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Eggs, 30 cents per dozen. Beef, by the quarter, eight oents. Dr. Cocker ia convalescing slowly. Judge Joslyn is holding court in Monroe. B. J. Corbin was in the city over Sunday. Ad Gray, at the opera house, Monday evening. M. H. Mills has engaged in the milk business. Now, all the draymen sigh to be deputya heriffs. O. M. Martin is conflned to hia home by sickness. . The snow in this vicinity is over a foot on the level. Monday was the first mild day for several weeks. The university hosDÏtuls are hoth nearly full. The pleasant weather brings lot of people to town. H. P. Myrick is night editor of the Milwaukje News. The street draina have been opaned to facilítate the flow of water. There are 506 acres of peach trees vr ithin six miles of this city. Oompany A will attend the funeral of Col. Griffith, in Jackson, to-morrow. Theo. Taylor proposes to buy and sell goods, in Chicago, on a commission. uauuiuarot) Ale 1JJILUU% up lor Lile Vttrious city offices. The temperance people propose to hold Sunday afternoon meetings for the next three months. The furniture for the Farmers and Mechanics' bank is being manufaotured in Columbus, Ohio. Policeman Millman ha not fotind his oounty order for $ 199.16. He would like to, though. The memorial services held in the Unitarian cliurch, Sunday evening, were very interesting. Short addresses were Jelivered by members of the church. D. Warren, M. D., medical departmwit '79, and now residing in Midland, haa been in the city gome days. The Goddess of Liberty, on the new five oent piece has her hair "banged" like a "hash slinger." Lieut. Danenhower had a good audience at university hall last Friday evening. A new dealer in the lacteal fluid is uiaking trouble among our milkmeu by selling milk at flve cents ner murl-i reduction of two cents. Homer Henderson feil on the ice Wednesdry and was severely injured. He was carried to the resideuce of his father. Jas. E. Carr, of the Dundee Reporter' pnid us a viflit Monday. Th öood Templara lode in Milan is in a flourishmg condition. Unity club meets at the Unitarian ohurch Saturday eyeniug. Sheriff Wallace took Sophie Lyons to the Detroit work house last Friday. The Mennis orcheutra furnish the music at the Milun danoini; academy. ( Jeorgo Kalembach, after a year'a reai denoe in the west, has returned home. The shops of the Toledo road hare beea removed to Manhattan Junction. The student who got his head out open on the "cat hole" hill ia able to try it again. The matinee at the opera house, Saturday afternoon, wa well attended by the littlo folk. John J. Bobison attended a meeting of insurance men in Lansing, Tueuday and Wednesday. Kepresentative Gregory was in the cuv oiiiuruav. trungacung ouaiuenH at the probate office. John Seeger, who ran away from hare gome time ago, committed guioide, hy shooting, last week. The A. A. T. V. have issned iuvitations for their masquerade ball, to come off on the evenin? of the '21at inst. The insuranoe board callad a meeting to revise the rate on the new post-office, but failed to gecure a quorum. The flag on the armory wbb at halfmast Tuesday and Wednesday, on account of the death of Gol. Griffiht. The ministerial conference of the Baptist assoeiation, of this county, was iu session Tuesday and Wednesday at Milan. Chas. T. Donnelly is assisting in getting up the city and oounty directory. Charley says the woods are full of grass widowa. lhe Democratie oounty oonvenlion, to elect delegates to the State convention, will be held at the court house Thursday, Ma rob 1. P. S. Purtell, Jno. Ryan, P. Wallfañ3 how many more thera are who aspire to be supervisors of Northtield we are unable to state. What was left of the Daily News has been shipped to Toledo, to be used in oonnection with the American, published by Tanner & Co. In the matter of the estáte of Lena 8. Tin rliii craYTt A Tluniöl TTiil"oi u i il f + ïo_ riñe Eisenbeiner, the claim are to be heard by the court. The time for filing a bilí of exoeptions in the Sophie Lyons case has been extended thirty days, from the first day of the next term of court. The court-house steeple is, on the inside, covered with soot from the lamps, and is in splendid condition to start a first-class conüagration. Qerstner's bread wagon upset.Wednesday, on