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Alex. FoanWi ofEast Saglnaw dled on Uie nir,a)iiir pi FSbruary 27th., froin acute inflammation of the Ifvor, aged 53. He came to Saginaw City in 1S4'J, was a member oL tbe villnge (jOuifiiT End for ycars ai) aldernian. Ile ran Öiiee times for rauiity treasurer, bcing clected tbree ycars'ago, a;;d" rettrini? l'rom ömcfl Uie tirst oï last montb. lic was alao :i prominent QddfcUow. Tbe board of suixirvisors oí Kaluinazoo county oteil to submit to tbe people tbe questiou of a new court liouse to cost Í00,000, or tbe fi-i-otlun oL a lire proof building to coat i-'.r.on. Tbe wife of N. A. l'lielps, of Dexter, died on Febniary 25tb., aged 71. Sbe had been a rosideni of tliat plate forover 50 ycare, and was bigbij cstaemcd. Diphtheria and measles have made their appimranee in Charlotte. The buildings containIng tho slck have been placarded and the resilcnts warned not leavo tbe premisos. A Marshall fcüoonlst pald $29 40 a few days ago, for BRvinê kejit bis piuco opo-.i tül 8 6'floek morning. Over 75 fatui accidenta havo been ceu'tcd from the lumbcr woods this winti r. , revival of uiiiisnal magnitude is in progresa at tliltodale eolleg, and scores of convefBioiffl art: reporiuu, iiiiinv mi uieui uctug iii.mii u senior and Junior classes. Michigan isuppoitstwiKisyluiiisfor tbc Insane, the United capacity oi nhieli is about 1,400 persons. Botli asylunis are over crowdcd, and the ])(■■ isylum at'ïnncrfo ('il}' is an imperativo nt'ccs:-ity. The hiidv ui ;i.n u'.ikiimva man about 4." jeara il ago was l'ound on the aftcrnoon of Maren lst, )y two young '.u n wlio ivd'c liuntina; near the new tTinctcry ci'oiHiil jast cast ot Ionia. He liail cvidcntly lieeu layiug in the enow for three or ipur wecJcs.' He wus vcry pooriy dressed, the Sothing beiug torn and raggeü. Therewas uutiiing to jndicatc tlio cause (' liisdoathothcr thaj i. freezlng .Min. JiTome Leavltt. the wife I a proaflbent luinbiT incrcliaiit and an old resident, of ('heböyB, droppeddetdather home mi Frjday, !, oí ueart disease. Suúge .Mills öf K;;!:iui;iz.k), hi nteüeod !I. il. Stearns, allaa Henry, to tour yeare In t!ie state piltaD tac perjui1)' la liie Cobo case. Bev. .F. tniith of Deerfutld, Lonawee eountr. rather of the state olí inspector, uicü on me u Inst., from the etlccts of A broken liiub caueed y ;i fall during the lcy weather of four weeks ugo, agcd 81 years. Howcll luis raised the uecesSai il.iiw bounfi iiiaidof the Detroii and Fiansing telophone ,ine, and wiil Boon have all the hcmiits eïtclethonii' eommunicatiön. At the animal aeaociation oí Congregfttionl ministers held in Giivet on the let lust., liev. 'A. B. SVlUlams rcad a paper on secular educaron whlch attracted mach attention. Hé consldered thal the cértain ilriü oí a secular edu■üiioii was towarde Infldellty and atheism, and juoted llgurca from varloua couutries to prove I. consiiicrcil rcli:j,i;-u: :i íuccs.sit.y, r tliat a pvstcin oi' inórala and the principiei oi eligion must hc tangllt In Rtatc Instltutlon. Win. KJlou'.r, cunvictcl of the imirdcr pf ]u'oi Boldman, at Newagö,ha9 been senteneed ,o iacksorj prlson foflife, ffnÜfhcsuerlftiBtáTÍÍSd mmedLitely lor that place with hts prisonar. 