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Widk A wake DRüoaiaTS.- Messrs H. J. Br...

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Widk A wake DRüoaiaTS.- Messrs H. J. Brown & Co. are always alive to their business, and spare no pain to secure every article in their line. They have secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery ior Conaumption - the only certain cure known for consumption, coughs, colds, hoarseness, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, or any affection of the throat or lungs. 8old on a positiva guarantee. Trial bottles free. Begular aize, one dollar. It is no time to play chess when the house is on fire. " T on fml .nl. #..1 Ll.-.L K __ 1 oui n uij UIBU&llU L1JHI X OVer US6U Dr. Benson's Celery and Camomila Pillg, for they cured my periodical headacka." - Mrs. J. R. Paddison, Point Caswell, N. C. Fifty cents at druggists. A goose drinks as muoh as a gander. Messrs. Walker & Son, Grasa Lake, Vlich., say: "We find Brown's Iron Bitters to be all that is claimed for it." A stingy man is alwajs poor. For one dime get a paokaga of Diamond Dyes at the dmggists. They color inything the simplest and most desira)le colora. Neoessity soon compels tüe spendthrift o retrenoh, or adopt dishonest means ior promoting gam. " Do boldly what you do at all." Boldly do we affirm that Kidney-Wort is the great remedy for liver, bowel and kidney disease. Kheumatism and piles vanish before it. The tonio effect of Kidney-Wort ia produced by its cleansing and purifying action on the blood. Where there is a gravelly deposit in the urine, or milky, ropy urine from disordered kidneys, it always cures. Sloth makes all things difflcult- active and upright zaal renders toil both easy and profitable. We all believe that it is a long lane that has no turning; that many a shaft at random sent finds a mark the archer little meant ; that no remedy sold will cure coughs, colds, croup, whooping ooughs. and all throat and lung troubles so quickly and permanently as Dr. iow s ■ositive (Jure, that our druggists, Eberbach & Son, is very generousjto gire trial bottlea free of charge. Gentle entreaties and judieious zeal are never logt, even on the most abandoned. Nervous Proatration, Premature Old Age, either caused by the ue of tobaooo, alcohol, overwork, or excesses, oured by Dr. E. C. West's Nerye and Brain Treat. ment. Sold at Brown 4 Co.'i drug storeThe higheat moral beauty is born of kindness and forerer dwells with her. Thousands Say So.- Mr. T.W. Atkins, Qirard, Kan., writes: "I never hesitate to recommend your Electrio Bitters to my oustomera; they give entire satisfaotion and are rapi4 Bellers." Electrio Bitters are the bet medicine known and will positively cure kidney and liver comnlairtta. PnHfv fVia K11 anii .M.. ate the bowels. No family can afford to e without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in dootor'g billa overy year. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by H. J. Brown & Co. The man of sober enterprise worki ai well as wishes, and is honored. Why continue the use of remedies that only relieve, when Ely's Cream Balm, leasant of application and a sure oure or catarrh, hay fever and oold in the ïead, can be had for flfty cents. Apply nto the nostrils with little finger. I was troubled with ohronio catarrh and gathering in my head, was Tery deaf at times and had discharges from my ara, uesiues oeing unaoie to breathe hrough my nose. Before the seoond ottle of Ely's Cream Balm was exhausted I was eured, and to-day enjoy sound health. O. J. Corbin, 923 Chestnut st., Field Manager Philadelphia Pub. House, Pa. Ely's Cream Balm, for catarrh, oold in he head, etc., gires the bent of sattsfaoion. Hare yet to hear of a singla case where it haa not given relief or permanent cure. Chas. L. Bbcnoaok, druggist, Muskegon, Mich. Circumstances are materials out of wbich the life of man is made. Coiorlbss and CoLD.- A young lady leeply regretted thst ihe was so coloreas and oold. Her face was too white ind her hands and feet feit as though ihe blood did not circuíate. After one jottle of Hop Bitters had been taken ihe was the rosiest and healthiest girl in he town, with a rivacity and .oheerfulnees of mind gratifying to her friends. Fashion ia a despot, to whom nearly _11 i _i , au raute ana ciasses are laves. Bbain and Nebvb.- Well's Health Renewer, greatest remedy on esrth for impotence, leanness, sexual debility, etc. 81 at druggists. Miohigan depot, James E. Davis & Co., Detroit, Mioh. Truth reduoed to practice produces good and not evil. Don't dik in th Horsi.- Ask druggist for " Bough on Kats." It elears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roaches, rermin, flies, ants, insects. 15c. per box. Good words are hIwrví better than hard blows. Catarrh op thb BiíAddbb.- Stinging, amarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by impaDin. 91, ai OTUggMta. MiOh. Dpot, James E. Davi 4 Co., Detroit, Mich. Nothinjf has a deeper dye of wickedness than bribery. Soikntific Advancement.- Scientifio advancement, it has been remarked, has been slower and less noticeable in the oare of the aick and the treatment of disease than in any other department of human knowledge. The life or death of a patiënt ia too frequently a mere matter of accident or chance. Soine great discoveriea, however, have been made and certain remedies are known and used with almost infallible curative resulta. Such a remedy is ïaraxine, where a deranged liver ia involved, or where diseasea of the bowels, kidneya or apleen prevail. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Taraxine memorandum books free.


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