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10 BUILDERS. Sealed bids will be received by Leonhard Gruner for the construction of a School House, in the Sixth ward of this city, until Mnnday, March zt5th, instant. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of Judge Harriman, in the court house. Right to rejeot any and all bids reserved. By Committee. Ann Aruoh, March 14, 1883. DAKOTAjLANDS. Summer Valley. Finest Farm Lands in the West, For Sale on Six Years Time. Near Belfleld. (formerly Houston). BillitiRS Co.. D. T. For particulare, adilress WM. M. LïMOYNE, Room 1. 115 Randolph st., Chicago. Flowers, Flowers FLOWEBS. A FINE ASSORTIMENT, AT KOCH & HALLER'Sj 52 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Souiething New añil Durable. These Flowers will be made to order, aml of auy particular design. Persons deairing boquets for Weddings, Hops, or Commencement Exercises, are requested to cali. MffiHETICJUEDICINij. !ÍbrAIN &NERVE FOODjIS Tositively cures Night Losses. Spermatorrhea, Impotency, Nervous Debility, Leucorrlica Barrenness; and for all weakness of the generative organs in either sex il is an Unfalling and Positive Cure. Tonus up the dehilitated syBtem, arn-sts all involuntary discharges, removes mpiital Sloom and de;pondmicy , and restores wonderful to the weakened organs. With eath or der of twelve jïackaRes, acconipanieil with flve dollars, we will send our guara ntee to refund the nioney if the treatnient does i;ot effect a cure. It is the clieapest and best medicine in the niarket. Full particulars inpamphlet. which we mail fiee toany address. Sold by all druggists. One package 50c; six for JS.BO, or sent by mail on receipt of price, by addressing the Medicine Co., Detroit. Mich. EPGuarantees issued in Ann Albor by C'. E. Holmes. Cook's Hotel Block. DO YOU TAKE A COUNTY PAPER ? If net, and you are about to subscribe fur one we invito your attentiou to the AUN ARBOR DEMOCRÁT ! And respectfully inform you that jt is the People's Paper. IT PVBLISHES FULL ÜEPORTS OF AL1 IMPORTANT EVENTS ín Washtenaw county. It gives a conciso and in terestiiiK summary of THE WORLD'S NEWS, Etoreígn, American, Congressional, Western and Northern. It prints 1HE NEWS OF MICHIGAN, 3oiled down for brief reading, and gires a fu. synopsis of the doinjfs of the Legislatura. It chroniclea ALL THE HAPPENINGS OF ANN ARBOR, The county seat, giving full and accurate report of the Circuit Court, Political Meetings, Farmers' Clubs, University and School Matters, Etu., Etc. IT IS FEARLESS In ita denundation of monopolies, and all other burdensthat weigh upon the People; and showa up all frauds regardless of wno it hits. It publishes A QOOD SlORr Every week, and has interesting articles for the youug. lSIts Price is $1. Per Tear, in Advance, And is regarded by its subscribers as too yaluable toloan; so don't try to borrow. We invite your attention to some of the many compllmentary things that arebeingsaidof Tbb Dkmocrat' "It evinces shrewdness, push and ability."- Lamino Jouma!. 'It is making friends eve yday. It is a weBconducted and readable olieet."- Pcmtiac Bitt Posttr. "A Tery enterp rising, Tide-awake local jour nal, full of new and good eayings."- (Jtnae iFlint) Democrat. "It Ia a live, spicy newspaper, and a valuable addition to the journalistic list of Washtenaw county."- Tecumsch Herald. "Editorially, locally and typographically it 1 one of the finest looking papers that ever came nto this office. "-Detroit Evening News. "Thk Dkmocbat abounds in able andvigorous editooals, a great variety of local infonnation and iiiteresting sroueral news and miscellaneoua matter."- Jackson Patriot. 