Real Estate Transfers
Ihe followmg are the real estáte transere for the week ending February 22: WARKANTT DEEDS. Catharine Costello to Augusta E. Campbell, 44 acres, sec. 10, 83,509. 110 acres, sec. 10-16, Shuron, 8,000. Wm. Hulbert, by adminigtrator, to Lyman Hulbert, 120 acres, sec 35, Sharon, $6,300. J.B. Stark to Eldridge Laflin, 40 acres, sec. 9, Augusta, $900. t redenek Schmid to Jno. Q. Esoh, 20 acreB, sec. 15, Freedom, 8900. John G. Huber to John Scharble, sr., 80 acres, sec. 17, Lodi, 85,000.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
Catharine Costello
Augusta E. Campbell
Randolph Cook
Mettie N. O'Neil
William Hulbert
Lyman Hulbert
J. B. Stark
Eldridge Laflin
Frederick Schmid
John G. Esch
John G. Huber
John Scharble