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ötiu some enipty houses in the city. Chief Nowland is on the uuxious seat. Company A -was out on parade yesterday. Senator Ferry is a dead cock in the pit. The sleighing in the country is getting thin. D. F. Flynn is lying at the point of death. The junior laws are beginning to go home. Judge Harriman was in Detroit last Monday. The next term of court will commence March 12. The question is, Who is to be the next senator? Democratie county convention next Thursday. Several fine residences are to be built tliia Bummer. Hoirr Henderson still lies iu a very critieal condition. Attorney McDonald, of Detroit, was in the city Saturday. J. 0. Watts, of East Saginaw, returned home Wednesday. The frowns of some people are preferable to their smiles. M. D. L. Branch has eone on a visit to Stockbridge. There has been only one failure in this ■ city the past year. Mra. Green, living on the river road, was buried Sunday. Gov. St. John, of Kansas, is soon to lecture in this city. J. F. Sireet, of Kalamazoo, has been visiting in the city. "One Hundred Wives" at the opera house last evening. James Hulbert is going on a proapecting tour to Dakota. The new photographer, with Lewis & Gibson, is in the city. Torn Kelly has gDne to rusticate in Dexter for a few days. Deputy Olerk Robison has been visiting his brother in Detroit. It is just 2,340 feet f rom the Toledo depot to the post-offlee. Not a tramp has been sent up f rom Ypsilanti in months. Thunder and lightning- the flrel of tha new year - last week. Tillie Hampel broke her wrist Wednesday, by falling on the ice. Gates & Co. are doing the carpenter work in the new bank. OhflS. TT. "ttmlív nf TinafriTi ia T7Íuifín his brother, L. F. Wade. J. H. Eemick is on the sick list, althougla able to crawl around. Heariníf final account in the estáte of Orrin B. Holman, March 20. J. H. Hicks was injured Saturday by being thrown from his cutter. Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, of the city milis, are putting in a new boiler. "Únele Tom's Cabin" at the opera house next Wednesday evening. Simon Ball, ex-conductor on the T. & A. K. K. was in the city Tuesday. Ann Arbor has been well worked during the psst year for life insurance. If able to, Dr. Herdman will speak in Oopsey's hall Sunday afternoon. Henry Stringham, of Manchester, died suddenly of heart disease Wednesday. It is hinted that C. H. Jewell is to lease the Fallett house in Ypgilanti. The Democrat - One dollar in ■vanee. Now is the time to subscribe. The Leader says that young ladiea of the Dexter high school smoke oigars. Wm. Bishop, of Toledo, has been the guest of A. A. Gregory, jr., the past week. M. J. Noyes, of Chelsea, is doing a lively business in the importation of horses. James Murray, charged with assault and battery, paid his fine and was diacharged. Miss Carman, a teacher in the Fourth ward school, feil and broke her arm Monday afternoon. The gutter, crossing Main and Washington streets, was thawed out by steam last Saturday. Justice Frueauff has so niuch business to attend to that he keeps a clerk to help him out. .iu, wl uuirtjnur, one oi tue oldest residents in the oounty, is lying dangerously ill. Contractor Appleyard expects to have the new library building completed by the middle of June. Henry Chamberlain, of Three Oaks, has been appointed a niember of the ♦State board of Agricultura. At this early day there is talk of running a "citizen's" ticket at the Hprinj election. Prof. Olney addressed the temperance meeting at Cropsy's hall Sunday Dr. Terhune couldn't mako it po to Pexter, and concluded to try his iuok elsewhere. Edward Pacey, of Scio, a resident of this county scince 1836, died Saturday of rheumatism. lhe law relativo to olosinfr saloons, on legal holidays, was generally observed yesterday. Dr. Macleau's libel suit against the Detroit Evening News will be called March 19. Joseph Alger, who has opened a niarket on Ann street, and the flrst to reduce the price of meat, Las an ad. in to-day'g paper. Probate Judge Durfee, of Detroit, was in the