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Real Estate Transfers

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The followinjj are the real estáte tranaers for the week ending Maroh 8 : WABRANTT DEEDS. Thos. Kichardson to Wm. Sohussler, 40 acres, sec. 21, Scio, $1,800. Lemuel Clark (by heirs) to George J. Nissley, property in Saline village, 4,000. Henry Kauffman to Johannes Schenk, 105 acres, secs. 9 and 10, $5,000. W. E. Pope to H. H. Tallman, 150 acres, sec. 32, Pittsfleld, $8,940. Wm. Hay to Frank A. Todd, property in Ypsilanti, $2,000. Levina Spaulding to Lambert Giskie, 270 aeree, sec. 25, 36 and 80 Lima and Sylyan, $15,000. John Beam to M. J. Noyes, lot in Milan, 800. ' E. J. Gooding to A. E. Gardner, 130 acres, sec. 27, Lodi, $7,300. F. A. Fellows to A. A. Nord, 80 acres, sec. 11, Ann Arbor, $4,900. F. A. Fellows to A. A. Nord. 130 acres. Lodi, sec. 27, $7,300. George Widenmann to Stephen B. uauB, ou neren, sec. , Ann Aroor, 4,uu. Alonzo H. Goldsmith to Martha 8. Boss, property in Ypsilanti, $1,500. James B. Arms to Alonzo Olsaver, 17 acres, seo 10, Webster, $900. Jno. G. Frey to George A. Frey, 80 acres, sec. 16, Ann Arbor, $2,495. Nancy Allen et al. to Albert Blaess, 200 acres, secs. 23 and 34, Lodi, $15,250. Emily Van Duyn to Albert Blaess, oneeighth interest in 200 acres, sec. 23 and 24, Lodi, 81,275. Austin A. Buckelewto James B. Anns, 80 acres, sec. 20, Webster, $7,000. Harriet Steadman to Matthias Saley, 80 acres, sec. 15, Manchester, $5,620. Elisba Steadman to Matthias Saley, 30 aores, sec. 2fi, Manchester, $1,200. Matthias Saley to Leonard Herman, land in sec. 17, Manchester, $3,300. Jno. 8. Worden to Harrison H. Ballard, property in Ypsilanti, $1,000. Alva Worden to H. H. Ballard, propertv in Ypsilanti, 3 transfers, $16,100.