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C. E. HOLMES, Pniprietor of the City Drug Store ! Bas the choicest lot of perfumes and tlie Largest Stock of Pure Drugs ! [n the city. Also cverylhuig in tlie toilet and fancy ooods link. at piïocs lower tlüin anywhore tlsc Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. No. 13 Hotel Block, Ann Arb..r, Michigan. EBERBACH& SON Dealers i n Drugs, Medicines Andaflnelotot French Hair Brushes AND EngJ'ish ITooth.Brushes, We cali special atteution to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own importation. A f uil line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list priors. STTTIDIEIÊTT S Are eordiallj invited to examine our stock as quality and prices. EBERBACH & SON. MBS. L. IN. FITCH. HAIR WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Hair Ncts, Invisible Crimps, Braids Curls, fco. Hair-Dressing for Brides, Balls and Theatricals a Specialty. Hair-Jewelry Braided in any Pat'n HuronSt. - - Ann Arbor. t&I will rwt be responxible for anywork Icft thirty day from notice of finish. JACKSON F1RE CLAY CO. Manufacturera oL Stone Sewer Pipe - AND - zd:r,.a.i:Lt tile. All our Drain Tile are made of Fire Clay, are of umixual strength and light weight. which ma terially reduces the breakage and expense o! transportaron. The ditching for this class of tiling is less expen sive, as they do not requlre to be laid below frost but only deep enough to escape the plow. While this is more economlcal it also aids obtalning better 'f all" or gradeto the drain. A full assortment of 41 sizes, for sale In sm quantities, orear load lots. at the FERDON LOMBER YARD. JAS. TOLBERT. Aften. "Tile, the Createst Labor-Saving Machine of the Age." To the Editor of The Cliicago Tribune. Dwioht, UI., March 16.- One of the strongest and m Jst convinclng facts that I have yet seen with regard to tile drainage is brought out in the December report of the Agricultural Department of Illinois. It ís this: ACREAGE. Acreage in corn in Livingston County, 1881 2BR.S97 Acreaee in corn in Logan County, 1861... 140,859 Livingston over Logan 127,788 Y1ELD. Yield of corn in Livingston County.1881. .6,983 .522 Yield of corn in Logan County, 1882 6,070,924 Livingston over Logan 1.902,698 In other words. Logan County has raised near ly as much corn on 140.HÍ9 acres as Livingston county has on 268,597 acres. Put it in another form, the farmers in Livingston County have been obllged to plow nearly doublé the acreage of land (268,597), and have raised but a very small percentage of increase of corn ever their brethern in Logan County. who only had to plow 140,8)9 acres. Letus'give it anotlier twist! A A farmer who has his land well tilled need only work eighty acres of land and grow just about as mucn corn as the man who plows 16Ü and takes all the risks of drouth and much besides. It is not fair, then, to conclude thai the greatest labor-saving machine to-day of the age is the tiledrainï From the same source of information I gather the following as regards the progress of tile-drainage in these twocounties: Feet. Total number of feet laid in Livingston County uptoMl 1,140,793 Total number of feet laid in Logan County up to 1881 .3,989,469 Thjs table proves beyond all theory that owiug to the f ree use of tile that one county has been able to produce nearly as much corn on 1-10.000 acres of land as another county has produeed upon 26S,0Oü ucres, which is nearly doublé, and tl.e bearay of the whole is that it was done with half the work! Mr. Editor, suppose a kind Providence should lengthen out the spin of our days until we saw Illinois tnoroughly tile-drained, where would be put the ooru that this State would produce, and what would we do with our "silver dollars' Samuel T. K. J.'kiue. Estáte of Frederiek G. Herzer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a sossion of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at. the probate office in ;the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the ïyth day of March, in the year one thousand eiuht hundred and eighty three. Present, William U. Harriman. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte q( Frederiek G. Herzer. deceased. On reaidng and flling tlie petition duly verillid oj Charles H. Kempf, praymg that lie niay lie licensed to sell the real estáte whereof said deceased died seized. BWhereupon it is ordered that 1 uesday. the 1 th day of April next. at ten o'clock in the foreuoon be assiagned for hearing said petition and rending such account, and that the heirs at-law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required toappear at asession of said court, then to be holden at the probate office in the city of AnnArbor, in said county and show cause if any there be, why the sai. I account should not be allowd: And it is further ordered. that said executrix give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by caus ing a copy of this order to be published in Tht Ann Arliírr Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county. three successive weeks previoiis to said day of hearing. V WILLIAM l). HARRIMAN, (A true copy .) Judge of Probate. William O. Doty. Probate Register tr -. ff in per day at home. Samples J)J TO JZU worth85free. Addresa Stinson jt Co., Portland Maine. BAILBOADW. VI ICHIGAN CENTBAL RAILKOAD. TIME TABI.K. MAY 14th 1883, OOINU WEKT. A.M. A.M. r. M. I'. M. p. ,ïi. P. M. lAtrol Lv. 7.00 9.35 5.:.5 4.05 8.00 9.5 ,.T. June 7.15 .55 B.lo 4 21) 8.15 10.10 Va lu. Jmuc... 7.681 iftÜBl 8 42, 4.4(i, 8.45 10 U ,,f.iUljti. 8.13 1 48 7 05i 5.05; 9.08111.2 AiiuAibor 8.45 llOOj 7.241 5.22 9.2..I 11.17 É ..,...! r 8(8 Í 48l 5.39 .44 Cr t-leca 9 25 8.0a 5.52 lli.OO Gresiake 0 50 1 8.32 6 .2; 10.30] P. M. A.M j,i. k.-i.n Ar. 10.10 i 9.00 11 05 J..CI..IUI l.v. 1U 2U I2 15 6.55 A.M. , 12.45 .V U.oi 11.04 12.50 7.40 11.55 1.22 irüiil 11.50 1..Í1 „'e 8.05 12.ÏÜ 14! ph H.tti. 1,'ie, k.„. 12.19 15'; ?-ï 8.40 12.47 2.07 ' I A. Al. Ui;iKburi; 12.53 a. to. 9.151 Kiiaii.ii.oi) 1.13 2.3S 4.50 9.35 1.86 Ü.47 L .t.. 1.52 5.25, 2.13 Üec.-tm S 07 5.42 2.32 uowagiac 2.29 6.07 3 57, Mies 2.55 4.04 .60 3 37 4.15 B.'Cluiliai 3.08 7.02 3.42 l'brec Ouke.... :i.S8 7.27 4.12 -New Ü 3.53 4 52 7.40 4.85J..... Midi. (.uy 4.88 5.1S 8.08 6.08 5.28 lak.' 5.13 ti.W HM 5.51 li.18 KciiuiiikIou ö.UO fi-50 6.45 6.40 7.H ClTCHg" rA .50 7.40 10.:.ü 7.30 10 (ÍOlht; BAi. g g ■ "B - í „TATION8. = &L J ".L f! f S ?_ ga gji ?flïi fia_ AM. A.M. PM P.M. P.M. Jhicago .. ..Lv. 6 45 9 00 3-40 5 15 .1C K.ent.luk'tOD 7.35 9.50 4.30 .05 10.01 Uke 8.17 10.27 5.1i 8.50 10.10 VülD. City 9.03 11. H 8.0(1 7.38 liJ-3 New Batíalo... 9 27 11.3a 8.2.5 11. Eli rhree Ouks 9 42 6.40 i j A . -l . Buchanan 10.10 p.m. 7.C6 Nilee 10.2Í 12.18 7.37 9.001 12.45 Dowfigiac 11.53 .08 1 1.12 Decatur 11.18 1 8.33 1. Lawtun 11.3o 853 a.m Kalamazoo 12.12 1.381 9.30 6.50 10.25 2.30 Balesbnrg 12.M5 jT 7.08 Battle Creek... 1.03 3.15 7.38 11.08 8 -.-0 p.m. 2 ft Marshall 1.30 3.00 -s 8 06 11.88 . Ubion 2.13 3.21 Ü=- 8.32 11.66 4. IS A.M. A.. JackBon Ar. 3.05 )ackon Lv. 3.09 4.05 7.05 9.30 12.40] 5.0 3ras8Lake 3.32 7.28 9.50 5.3 3taelsea 358 V.öOi ln.C" 5.5 Dexter 4.15 8.08,1 -DJ M AnnArbor 4.3Í 5.07 8.2.--1 jLM .04 1 tijl ïpsilanti 4.55 5.23M i -i 10.4' 2.20 ü.Jl vVavne June... 5.20 5.451 .08, 11.08 1 2.44 71 3. T. June ... (.00 6.)" 9.451 11 351 3.20 7B Detroit Ar.l 6.15 (f. vj 10.00 11.5U 3.35 X.' 0 The New York Express, a fast train leaves t'liijago at 3.30 in the afternoon and makes tlie folJiwing stops, Mieh'gan City, 5.30; Niles, 8.Stí KüIimazoo".40; Battlo Creek, 8. 16; Jackson,; Ann Arbor, 10 26; Ypsilanti, 10.41 ; G. T. Junction, 11.25; arriving in Detroit at 10.40 P. M. sunday excepted. } jaturüay & Suuday ixo-pi 1 fDaily. tlKNBT C!, WEhTWORTH, II. B. LedYA.. ' O. P t ï A Chicain. OenH Manaaer. I) i ■ rpüLEDO, ANN ARBOB & GRAND TKUNK J. KA1LKOAU, Taking effect Sunday, December 10, 1882 Trains run by Coiumbus time. GOISG NOhTH GO1KO SOUTH g s I t é t 8 ■ Ë N I. &TATIONS -f o g o É I fl fl U P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. F M. 6 20 6 10 8.35 lvT'ledo ar 9.88 3.35 5.40 6.30 3 25 8.40 Man'n. J'n 9 32 M. 5 I 5 30 6 40 3 32 8 47 Alexis J'n 9.23 8.l8 .: . .:! 7 35 4.09 1 9.29 Monr'eJ'n 8 41 Xí.iíl) 4.M 7 50 4 17 I 9.40 Dundee 8 32 2,07 , 4.4'! 8.10 1 4.27 9,54 Azalia 8.20 1.47 r,v7 8:J0 4 41110.06 Miian 8.05 1.28 4.!0 8.55 4.59 IC 19 Urania 7.52 l,(K 8 r 9.15 5 10 ' 10.25 Pittsfield 7.42 12 40 3.4 9.35 8.20 10.35 Aun Arb'r 7.30 12.v5 8.86 p. M. ! lv ar I A. M. a H, 11.20 6.55 1 12.32 1 Jaekson 5.20 9.20 1 8.60 A M 1.07 9.00 2.15 ! BattleCr'k 3.40 7.58 7 r-8 1.55 9.! 5 2.56 Kalamaz,o 2.50 7.10 1 7.0 P.M. j 7.30 I 10.50 4.50 G. Rapids 10.40 ! 6.50 6 8) I 6 15 10.35 Ann Arbor 12 2T 8 .. I ñ.:.O 11.20 StkLyons .... ll.aö 8UI 7.30 12.02 Howell 10.22 Ï.H 8.45 1.80 Lansing 9.10 1.(0 1015 3.00 Ionia 745 11 IS .... 1155 5.04 Edmore . .. I 6.10 9 H Connections- At Toledo, with railroads diveri,;ing; at Alexis, with Canada Southern, L. S & ■'. S and F & P M railroads; at Manhattan Junction. with Wheeling & Lake Eaie railroad,at Mo roe Junction with L S & M S ; at Dunde.', with L 8 & MS railroad; at Milan, with V St l, &Prailroad; at Pittsfield, with L S & MS., 't Ann Arbor. with MC railroad; at South Lyon, with D L & N railroad. H. W. ASHLEY, W. H. BENNETT, Supt. Gf neral Passenger Agent. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY. YPSILANTI BRANOH- LANSING DIVrSIOX. GOING WEST. LBAVK. MAIL. Ypsilanti 700 a. m. 9 15 a. rn PittHfleld Junction 7 40 a. ni. 9 34 a. m. Saline 8 27 a. m. 9 4o a. m Bridgewater 9 15 a. m, lOüla.m. Manchester 10 23 a. m. lOMa.m. Watkine 10 55 a. m. 10 38 a. ra. Brooklyn 11 40 a. m. 10 55 a. m. Hillsdale 3 25 p. m. 13 OS p.m. Bankers 3 50 p. m. 12 iO p. m GOING EAST. LEAVK. MAIL. Bankers 8 00 p. m. 3 10 p. m Hillsdale 8 30 p. ra, 8 5 p. m Brooklyn 1 00 p. m. 4 27 p. m Watkins 150p. m. 4 42 p. m. Manchester 2 50 p. ni. A 55 p. m. Bridgewater 8 25 p. ra. 5 13 p. m. Saline 5 29 p m. Pittsfield Junction...... 4 40 p. m. 5 39 p. m. Ypsilanti 5 15 p. m. B 55 p.m. Way Freight goes west Monday, W6dnesday and Friday east, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. W. H. CANNIFF, Suuerintendent. Goo. W. Hall. Ticket Agent. A Rare Chance. The ur.dersigned offers his FARM FOR SALE. ;Said Farm consists of about 275 Acres of Arable Land. about l(i() Acres Improved. It is located on sections 1 , 2 and 12, in the townsWip of Dexter, on the stage road betweeu liexter and Pinckney, about five miles .... from each placo. The land is in a High State of Cuttivation, Well fenced and watered, and particularly wel adapted to raising sïock of any deeciipUOli, Upwards of 80 acres of Wheat in. BARNSwith BASEMENTS. Nearly new, and capable of stabling 40 toSfl heail of síieep. A portion of the land is particuJarlv well adapted to PEACH CROWINC. There are now nearly 2.1W0 trees on the place. two years old, just commencing to bear. Th-1 farni is in splendid shape f or any one to tul.v hold of and MAKE MONEY. My reason for seliing is that I have not time to attend to it. KS1 One-fourth or one-thira down. Long time on the remainder, THOMAS B1RKETT. Bibkett, WashtenawCo., Mich. ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■■ people arealwayson the lookont llf I " L for chances to thtiiWW I J r eamings, and in time bei-on. II IUL wealtli.y. Those wbo dn aat lmrtrove their opportuuities rfflnaln in poveny. We off er a great chance to maki' money. Rn want many men, womon. boys and irls to wol k for us right in their own localities. Any onec.n do the work properly from the flret start. II business will pay more than ten limes ordinal y wages. Expensive outfits funüshed tree. o )ne who engages fails to niake inoney rapidl. . You eau devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full information ai:il all that is needed sent free. Address Stinson&Co.. Portland, Me CHEAPEST BIBLESíoo.i..'.; tr rr.lur.. Kolk Yanlni N.w ToUiinl Á fJENTS UV ANÏED


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