city Saturday, on business in the probate court. James M. Coy Ie, reporter on the Marshall Daily Bepublican, has been in the city a few days. - The play of Uncle Tom's Cabin will be given at the opera house Wednesday evening next. Jacob Weber, of Scio, and Panlina Fegel, of Freedom, were united in riage yesterday. A large audience listened to the memorial services at the Unitarian church Sunday evenicg. The oíd shanty on Main street, which was ffutted lately by the fire, still jiwiiijD unit? pau cu. H. E. Gass, lit '73, has been appointed Superintendent of Public Instruction, vice Coehran, resigned. The best Topsey on the road is with Draper's Uncle Torn company, to be here next Wednesday. It requires something more than a good judge of horses, etc., to make a competent chief of pólice. u mearían memorial meetings have had the effect of thinningout the attendance at the other churches. There are no less than ten candidates for the office of supervisor, on the ÏDemocralic ticket, in Northfield. A horse, thirty years oíd, aud for twenty-eight years owned by L. Lainborn of Lodi, died Tuesday. The late Owen Gallagher, of Webster, m his will bequeathed $1,000 to St, Joseph's church, in Dexter. Henry C. Waldron ís a clerk in tlie office of the Secretary of State (Harry A. (Jonant) at Lansing. Liesemer & Son, of Saline, bought fifty loads of -wheat Wednesday. Price paid, $1.02 and $1.05. The Minnis orchestra played at the masquerade hall given by the Chelsea hornet band last evening. March lst is the time fixedfor opening the Farmers and Mechanics' bank. The sidewalk on Miller avenue was rendered quite impassable yesterday, by icn Kai uil liiu lültJUO rOSQ. Laat evening the ladies of the Unitarian church gave a Washington birthday tea-party, in the churoh parlor. Harrison H. Soule, of this city, has been eleoted Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Odd-Fellows of Michigan. me reign oí oíd .bóreas will soon give way to the gentle influence of spring, and then look out for the spring fever. The finance committee will meet in the council chamber next Friday evening, to audit claims against the city. In honor of the birthday of George Washington, the star spangled banner was unfurled to the breeze yesterday. Thos. Wheeler, for vagrancy, was sent up thirty days, by Justice Brennan; also, John Cooper, on the same charge, twenty da vs. A píate glass over a door at the west entrance to the post-office feil from the tramsom, Saturday, and was broken to pieces. A pocket book, eontaining sorae valuable trinkets, was picked up in the opera house alter the performance Monday evening. The pomological society will meet on the 3d of March. Topics: Codling moth bands, new varieties of fruit, cultivation of small fruit. Prof. Hennequin will lecture, this evening, on "Leon Gambetta and the Siege of Paris," for the benefit of the Athletic association. J. W. Hangsterfer has purchased the interest of the stockholders in the confectionary company, and will run the business alone. Our neighbor of the Courier, R. A. Beal, made a gallant fight for his friend Ferry, but the fatea were against him and he lost. Box rent at the post office is now due, and unless the owners pay up by cv me,)' win receivo ineir mail at tne general delivery. Miss Lizzie Murthum, who has been visiting friends in this city for the past two weeks, left Monday for her home near Mt. Clements. The Demócrata of Ann Arbor town will hold their caucus to-morrow afternoon, at three o'clock, in the basement, of the court house. Henry Perkins is the name he gave, and when searched at the jail a pair of handcnffs and several burglar tools were found in his pookets. The sermón of Kev. T. B. Forbush, of Detroit, on the " University and Evangelicalism" can be obtained pratis at Sheehan's book store, on State street. Mrs. James M. Forsyth, an alleged inaane person of Ypsilanti, the divorced wife of Justice Forsyth, will have a hearing to-day, before Judge Harriman. - -j - Cí " "■ ■""-j ju juli 1111.1 IAHJI f coming. As fast as their time is out they are run in again, whioh makes