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General Foote, late United States Consul at Valparaíso, who was sent by the State Department to Aspinwall to Investígate the cireumstances attendlng the detentlon oí the American shlp Mary C. Comery, has submitted a report to the Secretary of State. Gen. Foote found that the trouble grew out of a misunderEtandlng betwecn the captain of tho ehip and the American Consul, hich led to a law 6Uit, pending the settlement oí which the Bhip was detained under civil procese. The aff air, however, did not involve any controversy wlth the local authoritics, and tlirough the meditation of Gen. Foote the difflculty waa amicably adjusted and tho vesscl proceeded. OUK HEALTH. The failure to make approprlations ior the national board of hpalth may be laid to the laot that ït was clearly showu that the board had used the money instrusted to lt Ia a most extravagant manner, and the was fully persuaded that the board had lived longenougb. Last summer the president Ucod a part of the emergency fund througu thu ruariuo hospital service, aud it is said in iflüelal quarters that it was applied moro ecouomicallyand judiuiouaJy than it conlil poasibly have been bv anv other agency. The nationol ljoard of healtli docsn't iike Ibis, and bas attempted to bbllttlc and belie the effleacy of the marine hospital service worU, in oraer to got control of the funds. It ij underetood, bowever, that President Arthur will, in case of an epidemie, the coming 6ummer, apply tho emergeuey fund of $100,000 throngh the marine hospital service. NOT BNOÜGH. It is statod at tho treasury department that for furniturc and repairs of iurnüure In all the public buildings under control of the departinent, iucludlng furnituro for the now buildings, wuuld be luadexiuato ; and that $100,000 ought to bo expended in the Philadelplila court house and poetofflee alone. Oue of the nine new buildings mentioncel In tho appropriation act isthüt af Albany. FOK AMATEUR OAESMEK. Kewark, N. J., haebecn 6elected as the place for holding the cleventh annual regatta of tho National as6ociation of amateur oai-smcn. commeuch'.g Aug. 7 uext. AIXTHUR 13 WILLrSG. The President has approved tbe promotion Of Albprí, Tí. WrmHn. ojanictant tri hi trcasurcr of tlie Unltod 8tatos vico Oilfljlan, reeigued. A HONEST COKGRESSMAli. Ex-ReprO8entative R. 1. Flower, f New York, has returned to the troasury Í468 50, the amount overpald him on account oí salarv and miloage as a member of tho Forty-eoVrntti Gongress. THB NEWCUIEF. lt is understood Uiat Secretary Foiger has lendcred tho positlon of Chlef of the Bureau of Euarraving and printing t; .fuo. W. Corning, of Geneva. N. ï., at ono time Sergeant-atArms of íhe Legislatura of New York, and that h'! hai rtrtually aceepto'l the sppotnment. TO BB I'ILLBD. The provisión tn the last Army bill cxduding from the calculation as part of the regular rctired Hst proscribed by law not to exceed 400. all officers rotired under t,hi law i.f lnet year because of having -reachcd 64 years or hnving servod over fo-ty years relieves tiie regular retired listto thn extent of inakingthirteen vacancies, wbich wlll be fiUcd at once by tho rotlrcmont oí dleabled offleers. MOBE CHARGES. More charges havo been üled at the treasury department against Ardiitcct Hiil. ïho nature of the charges has not been mado public, but it is statod on good authority that they relato to contraéis and expenditurea forthe non'govcrnmont building at rhiladelpliia. FOB TUE OAKFIELD MEMORIAJ O. W. Denny, Coneul-Goncral of tho United States at Shanghai, Chiba, has forwarded to the State Dcpartmont f2,855 in Udited States fold coin to ba placed to tho credit of the Gareld memorial íund. Threo hundred dollars of this amouut -ñas contributed by Chinesa f riends of Denny, who In forwarding tho subscrlptiona feaid they would bo most happy to head a Chinese circular and sond it around among their friends, but to ask their countrymon to 8ubscriDe to a hospital to be built in a country which wlll not perrait Chinese to enter for ten years is more than they dare do. The Daiance oí the contribution was obtained frota citizens of the United States reslding in China, and Tvho ivcre anxious to aid In the undertaking oL tae Hospital Committeo. TnB vroitD-BB ASSASSIK. AmoDg tho cases recently assigned ior trial bofore Justlce Hagner in tho nowly orsanizod brancli of the Criminal Co art at Washington, Í6 that of Wm. Jones, indieted for assault with intonttokill Charles.). Guiteau. Jones is the man wlio rode along the eide of the prisoa van and shot at Guiteau through ita ficl TüKN ABOUT FAIR PLAT. The state dopartment has been inforrned that tho Chinesu govemmont is making it decidedlv unpleasant for Amerieans residing in tlio Empire. Tho restrietions placed upoii their business is auch that new enterprisea are almo6t iupossibla aud old ones will suffer. Tho uufavorable legislatlon eeerns to bo in the natire of retalilatiuu. HIUPSÏ IMPOBTATION. The treasury departinont is inloimed tiat the 6hipment of whisky out, of tho country to prevent payment of tax before iti eqiiü-ed for consumption has already bcgun and will probably continuo as long as there is more whisky to como out of bond each month than thore is demaiui. fcouio poes to Europe, eomo v--r vuiiwiu HUM DW-ilV IAJ UIIIVI VXlilit-ril h. A QCÜ9TION OF TAHITI1. In responso to inquirios from tbe Collectors üf Custorus at Tarious porte, tho Sécrotary of thojTreasury has tnstruetod them Uiat duttes shculdbeasseeeedupon the iull iuvoico value of the Eoods free on board at a foreign port of shlpraent, that is, tho valuó, includlbg charae cost and commieslons without regard to the provieions of section 7, of the new tariil act whleh abolishea the dutiee on sueh charges. A COURÏ MAKTIAL OIIDERED. The report of Eear-Admiral CHtz, command inji the üniteo Statee naval forces on the Asiatlc btation, relativeto the clrcumstances attending ths loss of the United Statee etearaor Aehnelot, by which eeveral Uves -were lost, has beou recclvcd by the Soc-retary of the Navv lüo report lias uot been made public, but it Is of euch a tharacter that Secretary Chandier lias ordered a court-martlal to try Commander Horaco E. Mullan, who was lnoouunand of the Ashuelot when wreeked. Cants. Win. P McCann nel Josepb N. Mlller, the former as president of the court, and Mastcr 8arauel C. Lomly, as Judge Advocate, have been ordered to procecd to Kan Francisco and take passage for Yokohama hy tba etamer eallliis on thfl 39th inst, TUE END K rT TET. ■ The sixtoenth wock of the exhlbltion of the Star route menagerie begu on the 20th Inet, with the continuatiouof ingumeut for tbo prosi'cutlon. Tho attorneyfl lor the government have so far received $115. OW fortheir services, of n-hich amount one attornor has pocketed over Y60,000. A CnANGJi. A aew devlcr by Snperlnteudent Snowden for the new flve cent nickel piece has been adoptcd by tho treaeury department. Tho cbangea In thecoins are conflned to the reverse. The legend "E I'luribus Uuum" has been taken f rom fce'ow the wreath and placed abovethe same, and tho word "cints" is isscribcd below the Koman numeral V. Tho new eoina wül be iseued as soon as possiblo, AN' IMrORTANT RULING. Tbc scorctary of the treosury has made v ruling in tlie case oí Charles E. ' Ward, of Port iluron, Mlch., who reccntly purchasod tbe Canadlan stcamer City of St. Cathariuee, sunk off White Koek in 18SÜ, raised in 1882 and rebuilt at Port Huron under such coudition as entitled the veseel under tho lavv to cnroUinent and register as nn American veeeel. A techuical objection arüfe in reeard to the boilers of the sttamer. the plates theroof uot belng stampedas requlrjdbvlaw, withthenameof the manufacturer nnd the teusilc strain. The secretary decides that all the prerequisites required by law have been coniplied witli, and instructions will be given iuspectors at Port Hüron to inspect the eteamer, waiving the matt( r of the stamping of the boiler plates. NEWS NOTES, HAPPT DAVID. Senntor David Davis of IllinoiB was married on the lith inst. to Miss Addic E. Burr at FayetvMe, N. C. Thoy started immediatelv on the wedding tour, intending to "do" the Bouth, and epencl eoino luontus in California, COSE TO HI9 ItETVARD. About a week ago Gov. Crittecd;n pardonod from" the MisBonri penitentiary Olarence Hite of Logan couuty, Iiy., who was Bentcncod to twenty five years' imprisonmeut as ono of the Jcsse James gau?, he haviDg pleadcd guiltv. Hite 6pent tuo-thirds of the time in tlio hospital and the goveruor pardoned him on accouut of the near approach of death. Hite was taken home to Logau county immediatoly after heinL' pardoned, and died in a few days. BISMAKOK'8 PLAK. It hos been ascortainod thsit Dr. Bodlock oí Philadelphia, aeting as agent of Prinee Bisinarck, is negotlating for the purchase of severa! million acres of land In Mexico for the nettlement of Germán einigrants. The land sclected is eald to be rica m ores and plants. aPBAaCE AGAIS. The Independent state convention of Rhode Island has uominated Wm. Sprague for governor without dissent. This nomination creates profound surprise amons the political friends of Sprague. AX CXTI.MELT DiJATD. FredFarrell, a 17-years-old meseeuger boy for WeJler & Brown, of BuiTalo, N. T., while etealing a ride in the clevator, caoght his hcad between the molding on the p.ide of the shaft uu uie t-ar, anu wan msiantiy Killed, LI3 skull betDg crushaJ. His iatber dlcd a few montbs ago and lio was t.he only support, of bh widowed uiotbir. ANOTHEB DATOH. Nine convicta at tbe Sing Sing prison struck tbc otber day and ref used to wort. Tlicy composed one team and wero engaged in lnkiog the soles of Bhocs. They wcro orilcred to "fafl in" and quletly marcböd to thcir cells and werelockedup, recoiring dark ccll rationa. lmy u..r keep company witu about 30 of t.Uo original Etrikrrs -rrho" are Btill umleroiDZ puniebmotit. ACQOTTIEÜ. Nicholus A. Duko, who haa been on trial at ünioutowö. Pa., for the morder of Oapt. A. C. Nutt, Ims been acqnltted. Tbe verdict was Itroiuily coDdemned Uy court and pciODle. A,y A015B DAME. Mrs. Elleu Bermingham, of Louiavtöo, Kv., died iu tlmt eity receutly, aged 107 yoars. Shc retained lier facultles uiitil a eliort timo brfore lier den tli. Á MI3EBABLK BJTD. H. F. Crocker, tho notorloun horse (hief, bntcided in thu tiranbury, Tt-s., all a day or twoago. He lef t . a ritten statement that lio was bom and well connectcd in Goorgia. He hai been in Texas eincc 1873. Ho had killed threc men and ono woman during that time. Ho regretted that ho eould not kil! two more men who had lnjured bim, and said tbat belng without nioney or friends he preferred deatn to lifa in prison. Ho asked that bis body be thrown in tho river, and that no word of hi? mieerablo end shoulil be sent to bis relativos. SAMMT'S ÜEALtn. Physieally ppeaklng, Samuel J. Tilden ts on lus last legs. Ho Ia not oble to attend to hie ■rjsmess ana nis conült.ion Is such as tn eau his friends great aczlety. BENJAMIK'S ECOKOMT. Gov. Butler bas given the Massachusettslegislature another essay on oconoiny in vetoiug the approprlation bill for various state charitable aud refornjatory in6tltution6. Ho polnts out tliat the salaries aud expenses eat. up 60 per cent of the approprtatlons, aud says this canuot bo made law with his consent, lie returns the bUl with a request that the iarge eums in salaries for useless officials, etc., be cut off and propor ehecks placed upon exponditures. AIS CSFOKTUSATE JTTMP. Col. .John S. Caudler, of the military staff of Georg-ia's governor, had bot legs cut off a few days aso at Atlanta in jumping rom a train and btTng run over. ALMO8T A l'ANIC. A firc broke out on the moruing of tho 17th in the kitchen of the Delavan house, Albany, N. Y. There were 180 guests in the house at the time, but thev were aronsed In Hm tn make goo3 their escape, inany of thom in their night dothes. The flames were conflnod to the kitebco, wliich was cnMrely gutted. EO AS RIDICCLES IT. Patrick Egan, iiow in New York, the ox-land league troasurer. aJïects to treat the roport that the explosión at London was the work oí feniane or land leaguere, with ridicule. Ho thinks it was merely an explosión of gas in the gov ranment oilico, and that it has no polttieal rwr.meance whatever. riUCTIOIXG UNDER A STOLEN DirLOMA. Frnnklin E. Perham, of the senior class of Bowdoin college, has been charged with stealiní? a diploma and eelling it to M. McMonage of Ogdenstiurg, N. Y. for 175, from whom it had been held by the faoulty of eaid co'.lege. Terham has bern cxpelled from collcee, and flned $10 and costs. McMouagle, who as been practicins under tho diploma, has been arrest cd on a charge of receiviug stolen good?. A FAIUTRE. An attompt was made recenlly to abdnet the somewhat notorious Kmma Bond, the vlo tim of last 6um.mer's outrage at TaylorsTlllc, 111. It ís believed the attempt ivas made to prevent her appearance at court, as Bho seemed on tho road to recovery. 1h: protee( of rcoovery now is very doubtful. A WOMAN TO BC HU.N'G. Emellno Meaker will bo hung on the 80th, at Windsor, Conn., for the murder of little Alice Meakor. 8ho has written to her husband and daughter to visit her beforo "she is murdered for what sho is entirely innocent of," and asking that her body Ixs burled at Barro. Thoy refuse both requests. Mrs. Aleaker also wrot to hfr son, Almon, and ofücers that thoy wil repent on thoir dyüig beds for her cruol' mur ÏOÜTUFCL BINNEBS. Max Thompson, the young traiu robber who aesisted tn robblng a train at Auetin, Texas, a f uw weeks ago, bas boen captured. AU four of the young rascáis aro now in jall. Th Tonuseet is 13 onil the oldest ouly lö years old. 8ITIINO BüU. AGAIN. Sittiug Buil and 140 followers under military surveillance at Fort Kandall have eipressed a desiretojointheremataderof the Uncapapas Siouxat Standing Rock, and it is underetood the War Department and Indian Bureau will accedo to the change May 1, owing to tho good couduct of the savagcs tho pa6t winter. HOXOU TO .lERE BLACK. Jubilee meetings for the failure of Cougress to pass tho Edmunds bül have been held throughout Utah. Special prayers were made for Jere Black, who is ternicd r'tho Saviour of poiygamy." A CHIXAMAS'S TALUE. A &hort[Uine ago Wash Lee, a Chinese laundryman, and Dr. Roy Tadlapoly, a Hindoo Phy6iciar, of Loulsvillo, Ky., claiming to be of Brahmin caste, had a difflculty which led tho t wo iuto com t, on cross warrants. Tho Hlndoo 6vore that the Chinamau kept au opium den and a house of ill-repute, and the CourierJournal and Commercial publiehcd accounts of the somewhat unequal trial. The sequel came a few days after, when Waa Lee llled libel HUite agninet cacü ol said papers, clalmiDg (lamages iu tho eum of $3,00ö. KOT WANTBD. The fccling gainst Nichos L. Dukes, the murderer who wa6 so rccently acijuitted in Pennsjlvania, is u strong, that an efi'ort is beiug made to have him cxpclletl from tho legislature, he beiDg a representativo., Dukcp, H f aiti wil] Kontefit the matter. CATÜEB. A BRUTE IN THE SCHOOL BOOM. Pror. Theo. Baile, of tbe Albanj-, N. Y., high school, ordered a pupil from the room a few days ago. The boy'6 marnier was bo lmpudent that the professor ordered him back and struck the lad several blows with a nharp-cdged fernle, one cutting a gash an luch long and quite deop on tno loreueaa, trom wnich tho blood flowed froely. The other puptls attacked the professor and a riot ensued. Hailes has been arrestca. The school was regarded as the beet in the state, and lts systom hu been imitatod In eovora] western states. BECAÜSB THE W1U. BrD NOT BUIT. G. Schuchhanlt, a phyeiclan of Wheclins W. Va., was delibérate ]v murdcred bv hla nephew, Guenther Schnelf, a íew davg since. Upon Investigatiou it was leamed "that tho youug man waa dbpleased with the nrovlsions of tho old gontleman's will. A DOUBLÉ MCRDEB. Wm. Keys, a íarmer living four miles froru Oreenfield, Ohio, stopped at the houso of Mr Taylor and acenaed Stanton Taylor of stealiu" a buggy-robe. Taylor ealled out his brother John and the two assaulted Keys, who drew a icvuivut uuu luotuui.iv Kinuti oi.anion and mortally wounded John. Keys starter! for Chilicothe to surreudei1 himself, was met by a constable and arrosted. Four murders have been witüiu the past flvo days cominittcd in tbat neiglïborhoiMl. FOULIUN AFS',UU(. TIIB LAST SEXSAT10N. Joe Bra1y, ono of the prisonerB, hae confeBscd that he niurdered Lord etlerick Cavondish and Burke. THE HOO QT7E5TION. Bismarck hw wrltten to the Buudesrath reconinaending, to prevent the evasión of the law, that hog produete be only admlttod into tho rountrv nu at,t!fií,ei] nroor t.lint. the-rr srn .+ from America. The ileeree has been t;azettc4 prohibiting the Importation of American ho" products, mcluding sides, bacoa and sausagea. fhedecree becoincs operativo witLin on' mouth aitcr lts promulgatlon PAIIXELL ■DZTZAJED. Parnell eniJeayored to havo his amendment to the laud act actod upon in commons the other day, declaring that quiet would never reign in Ireland until such a measure was adoptcd. In reply Mr. ölaletono paid the present act was fai-Jmore efficiënt than Parnell had described. lie eald Parnell's bilí amouuted yirtually to a remodelíng of the Land act. He strongly denounced Parnell's statement that the courts imposed rack renta. He lnslsted that tenantg were willtng to pay the rents fixed by the eourts. ne hoped that Parnell would giye assurance that the new crusade would be conducted iu a st rlctly legal manner. It would be in violation ol the dB tv of the government to dcmand further sacriflces from landlords. Oladstone's remarks wcre repeatedly cheerefl bv the Torv membcrs. The secsnd reading o"f Parnell's IS was tben reJectC(i b' te of 63 ayee to TnE SECRET IXQCIRT. The secret lnquiry at the Dublin caetle to privatelv take the tesUmonv nf tim iv,fn,„„ continúes dally. As the details are not inade public, nothing Is known of the nature of the evidenco taken. THE FllEUCH WAT. Foreigner6 arrested for participatie in the recent anarchist disturbance in Pari will be expclled from tranco at, tho expiration of their ternia of imprisonment. A OOOD PLAX. Tho Ruaelau goverament lias propoaed tothe otner powers an iuternational detectlvo furce organized to cope with anarchiats, nihilists lemans and socialista. Franco, Swllzerland and Austria hare acquiesced In the proposal. THE OLD 8T0RÏ. It is DOSitivelv Rtntml thnt p,.nn„ n,...„ Miakoil nad boen poisoned, end the evidence oí uis mistress and valet conflrms the suspicion. M01ÍE FENIAS WORK. A terriílie explosión occurred In tlie (rovernment offleei at Westmtnstcr, destroying valuaNe property. Tho explosión was heard at a (listanco of tsvo or Uiroe uiilefl. Tho buildine audothersneartthave thn appoamace of haí ing been bombarded. Tho explosión waa undoubtedly tho work oí fenlans. Several have bcon arrestcd, and the grentat confusión nrerails. ' A CHANCE r OR AMERICA . Tho Itallan governmenthas lssued invliatlons to artista of aU natíous to compete In furnishing designs tor a national monument to be erocted at Romo in honor of King Víctor Emannel II. This aíTords an opportuuitv for American artista. THE WAT HE ÏXiT. 6PatrickEgan says: "I hear the English government will investígate the action of officials who aro beliered to have asieted uio to ■w.uiiuttuu, iiö a müLtiT oí iaci j. lelt ireIaud in broad dayüght, without disgulse, in a public convejanco, and in tho usual way. I have not hcard tho etenmcr in which I camo corrcctly named yet, and I shall not, ir]] what Bteomer it was." THE B3StXT. The groatest fcxcttomeul prevails In England over tho attempt to explode the governmen' building. The governmcnt inspector has madí Vi am!?ation and Places tho lamage al 4,000. The csamination revealed a vessel rontaining cxplosive material in tho cellar oí the buildtog. No clue has been obtained as to wbo is responsiblo for the explosión, but the pólice are active in their efforts to got at tho bottom of the matter. A reward of 1,000 has becn offered íor the dlscovory of th autüore of the explosión. TERÏ SIMILAR. An invcetigation revcaled that the esplosive materiale used to blow up the government buildings in London, were exactly eimüar to those fouml after the rocent explosioo in Glasgow. H0MEWAR1) BOÜXD. Lieut. Hunt and four of tho Jeannette surTivors left Havro on the 17t,h inst. tor tho United Btatce. A COWAEBLÏ ACT. öbortly balore 5 o'clock Saturc'ay afternoon, tho 17th inst.,a8 Lady Florence Dille was walking with her St. Bei-nard dog in a seeluded spot near the woods, at Wlndsor, two men disguised in womcn's clothing appeared and asked her the time of day. 8ne replied that ehe had no watch, and much alarmed started to walk awav when she was followed by the meu, ono ol whom seized her and both drew daggere, at which she swooncd and dld not recover coueciüusnese ior some time afterward. Tho last thing 6he remembers beforc 6wooning wa3 that one of the men crammed uiud Into her mouth. jn recovermg i,aüy Uixlu found botli palme cut across, and her Klores scverod. A brood steel corset rib had been broken by tho weapou, which had penetrated 1o the inner üning of hor dress at the flrst atrolje, and her cornet at the seeond stroke. The lady eupposea sho un:onsclou8ly struggled with" the men, aselstod by her dog, untlJ the scoundrels were disturbed by a cart passing the woods. Sho reccived threatenlcg letters whüo iu Irelaud recoutly, uut hadno reason to suspect lmmedlato danger. The affalr is shrouded In mystery. Lady DIxie is very rational in her talk, but soema to kuow little about tho attack. The polio f orce was at once inereased by 1,000 men, and the detective force hag been doublod. The officials are confldent they have a clue to the perpetrators of tbis dastardly attempt, and are very active ni tueir euortg 10 discover taom. AMEBICANS AKRESTED. Fonr Auaerican6 have been arrested at Panama on suapiclon of complicHy In the 50,000 gold robbery, and lncarcralod wilhout hearlag, caJI on the United Statee for protectlon. HER STORT BOUBTED. Considerable exeitement Is being causea in the house of cominons from the iact that the Irish members, resenting the suspicions cast upon the land Jeague of bein-j; concerned in the reported outrage on Lady Florence Dixio, have given notice oL their intention to press upon the government the iullest iuquiry into the aftair with a view of testing the trutfi of the story and if possible clearing the land league from the suspicion of promptlno: or sanctionine the attack on Lady Dixiu. Tho pólice do not eipect to have to rnake any arresta in the case. Thev teem to discredit the etory of Lady Dixie, vet they ara at a loss for a solutlon to the mysterv The opinión is gaining ground that if Lady Dixia wes assaulted at all the outrae had been carefully planned by the men in female disguige, and that it was of a nature entircly different to that likely to be committed by Irlsh patriots avenglng their conutry's wrongs. At the Bolieitation of influential lriends thu Dixle family will drop the affair. A TOREIGN GDITBAD. Herr Von Wongenheim, Couneellor in Germany of State and Minister of Worship and Schools, has been shot dead bv e. rHs3Tmnfnti applieant tor office. The raurderer Bufoidcd. AÏT KETKEMIST. A large eniployer bas diecharged all hls Irish workmen, dcclarlng that he would no longer dlsgrace blm6e]f by paying tcople who foBtar assasslns. HE WEAKENED. A student at St. Petersburg ha6 coufesscd to havingbeen commanded by the nihiliets to enoot the czar, and ior that purposo was present at a bannuet dlegulsed as a tiaitcr. He weakened, and iearfng the wrath f the nlh-JhIs, atttir.ptcd suicide. BITS OF NEW. Troops hare been sent from Llbson to the north of Portugal to supprcss a branch ol the 'Blaekhand" society which has been ascertalncd to csist there. Austria supports 70 schools of agricultura with 2.200 students. Frauce has 43 farm schools with 8Ü to 40 pupila at cach. Chicaa:o'8 criminal record ehows that, boeldes uetifiable homiclde, 69 murders have been comnitted in that eüy trlthin ao months, and that only one murderer has euíferod tho deathd enalty. Emperor William and tho ciwrn nrince of f russla will both attend th'e celebration of the ourth ccutenary of Lutlier's blrth at Eisleben November 10, when the statuo of tho reformcr 1)1 be unveiled bj the ctnperor in person. Mrs. Mollle Madlsoa was the only woman who was ever offered a eeat lu the United States --j ".í ■ j ji_rví _xv V4.i t'ij.ü v om ver avaiied heruelf of the privilege. The Het of vosselg lost at sea iluring January includes 21 steamere and 147 sailing craft. Theeo loases aro alnaost uuprecedented. The expenditures of the Bienal service wlll have to bo ciu-tailed. Appropriatlon falls ehort. Tho Chlppewas, frem Ked Lake, Agcncy, Mmn., are well pleased wlth the ïveult oL their Washington vislt. They have been promifcod adilitioual formlng lmplejnentB, oxen and wne0118. Thcrc is eald to be further trouble bctworn tho oppoeing factlon of the Creek Iudians. While Mrs. Rolantl of Bridgeport, Conu. was kueeling in praycr iu front of a etove, & coal feil on hor, and eet her clothinK on üve. Sho was shocliingly burncd, and dina in a few hours. Iïobert Jcnkins, Singc-r eewing machine agent at Llhattanooga, Tenu., suicides; short iu his accounts. The new two-cent postage stamp Is to bcar Uie proflle of Gen. Grant, Chine Wung, editor of tho Chlcesc-Araerlcan ia New York, is translating some of the dramas of that language into English. Tho Plays will ehortly be presented in New York, by native Cüinamen. Tho issue of standard silrcr dollars for tbc week euded March 17 was 191,500: corretponding period lant year, 8133,600.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat