year. He was the finest athlete in college, and a perfect picture of physical manhood. That death should have oome to him seemed impossibe. He Was 8Íck but 8ÍX flnva The f„,w„„l „„._ - - J - -■ "V i hui Kil Dtl vices were Leid at the Zete Psi house, Monday morning, nnd the remains were Bccompanied .to the train by his class and many f rienda. Mr. E. D. Stephens went with the body to Mr. Kuechler'a. late home in Austin, Texas. Eev. T. B. PorbuBh, of Detroit, preached, last Sunday morning, on ■ The Belation of our State University to Evangelical Ckristianity, ' and pretty skarply inquircd bv what right the umversity wa carried on in the interest of that form of sectarianismwhich appropriates to itself the name "evangelical." The reverend gentleman's church, which is one of the wealthiest and most influential in the State, at once voted to print the sermón, in pamphlet form, for general distribution. We understand a large edition is being prepared,to besentto the regents, faculty and students, and friends of the university throughout the State. The sermón seema Ifkely to créate a stir. The Boston Juvenile Comic Opera eompany appeared at the Grand opera house last eveninfr, in "Olivette," and gave a performance vrhich greatly pleased the audience. The juveniles bucceeded in giviug a better iuterpretation of this favorite opera than many other troupeg have done, while the costumes frere brilliant in thflYtrm - iNvrnmiao Daily Courier. Monday, Dr. Douglas was atteinpting to discover a leak in the pipes near the metre whioh supplieg the offices and halls in the court house with gas. He struck a niatoh, which ignited the gas, and the flaines communicated to the wood work uuder the probate office. The fire department was promptly on hand, as usual, bnt the flamea were extinguished with a few pnils of water. Datnage, slight. The following town treasurers nava settled with County Treasurer Belser: John Alman, Ann Arbor, amount ot tax returned, 343.53 ; John Eiedel, Bridgewater, $62.02; Louis Renán, Freedom, ciBar ron; Aiirea ljayy, Dexter, returned $1.26 ; Christian Fritz, Lima, no delinquenta; Patrick Hagerty, jr., Lnydon, no delinquents ; Harman Clark, uueouer, reiurnea $.in; j. ö. Wallace, Kttsfield, returned $5.85; Myron F. Bailey, Salem, returned $2.24 ; Henry J. Landwher, Sharon, returned $35.51 ; E. H. Marsh, Saline, returned $142.17 ; Geo. Wilber, Superior, no deliuquentï ; Thos. MoKone, Sylvan, returned $42; Peter Cook, York, returned $14.18 ; S. H. Fletcher, Ypsilanti, returned $3.44. That the audience which gathered in the opera house to hear the rendering, bV thfi Rofltnn Tfïfol fnmnanir # T V - - - - - - - iWUFA VV11Ï1 HUT VA. A Cl tience," waa well pleased need not be doubted. For juveniles they certainly carried out their parts excellently, and in many instances won hearty applauee. Eapecially adruired was the singing of the diminutire Jennie Schuman, the ■ínanest prima donna before the public, the artietio dancing of Katie Williams, and the brass band selections by the Liberty Family.- [Utica Herald.' George Buil, while under the inflnence of whisky or morphine, Wednesday afternoon, attempted to kill his wife. H took a razor and swore he would ent her throat. Mrs. Buil, in trying to escape from the infuriated brute, had her arms eut in several place. He would undoubtedly have succeeded in his purpose but for the interference of Newton Felch, who heard the woman's cries nnd went - .vmvm vli uk, waj lo jan, uuii admitted that he intended to kill hi8 wife and children and then commit suicide. At different times, within thepast few years, he has threatened to take his own life ; and on one occasron did take poison, but repented aDd went to a physician, who pumped him out.


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Ann Arbor Democrat