Washington street, and rolled the driver out into the slush, no other damaye resulting from the mishap. The trial of George Buil, for attempting to kill his wife, will not take plac till the March term of court. In the meantime George will remain in jail. Over 200 loads of wheat were marketed in Chelsea Tuesduy. Of this amount Kempf Bros. purchassed 100 load. Wish we had auch an enterprising firm in thi city. Judge Jennison, of Detroit, was in the city Friday and Saturday, hearing a oase on the bench, in which Judge Joslyn appeared as attorney in a former tnal. Miss Ada Gray is scknowledged to run imuu[ uie uem emouonm ana tragio actresseu of her day, and to have no living peer in some of her favorita oharaeters. Jool Watters, alias Alfred Burmingham, who stola a Lorie and carriaga of John Finnegan, pleaded guilty Saturday, and Judge Joslyn genteneed him to Ionia for two years. John Loveland, formerly chief of polioe of this city, and for seven years on the Detroit pólice forcé, died suddenly Saturday, white taking a prisoner to tha station house. John Nowland claims to be the first wiine cuna oorn in ims county. ir tliis is a faet, the Caucarían race started ont in oíd Washtenaw with a very limitad 'amount of bruint). The St. Charles (Mo.) Journal says the Hi Henry minstrel troupe gave one of the best performances ever witnessed in St. Charles. The opera house was filled with an appreciative audience. St. Valentine's day was duly ob vedf aecording to the usual custom, a custom more honored in the breach than in the observance of it. A large party go to Ypsilanti to-night- for fun, of coursa. The bondsmen of ex-Postmaster Clark have been notified that uniese they make goou me uencienoy in nis Bccounrs, some $2,100, the government will commenca suit against them, in the United State court, for the amount. There will be a Longfellow memorial service at the Unitarian church neit Sunday evening, with addressea by Prof. Langley and Rev. Sunderland, and reading of selections from Longfellow'i poems, by Geo. B. Holmes. A bob load of young folks went down State street hill the other dav, and one ycung lady caught a black eye. The reet were scattered along the route, from the M. O. railroad to the soap factory. They did not repeat the experiment. B. A. Pryer, of this city, started east on Monday, for the purpoe of entering the Long Island College hospital of Brooklyn, from which he expeots to gradúate the coming year. Prof. Ford, of our university, goes there to deliver a oourse of lectures in Maroh. Some offloers seem to be ashamed of the business they are in, and run tramps through alley ways after dark to the nearest justice' office; while others, it is aid, earry warrant in their pocket and insert a tramp's name after making ao arreut. The item relative to the oost of " running in" tramps flrst appeared in the Demockat, and then in the Evening News. It was copied by the Argus man, who gave credit to the News, and the article has since gone the rounds of the oounty press. In February, 1882, Judge Joslyn signed a decree granting a divorce to David G. Rose f rom liis wife, Oordelia Kose. Th CHe was taken to tbo snpreme cour wliioh has reverned tlie decisión of th court below - the costs to be charged t the oomplainant. An offioer in this city, who can seent tramp a mile off, seuds the followm touchiiig stajiza for publication: "Oh let me rest. on a tramp's boaom. une umi wni neave ana swell. So whu I reaeh th other world I hall have suoli au odiíerous smell " We liad the pleasure, last Tuesday, o looking over a collection of oíd coin belonging to John Baumgartuer, of thi city. The oollection coraprises man oíd and curroua pieoes of money, of al natiouB. He has alo a large collection of stamps and Indian curioaities. ai a meeting oí uie aun Aroor npori ing Club, on Monday evening, Feb. 12 the following offlcers were elected fo the ensuing year : President, Albrech Gwiner; Vice President, Thos. F. Leo nard; Treasnrer, Christ. Frita; Secretar} W. E. Walker; Stewart, M. Winegar. As will be seen by an advertisemen elsewhere Thos. Berkitt ofíers rare in ducements to any one wishing to pur chase a farm of 275 acres. There are on the place nearly 2,000 peach trees jus conimencing to bear. The land is wel fenced and watered and well adapted to stock raising. Good barns, with base ments, on the p remises. Two weeks ago we stated that the chie of pólice, John Nowland, had orderec wood sent, at the expense of the city, to a party who had several cords piled u; in her back yard. We again make the charge, and if the city council, or any one else, would like to know to whom Mr. Nowland cave the order thfiv ciin get the desired inforination at the oftic of the Demookat. Will J. Nichols, Bon of Prof. B. E Nichols, went to the barn, Sunday, to shoot rats, but accidentally shot himsel through the eye. When diseovered, h was lying on his back, with the revolve between his right hand and his body having evidently been dead about an hour. Young Nichols was twenty year of age and a meinber of the sophomore New York Dramatic News : " East Lynne" was produced at Niblo'a Garden bsfore an immense audience, Ada Gray appearing in the dual role of Lady Isabel and Madam Vine. She kept her audience interested, not alone by her mere tragic acts, but as well by little touches of comedy, and by her esquisite oompleteness of by-play. No performance of so high an order has lately been given at Niblo's. Sunday Courier: "East Lynne" has drawn crowded houses at Niblo's, with Miss Ada Gray. Her face is an expressivo one, and her excellent acting imparta to the cbaracter the requisito intereat. In the first and seoond acts she filia tlie dialogue and action with comedy incidente which crate much laughter. Her dslivery is marked by elocution which is inoisive, and wins loud applause and frequent recalls. Perhaps the most notable feature of her acting is her artistic by-play, which keepï the atteution of the audience rivetted upon her. Copies of " Michigan in the War" are in the hands of Begister Gilbert for are entitled to a book: Ira Aldrioh, Thos. L. Bailey, H. M. Oole, Joseph Oorbett, John J. Fisher, Joseph Gauntlett, Win. Gauntlett, James M. Hendier, John E. Irwin, Androw IX Jaokson, Hugh McNelly, Miohael O'Brien, Patrick O'Rieley, Loren Bice, George Sohill, Matthew Seeger, Geo. F. Smitli, A. N. Williams, David L. Ziramerman, Louis Bourflne, William H. Corselius, Morell Goodrich, Alzenza Patten, L. O. Thompson. Norwalk ("Ohioï Journal: Hi HiirT'íi Premium Minstrels gave a performance at Whittlesay hall, Wednesday eveninif. The entertainment was one of merit and possessed several new featurei. Mr. Henry's cornet solos were a special part part of the programme and called forth rounds of applause. Ah-ne-wa-o, the Indian basso, has a voice that ia simply a marvel. Torn English, the musical genius, could get music out of a basnwood log, and for a right-down old fashioned "fiddler" he "takes the cake." They should receive crowded housei ■wherever they go. Emporia (Kan.) Republican : One of the very best and most unique mimtrel entertainments, if not the best, which has vÍ8Íted Emporia was that of the Hi Henry oompany. The programme was remarkable for man y novelties and novel methods of representing standard minstrelsy. Hi Henry's cornet solos were enttmsiastically encored. The chorus of dancers, in jeweled costume, followed by their re-entry as kuighfg in armor, with classical groupings, and the feat of Bobby Beach in turning backward and fonrard somersaults upon and from a pedestal, closed a long but strong and effeetive entertainment, not the least attractive feature of whioh was the singing, especially some solos and choruses at the opening part. The following juroie, for the March term of oourt, were drawn Monday: John T. Feldkamp, Sharon; Geo. Alley, Scio; Tunis J. Quackenbush, Superior; Daniel W. Maroney, Sylvan; O. M. Stark, Webster; James E. Bogerg, York; Seth O. Arnold, Ypsilanti Town; Geo. Thompon and E. C. Dickinson, Ypsilanti City; John O'Hara, Ann Arbor Town ; Fred. Schmidt, jr., Henry B. Marsden, and B. LeKoy Lockwood, Ann Arbor City; Wm. E. Sanderson, Augusta; Simón Augleman, Bridgewater; Joseph Staplsh, Dexter ; John Schenk, Freedom ; John J. Groas, Lima; Gideon Hoyt, Lodi; D. M. Joslyn, Lyndon ; Frederick Kurfess, Manchester; Anthony Burk, Northfleld; David Wilsey, Pittstield; Stephen Ellis, Salem; Caleb M. King, Saline ; Albert J. Robison, Sharon ; James W. Wing, Scio; John W. Nanry, Superior; Lorren Baboock, Sylvan; Elmer Cushman, Webster.


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Ann Arbor Democrat