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The carpenters are busy. Mrs. Prof. Watson was in town Monday. 01), Miomi ! sparü us from the sparrows. This city actually needs fonr polieemen. Dr. Maclean is again leotnring to his elass. Representative Gregory Twas in town Tuesday. D. Hiscock has moved to his farm in Webster. Real estáte business will be lively this summer. Business in the justice courts is not very brisk. The court house square is getting green again. J. A. Polhein us bas purchased H. Kitredge's new bus. There was no quorum at the insurance meeting last week. T. M. Kayne has moved his office into the Hamilton block. Several Manchester people were at the Ut. James Sunday. George Buil has written home that he will die in Jackson. Joe Jacobs has bought Sandheim's store, on Main street. , The Fogg's Ferry company were i ciled at the St. James. Miss Carrie Brusker has gone to her home, in Shelby, ühio. ] Col. Crawford and family have gone to ' Philadelphia to reside. The cotinty directory will probably be issued by the middle of May. James McMahon will have his justiee J shop over Brown's drug store. The Irish store, on Main street, is c ing repaired and lengthened. 1 Three persons joined the Methodist j ohurch last Sunday morning. Zenus Sweet has rented the HiRcock ( house, on North Mam street. George Osius has gone to Germany. l He expects to be absent until June. Losses by flre in this city, the past two j Kears $15,200. Insurance, $13,800. , A. C. Bliss caught a seven-pound piek1 ;rel Tuesday- the first of the season. I "Crapy" Ryan, of Howell, bas been risiting his parents for the past week. t Miss Kittie Kent is sojourning in our f jity, the guest of the Misses McCarty. E The ladies' library, in the Hamilton block, has been closed for repairs. Caspary has removed his bakery to ihe corner of Fourth and Ann streed. Many new houses, it is said, will be i built during the summer, in this city. ftev. Duffleld preached in the t iist church last Sunday vening. i A new cooper shop is being started aear the Toledo dapot, by Mr. Voltz. A millinery store has been opened up in the Weitbrecht block, Main street. :i A number of dwelllngs and busines places are bemg thoroughly repaired. Prof. Steer addressed the temperance , people, at Cropsey's hall, Sunday afterQoon. f There are one or two dangerous places { on the West Huron street sidewalks that ] need repairing. H Fleet Walker is making a splendid 1 record as catcher for the Toledo base i ball club. Miss Le wis, in La Belle Russe, the beautiful Russian, at the opera ' house, Thursday, April 26. I Mrs. J. H. Hutchinson, of DeWitt, ] kansas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. J. fi Johnson. F. Woodruff, M. D„ of Detroit, was in l the city Monday, proving an account ) against the John Gott estáte. Joe T. Jacobs, the clothier, is going ! out of business. His card in to-day's paper will teil you all about it. 'r. The alarm of fire Wednesday was ocj casioned by burning grass and fences near the observatory. , James Coy lo, formerly on the Marshall Statesman, as reporter, bas a job on n Detroit netrspaper. P. Martin, wlio bas boen ia New York ctty the past eight montliR, arrived home Monday. The bieyole club was drilling Tuesday evening. The members made a uuinber of fine evohitions on Main streel. Go see John Thompson, in "Aronnd the World," to-morrow evenuifr. lts good for the dyspepsia, A. DeForest is insuranoe agent for the only reliable plate-glnss compamy in Hip United States. W. J. Hangsterfer will move his candy manufactory to the old Lewi.s stand, on Huron street. Luke Coy le, the oíd groceryman who carried on business on "rat row," some years ago, was in the city Sunday. Last Saturday was as bright and beautiful as the sniile oí a blue-oyed girl npon her first lover. S. McLaren has e-ected a btülcSog, 60 feet long, in whicli he intends to exhibit agricultural implements of all kinds. C. S. Wiley, typo, from Wooster, Ohio, is studying the intneacies of telefiraphing in the Peterson college, in this oity. The temperance peoplo have a temperance school for ohildren, at Cropsey's hall, once a week. .Miss Florence Stewnrt and Miss Hnbbell, of Ypsilanti, have been visiting Fred Kcttich, Jr., the past week. , Geo. Dignen, of Fruit Port, an olt Ann Arborite, and "one of the boys," ii in the city on a visit. Over 60,000 bushels of ivheat weri marketed by Washtenaw county