'l'lie lluron, tke.'o'.ctcst hotel in llarrisviile, mrned on the 3d inst., the occupanta barely scaplng with tlieir livee. The lire is suppofled to have originated in the kltchen. Daniel Boyle, a man 80 years oíd, who liveá ilone In a little house in amlstoDcs near Jackon v, as famnd a few moruinga a,o on tlia road ust west of tbat city. He was prostrated and ngenslbte. He was taken to the nearest house ind (iied in half an hour. lic reecntly recelved lotice of back pension iUloweá hitn amounUne O over $3,000, and it is eupposed he got driuik indfcll on hUway home, and luid out all r.iglit. ■Ie leaves no famüy. Michigan oatsweigh 40pounds, to the bushel and grow 100 liushels to the aere w lien groWTl in Dakota. , Frank C'obb, the Kalainazoo fratrieiile, tried :oT)ow up the jail a few days ago by opening lie gas pipes and iilling the building with gas. During February 14 prieoners werc recelved at Jackson, of whom two were for murder in the lirst degree, and 2:3 digappeared, of whom tivo were liy pardon and one by escape, leaving a total at the close of the month oí üS. Battle Créele lias boen unüer a temperende dmlniBtration the paetyear, and one of the argumentatie temperance peopleareuow using why thcir ticket sliould bere-elected is that the city isentirely free of all games of chance, and there are but three public billiard tables in the city. with i!s r;,(MM) inbabitants. A ;t Bhowtng of the clerical vork that has been eauffd by the senatorial contest :t littlc caleulatlon provea that during the Bession of the joint conmiittei s, (.Merk Crossman and Seeretary lloasine, who have done the roll calliug have yelled out, the names of the members 80,(KK) times. Of this work the greatcr part bas fallen on Crossman, who basealled names 21,"WC times. Oeorge W. Slater, the Eaton county farmer whowas struek by the Michigan Central exprese, died on Sunday, Mareta 4th. from hie injuries. About 100,000 pounds of wool have been shipped from l'lymouth thi' past few weeks. Sunday tlie; 4t Ji ïnst was the forty-fifth anniversary of the Kirst Pjeabyterjan chureh, of Sagtüaw City, the oldest chureh iu the valley. Auniversary exercises were held and many rominlsci aces giran. Frankfort and all lïenzie eounty seeni stirred up at the bright prpepects oï a road to that place. The Express declares that money, land, material and labor will soon be pledged iiul lighi of way seeured through country. county, propelled bersclf four milee on a hand car and tlien walked three miles on the suow erust lo attoinl a teftclier'8 inetitute, only to íiinllml two orlier présent; ana jtt slic was iiot dlBcouraged. The plans just adopted for Uic New Muskeïon ( iongregatlonal church c-all for a two storj; Building wtth a seating capacity iu the audUoriumof 550, capable ol heiiifc inoreased toTOO. The trustee are offered ISiOOOforthe oíd proj rtj". M:rj1 t'. Carlwrlght ol Davidsou, Genesee coimly, urcivcd a judementof $1,500 aainst the Chicago & Grand Trunk raihvay company in the circuit court at Flitit a lew days ago for dainagcs. recoivcd whlle Icaving a train on a darknight in December, 1881. The dead bodj foünd at, Imiia last week hú beeti identifica as tliat of Calel) Dutcher, about 50 vcain oí age, who had bren around Ionia for eeveral years, working in llvery etablce, and living a good deal oí the Umi! in jai! orille house of eorrcction. The litót seen f him, so far as can be learned, was on January 29, wlicn he was going in the ilireetion of where lic was fouml. Itisnow thought tliat C. A. Knapp, tho yoUBg man ol' Adrián, whose Kkull was factured !n' falling from a window in Chicago last week, will recover. The (reenvilli' telophonf ezchange hegan (ipcrations rccently. . :!'he company expectsto nnriiitf fluit i(-v M-itïi Kliurilaii "ïiil fttiitiAii ín about 1U days, ml with lonia and (rand Rapids by the fftgt of June. Eev. Dr. Alfreil Eddy, funncrly j:tor of the Olivct (Micli.) cburch aud of Ntnth Presbyterian chureli, Cbicaco, aud for twolve yoars pastor of the Presbytsrlan cliuroh it Nilcs, difdon the 5tli inst., nged OS years. He wasone of the most eloquent pmtchërs in Michigan. 