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One voice all over the land goes up from mothere, that aays, "My daughtera are so feeble and sad, with no strength, all out of breath and life at the least exertion. What can we do for theinï" Ihe answer is simple and full oí hope. One to four weeks' use of Hop Bittere will make them health-% rosy, prichtlv and cheerful. " The hijjher the mountain the lower the vale- the taller the tree the harder the fall. "KOUOH ON KaTS."- Th tliinir I )U,1 found at last. Ask Druggists for "Iiough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice roacLes, üies, bed-bugs 15c boxeo. He who is born to misfortune stunibles as he goes ; and though he ïall on nis back, will fraotnre bis nose. , Skinny Men.- Wells' Health Eenewer. Absolute cure for nervous debility and weakness of the generative funotionu. SI. Depot' JAMES ü. DA VIS & Co., Detroit, Mich. Hedgehogs are not to be killed with the fist. Buchupabia. - New, quick, complete cure ín four days- urinary affections, sinartmg, diseased discharges, curd by Buchupabia. One dollar It druggists. Michigan depot, James E. Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. He should not complain of being cheated who hnva imnWa K k t_ A Happy Man.- I have been a sufferer from bhnd piles for twenty years. Ihinng that time I tried every known remedy, receivmg none but temporary relief Ten years ago Prof. Goss of PhiladeLphia! used the knife upon me, which for two years seemed to have oured me, but eiijht years since it returned, suffering at times exeruciatmg pain. 8ix weeks ago I commenced using Dr. Deming's New ery, witn marvelous resulta. For the past four weeks I have not snffered at all. My advice to all euffererB f rom pHes is, use Deming's Discovery and be happy as I am.-W. H. Thomas, 261 East WashïDgton street, Indianapolis. For sale by Eberbach & Son. From snow, whether fried, baked, or boiled, you wil] get nothing but water. will seldom be happy in another." People are constantly ohanging their homes from east to west and from north to south, orutee versa, in search of a healthy btate If they would learn to be contented, and to use the celebrated Kidney Wortwhen Bick, they would be much betteroff. The whole By8tem can be kept in a healthy state by this simple but effeetual remedy. Who is righteous ovennuch is a morsel for the Old One. What the Minister Say3 - Mr A. KíeerT,.M)r, dear 8ir: have ben afflic ed for the last four yeáre with derangernent of the liver, causing dyspepeia headache, nausea, and general derange' ment of the whole system. I have tried a great many preparation, but found no rehef until I tried one bottle of your Taxanne which has pérmanently cured me. I also found it to be good for the ague. I commend it to all who suffer with derangement of the liver. Very truly yours, Rev. Thomas Whitloí-k Where every one goes the grase never grows. A Report of Olerk op Circuit Clerk's Office, Johnson Co Ind.- Mr. A. Kiefer: Durinr the spring and summer my wife was a great suffere" from dyspepsia and indigestión, caused by a torpid hver. About a month ago she began using your Taxarine, and the first two doses gave her so much relief that duo wuimuui me ue ui u untn twobot tles had been taken; and I take pleasure m saym? that her health is entirely re storedYoure etc., Isaac M. ThompsonJ Clerk Circuit Court. For sale by Eber bach & Son. The man of sense does not hang up his knowledge. For Uve cents, Well, Richardson A Co., Burlington, Vt., will send colored samples of all colora of Diamond 1) ves wiLii uiitrubiuns. A bird never flew so high but it had to come to the ground for food. "The headache in my case waa one of long Btandmsr. but Dr. Benson's Celery and Camomile Pilis conquered " C T Reiner, Germán minister of the posoe]' Leslie, Ohio. Fifty cents, at drugLLts He that spares something to-day will have something to-morrow. Messrs. D. F. Wright & Co., Tecum Beh, Mlch., say: "Brown'g Iroñ Bitw is well spoken of almost every dayT They who are often at the looking glass seldom spin.


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