farmers duricg the month of March. Died, April 17tb, in Ann Arbor tcnra, Mrs. Philendia Foster, trife of the late Leinuel Foster, aged 81 years. Sciiwab is doing she carpenter work on the Eeynold's blook, Ann street, and Emery ia doing the painting. Has the county starled a wood-yard ? One iTould jndge so from the many cords piled up ncar the court house. Thos. Flowers returned from Caselton, Barry county, Mouday, where he had been to attend the funeral of kis da'igliter, Mrs. Miller. J. D. Baldwin and wifc, who have been making an extended Southern tour, are home again, otter os absence of four months. Ex-Alderman Kech was voted $100 for services as chairman of the finanee committee. He declined to accept the mone3r. Miss Louise F. Birk, daughter of Andrew Birk, of South Main gtreet, died Tuesday morning, after a brief illnesa of twelve days. xne university mno will play tn outside club to-moiTow afternoon, when some good batting and tall running may be expectod. Winding stairs, connecting the clerk's office with the court room, are being built. They will be wider and more safe than before. M. H. Lookwoou left for Albany, New York, Saturday nifilit, to join the baseball club, for Tvhich he will pitch this season. D. O. Church, formerly from Salino, has gone insane and was committed to Pontiac, last Saturday, by the probate judge of Wayne county. -n. mu sizeu auuicnce was present in univer-ity hall on the night of the concert given by the Princeton college glee club. Some fifty odd students are now attending Peterson's tolegraphic school, and others are coming in at the rate of three per day. The commissioners in the J. N. Gott estáte had a large number of claims presented Monday. The commissioners vrere B. J. Comad and L. Mooie. Mrs. U. B. Wilson, daughter of the late Wm. S. Maynard, diod in Leadville last week. Her remains Vvere brought to this city for interment. vvm. o. luaynaru, emei üispatcner or the C. P. & S. W. E. K., and located at Streeter, 111., was IB the city the first of the week. Westfall, the amateur printer, skipped oit Tuesday night, leaving his board bilí unpaid and oarrying off a pair of pants belonging to his friend Booth. D. W. Carson, a brother typo, from La Grange, Ind., is in the city for the purpose of havingan offendingeye removed by the skillful hand of Dr. Frothingham. Henry Exhinger, of tliis city, and Miss Mary Ann Base, of Monroe couuty, were marrieil Tuesday, by the Eev. Fr. Fierle. They were the recipiente of several handsome presenta. The nidewalk, from the St. James to the opera house, is very good, except in front of two blocks. The sidewalk committee should Ree that new walks are laid. Ypsilantian : Frederick J. Crabb, a lame boy, 16 years old, residing one rnile east of town, left home Wednesday morningand hasnot yet returned. It is feared ■omething has happened him. The St. James sample room has been thoroughly renovated, and now looks as neat and clean as a lady's chamber. 'Lige Stewart presides as barkeeper aud has a "amilo" for all his customors. Manchester Enterprise : Preparations are being made for the sheep shearing festival to be held on the 21st. Sheep breeders everywhere are invited, even though they fail to-get a special invitation. M. O. Peterson, manager oí the telegraph college, has the cutest little dog in the city. He answers to the name of Trip, and is about the size of a railroad sandwich. This little canine curiosity has no pedigree and probably wül have no progeny. Commercial: A stone that very muoh resembles (if it is not) the head of a man, was plowed iip on the Yost farm, on the middle Ann Arbor road, some time since. It is now in the front yard, and can be seen by all, free of charge. The St. James Hotul, under the management of J. L. Stone, is rapidly coming to tho front as a first-class house. The landlord has a "hard" name, but an impressible heart, and he knows how to keep a hotel ; while II. L. Tremaine, the genial gentleman who presides over tho ledger, is an old hotel man and a traveling salesman. Tho bill of fare at the St. James would satisfy Chet Artliur or the Jersey Lüly. Kead Bach & Abel's Rpeciultie in anof her column. Oeo. Maynard, of Washington, D. C, haa been in tlie city severa! days, visiting old friends. J.'