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Real Estate Transfers

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The followmg are the real estete transfers for the week encling April 19 : WARBANTY DEEDS. Benjamin Curtís to Lorenzo Lozee, 10 acres, sec. 34, Augusta, 8500. Sidney Benham to Alpheus Folcli, 120 acres, sec 22, Ann Arbor, 88,400. Eliza B. Royes to Franeis Q Pollafd, lot in Ann Arbor, $500. Walter Freeman to Jacob Leut, 40 acres, .ec 14, Ypsilanti, $1,600. Wm. Kulienkamp to Cathevine E. Kulienkamp, 140 acres, sec 34, Freedom, 4,500. Geo. E. Osborn to Wm. Kulienkamp, 100 acres, sec 18, Bharon, $10,400. Alex. Doan to Elizabeth Doan, land in HRf. 1t Salom ei nnn Alex. Muilion to F. Salter, land in sec 28, Webster, $5,400. Chas. DeBus to Geo. V. Jenking, land iu seo 2:3, Pittsfield, ÍH00. Nathaniel Kyder to John H. Smith, 40 acres, sec 20, Salem, $2,000. Theo. A. Hiscock to Mar y Donelson, 88 acres, sec 4, Ypsilanti, $1,500. C. W. Case to Mary Baldwin, propevty in Manchester, $2,000. Alonzo M. Noble to Henrietto Schreffer, lot in Ypsilanti, 8700. J. J. Straog to Thos. Newton, land in sec 13, Superior, $1,650. 3. 3. Strang to Walter J. Seymour, land in sec 13, Superior, $2,750. S. E. DeNike to J. J. Strangr, 80 aores, sec 1.1, Superior, S4,000. The inimitable comedian, Jno Thompson, in his latest comedy, " Around the World," will appear at the opera house Saturday evening, April 21. The Toronto Olobe saya: "John Thompson, the Irish-Putck-Italian-French-Ciiinese-English-Hebrew-American comedian, gave one of his inimitable, ludicrous, neverto-be-forgotten performance of "Around the World" at the royal opera house last evening. The house was rauimed, jammed, stufled and packed like sardines in a box, and he deierved it. His songs took immense, the airs being all new and "eatchy." In his dancing he was easy, greasy, lootte as a rag and as slippery as au eel. His dancing the Highland fling, as the Irish woman said, would make wheelbarrow laugh. He played on number of musical instrumenta, and in doing so bis legs and arma seem6d to b hungon some doublé back action springs Tlïiit n.nn Wau J.1 __ 1 __ 1_ __ . _ j-""r cío neie, mere, ana everywnere a the same time. Sometimes the laughter and shouts were deafemng. He was ably supported by Miss DotieNagle and Mísh Mollie ïhorapsou, in their songs, duets and piano accompanimeuts. Thompson is oortainly the boss oomedinn."