'THE DEMOCRAT" Ia Published Every Thursday Morning. tfn-HONLWEDICINEy II IN EITIIÏU I.IÜIID OU PBIJÍOBM ■ U Thnt AliU the nm time ou 3 tïïs nrsa, tes sowmlsM aïïd tes KiBïïEJS. m MWHY ARE WEjSICK?y 11 Jlecausê we allow thtit gnat organt toH Ubecome clogged or lorpld, and poi)niM Mfiumortare therefore meid into Vu Nood M iM tkat shmildbe expelltd naturally. Q ■f WILL 8URELY CURE I Mkidney diseases, ih liver complaints.ji MPIT.ES, COirSTIPATION, URINARTt; n DISEASES, FEMALE WE1KÏEBIH, I ANO NEKTOCS DISOBDERS, H6l((;oiin5' action of thue organs andWM Hrio)-tni7 their power la throw of dittau. ■ Why uffer BIllO palm nd ehil H Whj tormentad nith rilen, Conatipitlont ■ Q Whr frighten4 oer dlirdrd Kldncjrit H Bj Whj ndur nerroai or lek hedschit I II trMKIDNEY-WORToniiriyoi;ta;i y H ItUputupIn Ury TetfcU Tori, In tin H H can ono pckge of whlch makM ilr qurti f ■ 11 medicino. AJo In Uquld rori, Terj C IV J tr.ttd, for thoe tht cnnot redlly prapan It. M I jy it acts wlth equal effleltncj in either f or. É U QBT II OF TOUB DRÜOGIST. PWCÍ, I.mM M WELL, BICHABDSOH C., PrV, M J (WIU md the dry port-pa-td.) II1U1HWI, Tt. Q RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington st.-. Have od. band a complete stock of eyery thiiig in t hw Crocery Line. They buy their Teas, Coffecs, and Shíjiii w In large amounts, and at CaslL 3?:r?oO&í And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas thpy Buy and Sell, igood prixif that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. TheyKoast their own Coffees every week, ai none hut prime artictes are used. Thoir Bakery turna out excellent Bread, Cak aud 'tii.-kt-is Cali and seu them. Sdffer no longer from Dyspepsia, Indigestión, want of Appetite,lossof Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, &c. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS never fails to cure all these diseases. Boston, November 26, x83x. Bkown Chemical Co, Gentlemen: - For years I have been a great sufferer from Dy spepsia, and could get no relief (havïng tried every thing which was recommended) until, acting on the advice of a friend, who had been benefitted by Brown's Iron Bitters, I tried a bottle, with most surprising results. Prevtous to taking Brown's Iron Bitters, everything I ate distressed me, ana i sunerea greatiy iroin a burning sensatíon in the stomach, whích was unbearable. Since taking Brown's Ikon Bitters, all my troublcs are at an end. Can cat any time without any disagreeable results. I am practically another person. Mrs. W. J. Flynn, 30 Maverick St., E. Boston. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that ■will not Macicen tha teeth or give headache. Sold by all DruggisU. Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. See that all Iron Bitters are made by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore, and have crossed red Unes and trademark on wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. cFOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF rAMCTIDATiniU L V1J 1 ■ I r 1-1 - TTo other disenso is so prevalent in this CA try as Constipation, and no remedy has over -3 equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wort as a c E oure. Wliatever the cause, however obstinate 10 (0 the oase, thiB remedy will overeóme it. k (0 s-H ge TIII8 distreasing L O u I Li bO ■ plaint ís very apt to bo ■- L oomplicated with oonstipation. Kidney-Wort v Btrengthens the weakened parta and quiokly te (S cures all kinds of Piles even when pliysicians J and medioines have before failed. ft tIf you llve either of tliese troubles O PRICB $1. USE Drugglsts Sel' Iteiiiember This. If you are sick Hop Bitters will surely aid Nature in making you well when ill else fails. If you are costive or dyspeptic, or are HuiieriLi iruuu uuy uniex ui lueuuuiciuua diseases of the stomach or the bowels, it ia your jown f ault if you remain ill, for Hop Bitters are a sovereign reraedy in all such complaints. If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, stop tempting Deatli this moment, and turn for a cure to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible sickness, Nervousness, you will find a "Balm of Gilead" in the use of Hop Bitters. If you are a frequenter, or a resident, of a miasmatio district, barricade your system against the scourge of all countries - malarial, epidemie, bilious and intermittent fevers - by the use of Hop Bitters. If you have rough, pimply or sallow skin, bad breath, pains and aches, and feel miserable generally, Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich blooil, and sweetest breath, health and comfort. In short they cure all diseases of the stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, Bright's Disease. $500 will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. It b A WEEK. made at home, by the in f 1 dustrious. Best business now before Jm I m tle public. Capital not needed: we f I L will start you. Men, women. boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Nnw is the time. Yon can work in spare time or give your whole aitention to the business. No other business will pay vou nearly as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outflts and terms free. Money made tast. easlly and honorably. Address Trie & Co , Augusta, Me. Sam. B. Revenauen Is now taking the Best Class 01 Pïolopajlis In the City at Prices to Suit the Times Ground Floor Gallery. GOODRICH BLOCK, East Side of the NEW COXJR.X HOUSE. CATARRH A PositiveCure RTesJB elvs WcËiBm GREAM BALM ■ ItV, Catídou., n-"" I WHuStI!tmSi jÊ AND HAY TKVER. 3Y Ml wioied ƒ( C'oïti r iwB '" lc Henil, P'&'sm Headaeheand D.'nfBáí oí H i''ss. or any kind of HLjgSi.- - miicus mombranal RJ-o- 1 rritations, inflimifd FE VER Apjgyjgjof pty by tile Httle flnger into the uoatrils; It will he absorbed effoctually ctoannng the nasal pastases of catarrhal virus, eauaing lit-althy secretions. It allays Inflammatlon, protci-ts tlie menhranal Hninüsof the lu'ad (rom aailitiuiuu colas, i-.nmtft"ly healsthe sores and restores tlie lenee of tast and smell. Boneflciftl resalta ara reaIlíed hy a few appUcatlons. A Thoroiigh Troatini-ut Will Cure. Cream Balín lias gateed an enviable reputatiun wherever knowir, dlspladng all other preparations. Send fur circular, containing full nifonnation and reliable testimonial. By mail, prepaid, flfty cents a packuge -stampa receiyed. Suld liv all wliolesale and relail drupgists, EL Y'S CREAM HALJI CO.. Owflfro, N. y. Get Youi Property Insured 6y O. II. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT No 4 Soulb Main Si., Aun Arbor. The oldest agency in the i-ity. Establlshbd a quarter of a century ago. Representing the tollowing flrst-class oom paule: Homeins. Co., of N. V.. $ 7,000,000 Continental Ins. Co., of N. Y. 4,207 ,'()ü Niwrani Ins. Co., of N. V., 1,735,503 Girard Ins. Co., of Pbila.. 1.132,486 Oriënt Ins. Co, of Hartford, 1,419,522 Commercial Union of Lonrton, 19,000,000 Manliuttiin Ins. Co., of N. Y., 652,117 tW Rates low. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. C. H. WILLEN. HSTYLESjfffTHE. "WJS; 'L& Adam D. Seyler. SOLE AUEXT FOK TH1S CITY AB VIC1HITY, Jfo. 6 MAIN ST. ■k ■■ h not, life is sweeping by : go and IJ I V I daré, before yon ilic, omething K f" J I mighty and sublime : leave beItVf I hind to conquer time." Sixty dollars a week in your own town; five dollar outIt free. No risk. Everything new Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. Manv are making for unes. Ladies make as muc-h as men. and bovs and glrls make great pay. Reader, if you want business at which you mn make great 'pay all the time. write for the particulars to H Hali.ett & Co., Portland. Me. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington St., Have on hand a complete stock of eveiythiug in the Crocery Line. Toas, Coflces anl guai In large amounts. and at CasItL Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of teas they Buy and Sell. is Kood proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffees every week, and none but prime artieles are iised. Their Bakery tnrns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. $5ÖÖRËWÏRD. We will pay the above reward foranv case of Liver Cumplaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestión, Öonstipation or Costiveness we uannot cure with West 's Vr-getabie Liver Pilis, when the directions are strictly eomplied witli. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Ijirgeboxcs t-outainin 'M' I'ills, a cents. Forsale by 11 IirngK'sts. Be ware of oounterf pits and iinitations. Tlie genuine manufactured only by John C, Wet & Co., The Pili Makers," 1S1 and 1 W. Madison st.. Chicago. Free trial package sein by mail prepaid on reeipt of a :i cent stamp. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! I lDr E C. West's Nerre and Bram Treatmem, aspeciflc for Hystera, Dizziness, Convulsiona, Nurvous Headache, Mental Depreasion, Loss oí Memory Sperniatorrhcea. Impotency, Involuntary Emissíons, Premature Oíd Age, causea by over-exertion, self-abuse, or overindulgeuce, whicb lead= to misery, decay and death. One box wUl cure recent cases. Each box contains one inonth's treatmeut. One dollar a box or six boxes for flve dollars: sent by mail postpaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order reoetred bv us for cix boxes, accompanied wlth flve dollars, we wül send the purohaser our w ritten guarantee to return the money if the treatment dues ncit effect a cure. Ouarantees issued by Brown & Co , sole authorized Agts. for Ann Arbor. Mion. John C. West & Co., sole proprietors. 181 and 1H.1 W. Madison St.. Chicaeo. 111. TÊNMTiATTHËWSr Has' the pleasure to inform the pubuc that he ia ready to receiTe them iu liis ne-. brick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOK EAST OF LEOXARD HOUSE. Everytning in nis une wm uo arat-ui. "" At Reascnabie Rates. He returns nis sincere thanfcs to all his oíd cus. tornera for their generous patronage, and cordi ally invites them, aml all new customers to lus new quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing t nlarge his already growins businessOur New Directory. The canvass for our new oity and county directory is progressing very favorabiy. To those who have not lready subscribed for the saine the publisher wish it to be distinetly understood t.hat no copies will be printed or for sale after publication of the same. The canvassen will be round in a few days, calling for information, and we advise all who may wish a copy to subscribe while the work is beingidone. We guarantee a far superior work to the last one.'and at the price of $3.00 it is eheap, takiiig into consideration the large amount of detail that is required in such a publicatiou. Wendei,l Directory Co., Publishers, Ann Arbor, Mich. Sfc wy Á kFl mm Êm Endorsed by the French Academy of Me dicine ■or INFLAMMATION OF THE URINARY OR3ANS, caused by indiscretion or exposure. Hc:el Dieu Hospital, Paris, trcatment. l'ositive 2ure in one to three days. Local treatment only required. No nauseous doses of Cubebs or f!opaiba. Infallible, Hygienic, Curative. Preventivo. Price $1.50, including Bulb Syringe. Sold by all iruggists, or sent free by mail, seeurely sealed, on receipt of price. Deseriptive treatise free on applieation. AMERICAN AGENCY ' lili" MEDICIIiE CO., Detroit, Mich., and Windsor, Ont. Sold in Ann Arbor by C. E. Holmes Cook House Block. CT f A. WEEK. SIS a day at home easily iZ made. Costly Address True 6 Co.. Augusta, Maine. Abstracts of Titles on Real EstáteI HAVE a complete compilation of the Official Records of Washtenaw County to date. Inclu dine all Tax Titles, Executions, any ineumbranee on Real Estáte, that is of Record in the Registers office, is shown by my books. Office, m the nltiiT of the secretary of the Washtenaw mutual insuranee eompany, in the basement of the c house. C. H. "MANLY, Ann Arbor. Mich - """'""'Scaü ■ ■ j S H 5= Si! ■ ■ - O 2 - 5; : O _3g g_g-taWlÍTWB8 yd '- - - - . =a 2___ ___________H_PMPfRI9fllk


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Ann Arbor Democrat