!e Princeton Glee Club gave a very fino entertainment, in tJniversity hall, Every member was recalled, and in some instarme re-recalled. The warbling was espt.'Oially food. The songs liad the merit of beinff new, while the voices of the singers were well balanced. Win. Caspary, "who has opened up a restaurant and baker}', on the corner of Ann and Fourth streets, carried on business in the Buehoy block a number of years. He has put his new quarters in good shape and proposes to keep every thing in the bakery line. me ooarci 01 neann ís componed oí the following persons : Drs. Breakey, Sullivan, Georg, and N. W. Cheever aud Thos. Olarken. Au organization was perfected Monday ev?ning, and Dr. Breakey was eleeted president ; Dr. Sullivati, seeretary ; Dr. Georg, heülth officer. That inseotivorous little pirate, the upaiTow, is ornamenting the eaves of the opera house with straw and old shoeBtrings, much to the annoyance of our freind Keenan, who has to sweep up the debris that falls to the sidewalk in front of the millinery store. John says tho aparro w is a dren df ui nuisance. Those mortar-board hats, worn by the " lite," spoil the looks of many a fairfaced youug man. We consider them outrageously horaely. A student with a mortar-board on his cranium looks worse thau a freckled-faced girl with hor ! hair banged. A fire occurred last Batnrday after noon, on the farm of Jesso Redman, om mile southeast of Milan, destroying foui barns and their entire contenta, cremating two horses, four bead of oattle, and twenty-seven sbeep. Canse - httle boy firing off a gun in one of the buildings. The funeral services of the late Dr. B. Oocker were observed at the Methodist church, Wednesday afternoou, in the presence of menibers of the university , senate, students who liad been m Dr. Coeker's class, prominent Methodist elergynien throughout the state, and a large number of citizens. The marriage eei'emony of Mr. George Meder, of Port Crescent, to Miss Hannah Dignan, of this city, took place a St. Thomas church, Wednesday morning, the Kev. Fatber Meder, of Marine City, brother of the groom, officiating. Tlie inesents from their niany friends, were numerous and beautifnl. The happy couple left on the 11 o'clock train for their futuce home in Port Crescent. Sentinel : A fellow who was accused of petit larceny, and proven guilty, excused himself by saying he acted by the advice of a physioian. And when asked what the advice was, replied : "He ought to take something before he went to bed." He was given thirty days in jail to work off the medicine. The entertainment next Thursday, by Miss Jeffrej's-Lewis, supported by J. Newton Gotthold, will be an occasion long to be remembered by those that attend. The .actress has Ipng been known as one of the most beautiful on the stnge, and her acting is strong, smooth and charming. Her lending support, Mr. Gotthold, is all that could be desired, and is vvell known in this city. This is one of the finest entertainmentB visiting our city this season. We expect a large and fashionable aiidience will greet Miss Jeffreys-Lewis and her excellent company, next Thursday exening. At a regular meeting of the fiie department, held Saturday evening, the following persons were elected: Chief engineer, Moses Seabolt; first assistant, R. P. Sanford; second assistant, William Jacobus; treaeurer, (J. H. Worden; secretary, N. D. Gates ; steward, Jacob Hauser. Pire wardens - First ward, Fred Schmid and' C. Rinsey; second ward, WilJiam Herz and Ed. Graf;, third ward, John Dow and Ed. Walker; fourth ward, M. Clark and D. Loomis; fifth ward, G. H. Rhodes and William Porter; Sixth ward, A. F. Martin and P. D. Woodruff. The department voted their thanks to tbe common conncil, for the many favors sliown tliem the past two years. The boys are trying to gcfc up a foot race botween the court house janitor and Chickey Taylor ; the i-ace to be round the court house square ; Ctiick to have the inside track on account of age ; and me jamtor to carry tnat petnned curiosity as a weight. ïhey start froni the town pump at nine o'clock to-morrow morning, sharp. Cbick wanted to start at seven, but the janitor said lic was not in the habit of leaviug the arms of Morpheus that early. The stakes to be two pounds of beef. The friends of both parties are afraid the meat will spoil before the diatanee is accomplished. We shall bet on Chick, with the proviso that he must not stop on "rat row" for refieshment. Bill Johnson will see that start is fair and hold the "steaks."


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat