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TfíUE Tempérame Is not signing a"pledge nr talrinrr q cnipmn nifK f Vio cannot be kept, because of the non-removal of the cause - liquor. Thewaytomake a man températe is to kill the desire for those dreadful artificial stimulants that carry so many bright ntellects to premature graves, and desolation, strife and unhappiness into so many families. ïtisafact! Brown'sIrow Bitters, a true non-alcoholic tonic, made in Balümore. Md.,by the Brown Chemical Company, who are old druggists and in every particular reliable, will, by removing the craving appetite of the drunkard, and by curing the nervousness, weakness, and general ill health resulting frora intemperance, do more to promote tempe ranee, in the strictest sense th-n any other means now known. It is a well authenticated fact that many medicines,' especially ' bitters,' are concocted for use in local option countries. Such is not the case with Brown's Iron Bitters. It is a medicine, a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous, muscular, and digestive organs of the body, producing good, rich blood, health andstrength. Tryonebottle. Price $1.00. HAS BEEN PROVED . The 8UREST CURE for iKIDNEY D1SEASES. S Does a lame back or disordered urina iadl eato that you are a viotim P THEN DO NOT fc ELE3IT ATE; use Kidney-Wort at onoef jï A flats reoommend it) and it will e peedi ly u oomO the disease and restore hoalthy actíon. 4 0 I Ae For comp lain ta peculiar C bClUlvOi toyour eex, such. as pain -J andweakneMWfl.Xidney-Wortiaunaurpassed, ■ Ij as it will act promptly and safely. KltherSex. Inoonünence, retention of urine, o 2 briclt duat or ropy deposita , and dull draggirut c v p all speedily yield to its curativo power. H BOLD BY AIJí DBXTGQIBTS. Prlce gl. Rcmember This. If you are sick Hop Bitters will surely aid Nature in making you well when all else failB. If you are coBtive or dyspeptic, or are Buffering from any other of the numerous diseases of the stomach or the bowels, it is your 'owa fault if you remain ill, for Hop Bitters are a sovereign remedy in all Buen complainte. If you are wasting away with any forin of Kidney disease, Btop tempting Death this moment, and turn for a cure to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible sickness, Nervousness, you will find a "Balm of Qilead" in the use of Hop Bitters. If you 8re a frequenter, or a resident, of A Tniasmntin dififcrirtf1, Viarrindíi vrnir system against the scourge of all countries - malarial, epidemie, bilious and intermittent fevers - by the use of Hop Bitters. If you have rough, pimply or sallow skin, bad breath, pains and aches, and feel miserable generally, Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, and Bweetest breath, health and comfort. In short they cure all diseases of the stomach, Bowels, Blood, Li ver, Nerves, Kidneya, Bright's Disease. $500 will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. Itl "T A WEEK. made at home, by the inV" 1 dustrious. Best business now before K I I the public. Capital not needed; we p I im will start you. Men, women. boys and girlg wanted everywhere U work for us. Now is the time. You can work in spare time or give your whole attcntion to the business. No other businesi will pay you nearly as well. No uiiü i_u inu uu umftc viiuiTUUU UU U fll)aIng at once. Costly outïlts ana terms free. Money made fast, easlly and honorably. Addross True & Co , Augusta, Me. Sam. B. Revenaugn Ia ikiw taking the Best Glass oi Püotoeraplis 3n the City at Prices to Suit the Times Ground Floor Gallery. GOODRICH BLOCX, East Side of th IVJKW COURT HOÜSK. CATARRH A PositiveCure CREEAMYBALM E L f M ■("'"''■ tu ite.,vny 3.9 L■ I caqiutied fnr Cold M. S VjM i the ïlrail, PCiAyÊ Hcadachc niid DeafIW B ness, or any kind of ïnuciiH momhranal mfs I irritations, inflamed %gr m'w + rmm! or r"Kh surfaces. HAT'FEVEP A preparation of uu ■ ■ ■ doubted merit. Ap; ply by the üttle flnger into the nostrilsf It wilt be absorbed, effectually cleansing the nasal pasRAfces of catarrhal virus, causin healthy secrelions. It allays nflammation, proteuts the membranal linines of the head froni additional colds, eomptetoly heals the sores and restores the sense of taite and smell. Beneflcial results are realiied by a few applieations. A Thorough Trcatmeiit Will Cure. Cream Balm has gaíned an enviable reputatlon wherevcr known; displacing all qther pref'arations. Send for circular, containing full nformation and reliable testimoniáis. By mail, prepaid, flf ty cents a package - stamps received. Sola by all wholesale and retail druggists, ELY'S CREAM BALM CO.. Owego, N. Y. # 70 A WEEK. $12 a dar at home easüy $li made. Costly outflts'free. AddressTrut L Co.. August, Uaiue. Adam D. Seyler. SOLE AGENT FOR TH1S CITY AJÍB V1C1NITY, No. 6 N. MAIN ST. ■h ■■ ƒ% i not, life is sweeping by ; go and I V" I daré, befo re you die, sompthing K J I mighty and sublime; leave be1 1 Li # I bind to conquer time." Sixty dollars a week in your own town; flve dollar outfit freí. No risk. Everything new Capital not required. We will furnisli yon everything. Man y are makirg for unes. Ladiet make as mucn as men. and boys and glrls make great pay. Reader, if you want business at which you can make great pay all the time. write for the particulars to H Hallett & Co., Portland. Me. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington St., Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Crocery Line. Teas, Coffces and Sugars. In large amounts. and at CaslL Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The l&rge invoice of teas they Buy 'and Sell. s good proof that n Quality and Price they Give Bargains. rney voasi meir uwii onca cïcij ncc; uu none but prime articles are usetl. Their Bakery tnrns out excellent Bread. Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. $500 REWÍRÍ We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestión, Oonstipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West 's Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes containing.30 Pilis, 25 cents. For sale by 11 Dragp; sts. Be ware of counterfeits and iniitations. The gennine manufactured only by John C, West & Co., 'The Pili Makers," ÍS1 and IS! W. Madison St.. Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on rceipt of a a cent stamp. HEALTH IS WEALTH! Dr. E. C. West'8 Nerve and Brain Treatment, a speciftc for Hystera, Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss ol Memory Sperniatorrhoea, Iinpotency, Involuntary Emissions, Premature Ola Age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse, or overindulgence, which lead to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box or sil boxea f orflve dollars: sent by mail postpaid on receipt of price. We guaran tee sixboxes to cure any case. With each order received bv us for ix boxes, accompanied with flve dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued by Brown & Co , sole authorized Agts. for Ann Arbor. Mich. John C. West & Co., sole proprietors. 181 and 188 W. Madison St.. Chicaeo. 111. "henryIatthews, Hasjthe pleasure to inform the public thnt hei reauy to receire them in his aew brick ME.AT MARKET! ONE DOOR EA3T OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in his line will be flrst-class. and At Reasonabie Rates. He returns nis sincere thanks to all his oíd customers for their generous patronage, and cordi ally invites them, and all new customers to hii new quarters, where he hopea by fair dealing to diilarKB his airead y growiiüe business. Our New Directory. The canvass for our new city and county directory is progressing very vorably. To those who have not already subscribed for the same the publishers wish it to be distinotly understood that no copies will be printed or for sale after publication of the same. The canvassers will be round in a few days, calling for information, and we advise all who may wish a copy to subscribe while the work is beingdone. We guarantee a far superior work to the last one.jand at the price of $3.00 it is cheap, takiiig into consideration the large amount of detail that is required in such a publication. Wendell Directoby Co., Publishers, Ann Arbor, Mich. A Rare Chance. The undersigned offere lus FARM FOR SALE. Said Farm consista of about 2 75 Acres of Arable Land, a hout 160 Acres Improved. It islocated on sections 1, 2 and 12, in the townskip of Dezter, on the staee road between Dexter and Pinckney, aüout flve miles from each place. The land is in a High State of Cultivation, Wall fiintrl (nul u'ntfnul umi Tinrt.ü'iiln.r'l v n-pl adapted to raising stock of any description, Upwards of 80 acres of Wheat in. BARNSwith BASEMENTS, Nearly new, and capable of stabling 40 to 50 head of sheep. A portion of the land is partió ularly well adapted to PEACH CROWINC. There are now nearly ï,000 trees on the place, two years old, just commencing to bear. The farm is in splendid shape for any one to take hold of and MAKE MONEY. My reason for selling is that I have not tüneto attend to it. K One-fourth or one-thira down. Long time on the remainder, THOMAS BIRKETT. Birkett, WashtenawCo., Mich. Kf jij fj 7ÍS!74 Endorsed by the Frenen Academy of Mc dicine for INFLAMMATION OF THE URINARY ORGANS, caused by indlscretion or exposure. Hotel Dieu Hospital, Paris, treatment. Positive cure In one to three days. Local trratmentonly required. No nauseous doses of l'ubebs or Copaiba. Infallible, Hygienic, Cnrative, l'reventive. Price$1.60, ineluding Bulb Syringe. Kold by all druggists, or sent free by mail, securelj sealed, on receipt of price. Descriptive treatise free on application. AMERICAN AOENCY '86" MEDICINE CO., Detroit. Mich., and Windsor, Ont. Sold in Ann Arbor by C. E. Holmes (Jook House Blotk. Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte. I HAVE a complete compilation of the Official Records of Washtenaw County t date. inolu dine all TaxTideR, Executions, any inoumbrance on Real Estáte, that is of Record in the Registers office, is shown by my books. Office, iu the office of the secretary of the Washtenaw mutual insurance company, in the basement of the c house. C. H. MANLY, Ann Arbor. Mich t CC a wek in your own town. Terms and $5 jDD outflts free. Address 11. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maiut ADVERTISING oontrmc t made f ut TUIS PA PER, bien ii kept o fli. w.ui LORD c THOMAS. AdïerUiuB Agent, 'hl.aj;o.-IU.


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