business lively for a lot of hungry, lazy oflicers. The Democratie electora of the several wards will hold their caucuses nest Tuesday evening, February 27, to elect delegates to the coiinty convention, to be held March 1. Jacob F. Schultz, aged 79 years, died Monday. He carne to this place in 1843, where he resided op. to the time of his death. Two of his sona reside in Lansing; and a daughter, Mrs. Simon Meyer, lives on Spring street. Chas. Fantle, whq has been engaed in business for many years in this city, lias concluded to take Oreeley's advice and go west. He will lócate in St. Paul, Minn, Col. Harper, of Illinois, the man who ,■... -irj.Ftu lul premueiir, wïli deliver a lectare at the Unitarian church this evening. He will speak in the interest of temperanee. Dr. Phil Porter, of Detroit, will lecture before the Hahnemann society, in the amphitheatre of the homeopathie " What I Saw in Paris." Tt is ïuggested that some one of our justices should lócate an office in the county jail, thereby facilitating the trafflc of trymg trampa and scooting them over the road to Ionia. J. F. Lord, of the firm of Lord & Leighton, was in the city Tneaday, to Oollfiot fl hiH nf S!9nO frnm ftnu,m.,„, Sr Bros., the young men who carried on the shoe business for a few months. For years, E. W. Morgan has been paying taxes (amounting to several hundred dollars) on forty acres of lanJ iu iau Ajane, ininy-nine acres bemg uuder water and abounding in ftsh. While the eitizens of hundreds of places have given liberally to aid tlie sufferers by the recent floods in this country, Ana Arbor has done notliin as yet. Is it not about time ? Observer: While over to Ann Arbor, Tuesday, we were honored by making tne aoquaintance of Chas. E. Hiscock, the genial and courteous cashier of the Ann Arbor sarings bank. Republican wardcaucuses this evening: First-Krapf ' shop; Second-Herz's shop; Third- basement of the court house ; Fourth- Hamilton block; Fifth- engine house; Sixth- McDonald's store. Thns Tií TTntiúv mUn ia rtl,„-,.„.j :i_ ■ ■ - ■v1j f uu id VJAJ.ti JCLl 1 UI solioiting passengere at the Michigan Central depot, in violation of a city ordinance, will have his examination tomorrow, before Justice Fnieauff. John Lamphart, a young man who has been working for David Almendinger, broke into Neihoff's gun shop, Wednesdav nisht. hv remnuiim o „„..„ of glass. Examination to-day. Randolph Rogéis, the sculptor, brother of M. Hogers of this city, has been sick for several months, at his home in Rome. His brothert Edward, a prominent physcian of Chicago, has gone to see him. The flag which floated from the court house tower yesterday was purchased for the Greeley campaign in 1872. John J. Robison, being a patriotic person, took the flag to Sharon for safe keeping. Kobert D. Stevens, who went to Austin, Texas, about two weeks ago, with the remains of his classmate, Mr. Kalph KuecMer, died in Galveston, after a four days' sickness of pluro pneumonia. There is but one sentiment among tlie Demoeraoy relative to the re-nomination of Gen. E. Clark for justice of the peace. He has held the offi fnr txtm tormo nr,A has made a good justice. He also needs the position. There is continual growling arouiid the court house, because the rooms and offices are not kept clean. There has beeii some talk lately of ha ving a janitor who will live up to the mies adopted by the supervisors. Of four different grades of sugar submitted for analysis, by E. Duffy, to the chemical labratory of the university, all were Dronounofid nlisolnfolv ,,n„ u; free from glucose and all other adulterations. Who can beat that ? The Lansing correspondent of the Evening News promises rich developments on the tramp question, so far as the officials of this county are concerned, who make the sending up of these unfortunates a specialty. On February 15, Mrs. A. M. Fall was 70 years and 34 days of age. On the same day her sons, D.C. and Delos (twins) were 35 years and 17 days old- the ages added just equaling that of their mother. A singular coincidence. The city fathers took occasion to fill some of our