'I'lic Senatorial ElectloHi TUK8DAÍ, Kcli. :)7.- This has been auother excttlng Uay ín tlit senatorial contest - perhaps the most exclting one since the Ili'st vote was takrn. Thrce s(V-sions of the Joint ConveutlOB were held and the Ilirgest niiiiiher of votes yet taken was the result, BeJow Is givfu the vote in detail THE AFTEUNOON VOTES. Ut 2a 3d 4tli 5Ui Whole luimber of votes. .123 121 121 121 120 Ñecessary to a cholee.... 63 lil til (il (il Thomas W Palmer 80 30 SO 80 30 FrancisBStockbrldge... 38 39 ■'.) 39 39 Ueo V N Lothrop 43 33 :(4 28 .. EilwiuWillits 14 18 18 18 13 Jc-rome W Turner 8 2 1 i .. Moreau S Crosby 1 'i 1 1 1 Wm Newton 1 1 :i .. .. Tilomas W Ferry 11111 Pcrry Hauuah 11111 Thomas A Wilson 1 1 ■ '■ ■ ■ Wm C Maybury :- ' ■■ James B Angelí 1 12 1 Charles V Babcock 1 Lymiin (} Masoi) 1 .... John W McUratli 1 Georn Jj Yaple 1 ('hurles F (regory 1 George W Thompson 1 A rclii'.mia McDonald 1 WinP Wells 2 5 .. (corgeP Sanford 2 .. .. Charles CComstock 1 2 4t Nutlmn Uhurch 1 C. II. Rlehtnond..: 1 A.!C. Maxwell 8 ■ ■ Byron tt. Htout 1 Gth 7th 8th 9th Oth Whole of numbcr votes... 121 121 120 120 120 Nee.ossary to a olioice 01 (il Hl 01 01 T. W. Palmer 30 30 29 33 &3 F. 15. Stockbridge 99 30 28 33 38 Chas. C. Comstock 34 88 Edwin WflUtS B !) ia S .. ('ii'orge V. Lutlirop 3 i Michacl Slioeinaker 3 44 40 39 .. Hugh MeCveedy 2 TkosWFerrv 1 1 1 .. 1 JasB Ansell.' 11111 Timothy Nestor 1 ByronG Stout 1 .. 1 .. 3 MWeiui S Crosby 12 12 2 Jolm Stroug 1 IVny llauuul) 1111! Frtebie 1 lienton Hanchiitt 1 .. WmAMoore 2 .... HFMeConr.ick 2 .... Ilenry Chamberlain 1 1 Jansltoost 1 ■ Solonion L Withev 7 N B Eldredge . . . .' 1 Vm Shakespeare 1 Samuel L Sniitli 'J Edward King 3 J W TuniiT 1 THE I:EN1NU VOTES. let. 2(1. :ïJ. Wliole nuniber of votes.. 11S 121 121 NtvcsEary toa choictt. . . . 60 01 01 FraneisBStockljriage... 3Ü 33 33 thos Wralmer : 32 32 Kdwin Willits -r s '. Byron ü Stout -ri 44 43 0 C Comstoek 8 Morcan S Crosbv 1 1 1 James B. Angelí. 1 1 1 Tlios V Ferry... 1 .1 .1 Percy llannah 1 Gcorge V N EaOthiup . . 1 TuunSDAY, March 1.- The conventlou was assemblee! at the uaual hour, and the seventyfifth joint vote was taken, resulting aa follows: Whoie number, 11S; necessary to a cholee, 00; RVron G. -Stoift, 41 ; Francia 15. Stockbrldfro, 29; ThOB. W. Palmer, 29; Edwin Willits, 1); Moreau 8. Crosbv, 'S; Perry Hannah, 1 ; Thos. W. Ferry. 1 ; II. C. llodge,5. Aftcr ilii cicfrat of motions to adjouni, to takè a receés till ëvenlnif, etc, anot)ier ballot was ordored and it reeulted tlius : Whole number, 118; neeessary (o achoice, 00, Byron Sr. Stout, 30; Francia B. Stockbridgp, 2G;'ThornaR W. l'alm.-i-, '17: Eihvin Willi's, 5; Solomon h. WithiT, 10; Moreau S. Crosbv, ü; II. C. Ilodge, 3: Jas. 15. Angelí, 1 ; Thos. YV. Ferry, 1 ; Perry Hannah, 1 ; Capt. Joseph Nicholson, 2. Theic was ü forebodiug in the minds of the inajoritv, whon the conveulion assembled again at seven o'cloek that the senatorial jirob letn must and would be solved beforc the convention acïtourned. The Votlng began again at. 7:S0 o'cloek and three votes were taken as rapldly as posslble, Uic results Ijelag as !'ollitws : Int 2d 3d Wliole uunibi-r of votes 121 120 121 Neee&pary to a ohoice fil 61 (il Thomas 'W Palmer 81 81 83 Francia B Stockbriöge 88 39 21 ByronU Stout 41 87 3ii M'iu'c au S ('rosby 7 3 7 Bolomon 1. Wiriu-y (■ 4 3 Edwin Wilüts ü :i 2 W 1) Fuller 3 :i 3 l'i-rry ilaniiuii 1 1 1 JaiSpsB Angelí 1 1 1 ThouiaftWÏSrry 1 1 1 Charles Upson 1 ii 5 Henry Chamberlain ii 4 ,1 L y andeventer 2 John Q Ailams 1 Hi-lore anotlicr vU was taken the name of Col. Francis B. Stockbridge was wlthdrawn, aud the SOth joint vote was taken and amiounced aefollowe: Whole number of votes, 131; ii.vrssary to a choteí, 01 ; Thomas W. l'almer, Chas. Upsou, S; ïhoiuas V. Ferry, (i; llcnry (Jhamberlain, 2; Win. D_Fuller, 2; Marsden 0, Burcli, 1; SethÖ. Nurtli, 1; Edwin Willits, 1; Ferry Hannah, 1 ; James B. Angelí, 1. The last and decisivo vote was taken vniii the wildest The actual resnlt of the vote was thie : Whole number ol votes TÜ1 Neeessary to a ehoíce 61 Tnos. W. Palmer 40 Byron G. Stout 43 Mcreau S. Crosby '10 Chas. Upson 8 Thos. W. Ferry (i James B. Angelí 1 Perry Hannali 1 Edwin Willits l Vtaredeu C. Bureh 1 J.W. Champlin 1 It was noticed that Palmer haü a majority of all the Republlcan votes, aud bis olectloB was a 'oregone 'eonelusion. A roll was ealled and chances in hls favor carne in thick and fast, untilhis total vote reaehed 75, and at 9:30 o'clock Lieut. Gov. Crosby announced the eleetiou of Thos. W. Palmer "as. United States senator. Mr. Palmer soon after appc.ared, and was greeted with a perfect storm oí applause. umi in a pieasiug uappy auuietö lic aceepLeu the honoi's wtiicli had boen bestowed upou liim. Sovcral (jthers followcd in well-ttmed remarks, and after exteuding a vote of thanks to ncarly every one participatlngta tlieeesflions of the convention that body ad jnnrucd. JLcglalallve Kccortl. Senate, Feb. 27. - The Senate bil] toarrango for tbc takii;g of the census aul staüstics of tlie state iu 1884, was reierred to the coinmittce of the wliole The followlug bilis pussed on Iliird rcading: Allowing mutual iDsnranee eompaSQles of other statce to da business iu tliis state ; amcndlng aet 253 of the laws of 1881, relative to liiguwavs; aipending sections 17iH3T of the compiled laws relative to the public liealth All wero given inmiodiate effect Tha Senate concurred in the resolntion to odjourn over until Thursdiiy, March lst. House. - The l'ollowing bilis wcre passed: House bilí No. 75 to amend stetlon 7 of act 251, approved June 10, 11, nJative to prQtectlon of game; joint resolution for the subniisslou of á constitutioi'.al amendmeut to increase the salaries of state olticers ; Senate blll No. 5 to repeal act ÍB5 of 1881, relative to register of deeds iu Shiawassee county The ïollowing ' 1 í lili É 1 4 4 1 L 1 ■ t ' ■ A í I ' ' - h UU 1 ■ J J committecs, were laid on the table: House bilí No. Uto repeal sectious 18 auil L9andtO amend section 20 of an act provirtlug for the asiessment oL property and the levy and collectiou of taxes thcrcon; house bilí No. 4Ü0, to aiDeud seetion 18 oí aboye aot and tu add a uew Boction, No. 1.10; house bilí No. 857 to abolish the Law and Medical Departments of the University of Michigan The resolution of Hepresentative Adams was adopted, calling for a íull stiitcnicnt (it aftairs by co-operatlve and mutual benefit nssociations. Senato, Msreli 1. - The bilí to allow mutual ílre insurauce companies of other states to do business with this state, was passed on thlrd readlng, and the bilí giren immedlatc effect. Petttiona were presented for tbe extention to vromen of the right of suffrage, and all other legal rigbts uow posseesed by man ; for the submlgslon of a prohibitory amendment; for amendiucut of charter of Charlevoix ; and a supplementuTv memorial relatiug to charges against ihe Fish Commissioners. The Senate (lien níet iu executive session and contirmed a cruor, and after the joint cotivention the Senate adjoiuned. House. - A petitiou was presentid 6igned by 11 mimberof Jackson ladics, for a law giving womcn the privilege of voting at municipal elcctions ; petitiona were also presented for the submission of a prohlbitory amendment; ior the repeal of the eonspiracy law ; for a law establishing ten hours as a legal day's labor; for a law abolishing the contract system in prigous ; for the ineorporatiou of trades unions; against the Poor Conmiiseion bill for Wayne county. Bills were passed re-tocorporaüng BreedsTllle and detaehiug territc-y from l'ortage, Iloughtou eountySbnate, Mareh 2.- The following were pa?sed on third reading; Senate manuscript iutorporating Springwells ; House manuscript re-in(.■orporatingDexter; Senate bill 41 incorporating Mfcnominec. All the abovc were given iinmediate effect A memorial of Kichmond, Backue & Co., of Detroit, waa preeented for an amendment of act lüS of 1879, in rufercuee to the publicatiou of reports of the Supreme Court. The petitiouers eomplain that as the law now stands they have no way of makiug the publishers of the report sell RiehmonC Baekus & Co., quantities at. Wholesale, and they are ublleed to purchase copies eiugly- greatly Interlering with the suceess of thoir business Adjourned until Monday eveuiug. BOUSB. - Tilt: bil1 t.o im-nrnnrntt TtATifTfift.. in Shiawassee county was recalled A. memorial was preeented from the Hon. U. L. Pratt relativo to instruction iu morality in the publie schools, whicli was ordered prlnted in the journal Remoustrances were presented from twentyeight citizcus of Ecorse and from thirty-four citizens ol Wyandotte, against the establishment of a poor oommission for Wayne county Mr. (Janby oflered the following rcsolution in regard to the fish cominissiou : Whereae, Controversies exist bctween the Board of t'ish Commissioners and the Suporintendent, and an investigation of the tame is now pemliiig bef ore the legislatura with a view to the adjustment of such dilliculties, ürsdlvi'd, tlie Senate coneurring,That James (i. Portman continue to act as luperlntendenl of the trout hatchery at Paris and carey Ga the work thf-re, and O. M. Cliase at the Whitefish natcbery in Detroit, as they are now doiug, until the cömplction of a fuH'iuvesügation by the egislature aud settlemcut by the legislature of eaid controversics. Kesolved, further, That it is the sense of the laglslature that no person from another state should be placed iu charge of tlie work of liateliing aud distribution of lishfortlie Inlancl waters of tho state. The rcsolutiou w:'s put upon its paösago luider euspeusion of tlie rules; but, after a brief aud briflk debate, tbc preamble and resolution were laid upon the table. Tlie INomliices. The flrst Republiean eouventiou ever held in the Saginaw Valley assembled in East Baglnaw on Wednesday, February 23. Iu response to the cali a large and entlmsiaslic delegatlon as Bcrnbled. The convention was calleil for the purpose of uominatiug two caiululates for the supreme eourt bench nnil two regents for the university. The usual committecs were appointed, mul the regular routine work doue, when the convention proceeáed to tin; real business for which it had been called. The nominatious for justice for ftill term wore then made, and after llie usual eulogistic speeches, three bailóte were taken with the foliowing result: ballot 2d hallot 3d baUot Total vote 5S6 (11 599 Neeessary to ehoiee 2J4 SOS 30Ü Cliarles Üpson 247 277 35] Austin Blair Í2S 302 'M) DanJArnold 89 21 Thos JO'Brien.... 1 Mr MeNab 2 John Atkiusoii 2 Frank A üookur... ■)" B 1 Frank Giddey 1 Wm JciiniKon 1 K Loud 1 Amid prolonged and hearty chec rs the noiriination of Austin Blair ivas made unanimous.. The demonstration which followed his nomination vf(kob& rvidence of me sincere regard entertained by the citizeus of tuis uraiMj i'ii til. v;h uvuuui. The couvenüon then proeeeded to Buminate eandidates ior the short terra, and the ballot taken showed that T. J. O'Brieu of Kentcounty as the sueepsuful mau. The ballot was as foilows : Whole nuinber of votes 577 Necessary to choice 388 Thomas J. O'Brien 322 Andrew Ilowell 47 Ëdward Taggert 72 Geo. 8. Clapp 52 Dan J. Ariiold 27 Chas. Upson 13 Nominationa lor regenta were then in order. For the first regeut the vote stood as follows : Whole miniber of votes 54Í) Neeessary to a cholee 275 Hem li.' Hutehins 318 .luiiif k E. White 222 Theodcrr; Nolson 7 Joseph C. Jones 'i The aomination of Henry B. ITutchins of Macomb was declared unanimous, and the ballot was taken for the seeond regent with the following rceult: WTiole immlier of votes. . . ; 503 Necessary to a choice 1KÏ Joseph C. -Iones ":!:i James E. White L73 Thcoilore NelsoD 17 John Kiee 24 11. ;t. Gass 15 The senatorial question tlid not enter uto the discüssfön of the state eonvention, save in (Luintervals of business, the foeling bein' t.hat thirt i[uestion shonlil be teft with the lcL'islature. After the usual vote of thanks to mcmUere, railrond pffleers, and others the conveiitiot] :v.l JourB.ed. A Prohibido Tit'kct. A moas ronvention oí ProhlbiMouists met in Lansing March lst. íor the purpose of nominating eau tlidates for ju3tices of the supremo eourt and regents of the Uuiveraity. A seritf oí appropriate resolutions were adopted, &ud the followtng tieket, placed in nomiiiation : Judgés of the Supremo Court - Jolm M. Tatcm, (ícenVille; I). 1'. Sugeudorpli, Cliarloito. Rogents - John W. Kwing, Ionia; Rev. (. 8. Hlekey, Laneiog. IIKTKOIT IflAUKK'I. Wlirat .-Ni). 1 , white $ 75 @ 1 08 Floui 5 (55 @ 5 75 Buckwheat 5 08 M (i 0Ü Cora 57 @ 90 Oats 45 @ -17 Glover eed, Ira 7 90 (tó Apples, %) bbl :.( 00 @ 3 50 üried Apples, $ & 1}4(& Buttcr, ftb 30 @ 25. Eggs 30 (ií 23 Dressed Chickene 14 & 14) DresstHl Turkeys 15 (M V (fióse 11 @ Ixicks ÍS (w 15 CUeese 13 @ 15 l'otatoes, 3 ni 7: M HO Jlouey 19 @ '„ft Beaus, picked 2 00 @ 2 1? BemiK, nnpicktd 1 50 (t 1 09 J lay 12 50 @15 00 Straw 8 50 @10 00 Drcsscd JIogs, y U .' 7 90 @ 8 Oo Pork, mees 18 50 M1S 7ö Hork, atnily 19 00 @19 50 Beef, extra mess .. 12 00 @12 50 Wood, Beech and Maple 7 00 Wood, Maple 8 00 Wood, Hickory S 00 Coal, Egg C '25 @ Goal, Stove , 0 50 Coal.C'bcstnut @ C 75 ..


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