street riaierna lni-ir,r. n, thaw last week, in order to be ready for fires. It has occurred before now that when water was needed, on suoh occasions, it could not be obtained. John Benedict, for two years clerk at the Cook house and St. James hotel, will leave in a few days, to manage Sink's hotel in Tecumseh. John is n min-Vifv good fellow and will leave a host of friends in this city. A man, walking up Huron street last Saturday shpped and feil on another man and broke three of the other fellow's ii UB anu iwo or nis own. JNo physician called; the umbrellas past fixing. A few oaths and apologies repaired the damage to their wounded feelings. Enterprise : Albert Oase, of this village, and Henry Schulte, of Sharon, report that they have examined the wheat aad flnd it all right. There are several inches of snow covering it with an iny crust on top, but there is no ice on the -1. -. - L wueau There is a farmer, living within ten miles of here, who receives a pension f rom the government for injuries received during the war, when in fact he was hurt five years after the surrender by running a pitchfork into his side. Our authority is an old soldier who served in the same oompany. The engineering society elected the following offlcers last Fridav Avimmr,. President, I. O. Walker ; vice president, B. C. Gennett; corresponding secretary, V. M. Dunlap; recording secretary and' treasurer, J. C. Streng; committee on programme, Messrs. Stebbings, Sparks, Lane and Campbell. Several healthy, able-bodied fellows, I ■who had been serving sentence in jail on the charge of being disorderly persons- a new name for tramps-and whose time expired on Mouday, on being asked ïf they intended to return, their reply being in the affirmative, were driven or oucu u me jusnce süop and recommitted . Additional notarios public: C. E. Hiscock, P. McKernan, James D. Stevens, Geo. B. Schwab, Chas. W. McCorkle, J. T. Honey, Jacob L. Wallace, C. E. Whitman, P. Hinkley, Nelson H. Thompson John H. Fox, E. W. Morgan, J. T. Sutherland, E. H. Green, D. B. Oreen, Edgar A. Warren, Geo. S. Wheeler, Wm B Gildart, O. P. Hunt, Martello Warner! Win. Dancingburg, Wm. H. Hall, W H Pattison, H. T. Morton, A. H. Perry' Alex. W, Hamilton, J. F, Lawrenee, j! H. Morris. M. F. Ounion paused the arrestf, Wednesday, of the young man who hit him in the eye. On paymant of costs the de: fendant was discharged. He seeined to be perfectly satisfled and said that he had ten dollars worth of fun out of the complainant. The bids for the conatruction of a sohool house in the sixth ward were opened Monday night; but hk the board can only expend 811,000 the plans have been sent back for moditication. The bids were: Stone & Walker, $15,000; Lucas & Tessnier, $16,826; William Biggs, $1(5.926: Koss. Havdm & MoImv. 250; A. 1{. Hammond, $14,000. Observer: The examination of Ashley Wood, on the charge of forgery, was held at JuHtice Webb's office, Monday, and sucli prepondering evidence was found afjaiDst hiin that he was bound over to the March term of the circuit court, with bonds fixed at $300, which wcre secured by Dr. Hall and the youth's father. As there are many deeds in the Register's office that have never been recorded it would be well for the farmers to attend to the matter at once, and tliua avoid trouble and litijjation. These deeds have been acoumulating for years. In another column will be found a notice headed "caution," which should be by tnose owmng real estáte. Draper's BoBton doublé üncle Tom's Cabin company will give one of their fine performances at the Grand opera house next Wednesday evening. No one should fail to see tkis mamifieent tacular play, as brought out by the Draper company. ïhere will be two funny mokes, two donkeys, two Topseys, six bloodhouudn, and a band of plantation jubilee singers. They have been playing at the Detroit opera house thig week to magnificent and delighted audiences, and you had better go to Bliss' on Saturday and get your tickets, as the prices will be low and are sure to go off with a rush.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat