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The Vlll&ge of Ea6t Milan, on the Toledo & Ann ArborRailway. süteen miles northwest of Monroe, was thrown into a terrible state oí excitement bv the at.temptcd assassination oí MiltonWaite: Waite and bis wifo liave bad te-ouble for three years past and separated anout a yesr ago. A few days ago they agreed to live fewfether again, upon ocndition that he deed her fifteen acres of land lately fcought. It is said that she has a dee for the same, but that itis cotnn record. Thcy were not fairly eettled in houseKeeplng. They wcre lying ma bed on the floer in an lipper room aboit ;W, talkiuc over future plans, when Waite feit a hand on htoJeg, sat up, grabbed a man by the wrist and was immeüiately stabbed in tbe lelt shoulder, exposing the lang. A frfght.ful gash wa6 Inflicted in the left side and minor ciits on the body and armF. Waite struggled, and threw the assassin down stairs, wtere be escaped through a wiudow he had nntercd, leavinr bloody finger marks. Waite told the nfighbers that the assassin bad a kntfe strapped to his v rist and was cut on the hand. Tracks ■■vere dlscovered leading in the direetion of the house of Edward -Couper Jr who hau causcd tbe trouble beUfeen Waitc andwife audUouper was atoncu axrt= ed. He denies all knowledgeof the affair and says the wound was made by a chisel with wtnen he had been workiug. Two wild gecse have joined a flock of tame cmes owned by a Kalamazoornan, and 86 he has clipped üings, they are content to stay. The epeciflc taxes assessed against the iron and oopper mine s of the upper península on the product of 1882 foots up to $50,790.27. Of thls amount the copper mine6 pay $21,307.0, and the iron mines $20,483.07. Sturgis was visited by another cyclone. Severalsmall houses were unroofed. Wait, s lumber yard was con&iderably disarranged, and the tent of Hobson Bros. show, which was to exhibit there, was torn down and their wagons and cages upset. 8o far no loss of life or eerious injuries have been reported. Gold has been found near Republic. Before you rush in and acquire claims beinformed that it was a $5 gold coin found by a boy while out picking wintergreen herrie?, and he thinks the lode is exhaueted. Mrs. J. M. Powere of Petoskey wa6 expelled from memberebip in the M. E. chureb, becauee she had been divorced from a former husbaná and marricd to Mr. Powers. The specific charce agaiDEt her was adultery under the law of scripture and the rules of the church. Owosso has the railroad feyer. This time Ihey want to build a road from Toledo, O., to that plareand it looks as though they wonld euccccd. Rev. E. B. Fairrield, D. D., ex-Lieutenant-Governor of Michigan, ex-President of Hillsdalc College, ex-Chaacellor of Nebraska University and pastor of the First CongregationaJ church of Manistee, was joined íd marriace on the llth instant at the American Chapel, Taris, to Miss Mary A. Tibbittp, of Manistee. The brille is an sccomplished lady, being a gradúate of übeilin Coljege, and at present one of the Board of Connty Examiners of Teachers for Manistee County. The bridal couple will travel through Eliropefor the coming three months, and upon their return a large reception will be held in Union Hall, Manistee. The opinión is prevalent in some quarters that when the Grand Truuk build their Detroit connection they will run frora Stockbridge west toBellevue, and tbence over the main line into Battle Creek. The state agricultural society will give out 1,400 complimentary tickets for the state fair to erop correspondente. East SacinïW haJ a $30,000 fire the other lay, destroying a l&rge planjng mili, a notei md one or two other buildings. Adrián wants street cars and tne cornnion ouncil of that city has pas6ed a resolution drecting that an ordinance be drawn authorizing the construction of a street railway. A few evening ago at Cheboygan, a mediumsized man, with a f uil beard, which was close trimmed and dark, with a sprinkling of gray, c-earing a dark suit of clothes and a dark 5traw bat, and about 10 yeirs oíd, coaxed a littl daughter of Norman Lyons into the woodswest of the depot and ravished her and taen stabbed her in the left side. Several men searchcd all night for the Hule gírl, but Bhe was not found until tUe next rcoming at 5 o'clock. The girl was able to talU some, and s;iys bhe "fougnt the man and tried to get away. He poundcd me with a club for screamicf. About dark he etruck me and I went to sleep.'1 The flro bell was rung and a vigilance committee was organized, and eeventy-five men at once begau 6earching for the villain, and when found he will probably be aisposed of with yery HtLle ceremony. The third áhnuál reunión of the Union Prisoners of war was held in Greenville, and was a great succes?. A large nnmber ol dele gatee were present. Farades, speeches, and a "camp fire'' ki tfte tvening concluded the ex crdses. A shocking accident occurred in East Sagj naw. A little two-year old daughter of Mrs Anthony Johnson ventured upon the track o the Detroit and Saginaw División of the Mich igan Central Eailroad as the New York Expres was ontering the city. The mothcr eaw th IILMC onc unu muur au cuui ' ivu .., but it was torn from her grasp by the cowcat;her and throw Bome distauce, sustaining fatal iujuriep. Mr6. Johnson was al6o struek, her sku'll fractured, one arm aud three ribs hrokon, and other injuries sustaincd. She will aic The legielature having passcd an act authorizing the iucorporation ot the grand army of therepubHc, tue commaflding officer6 of the department of Michigan met in Lansing and have. tiled their articles of incorporation. party of good fellows at Saginaw, being wcllhealedwiththisworld's goods, and po6sessed of an unliinited capacity for having a eood time in a rational marmer, have bought onc of Coup's circus adverti6ing care, fitted it up iuet as they want it, and are going to make a trip thcrein to the Yellowetone park and other points in the great northweót. Theannual meeting of the Michigan Fioneers held in Lansing was a very enjoyabje affai Intei-esting historical sketches were read, and snrf ches and music thriUed the hearte of all. The fol'owlngofficers werp. elected for the oniuingycar: President, C. I. Walker; recordiDgeecrctary, Mrs. II. A. Tenney; correspondiug secreta! jr, G'eo. H. Greenr; treasurer, E. Longyear Gov Bego'.e. has pardonrd tbrce convicts f rom the Jackson prison: Charlee Colbath, In for 14 vears for assault with iute.nt to Wil, Julián Moore, serving a five years' sentence for larceny, and Louis Contnv a lifc convitt. An Inspector of the Fostofflce Department diecovercil a short time ago, that Postmaeter Clinton Spencer, of Ypeilantt, was short about 1 ïM in his moncy-oider funds. Miss Stowart, chief clerk, was placed iu charge of the office Mr. Spracr havine been summarily rcaioved. The latter gave bail for hi appearance for trial at the. November term of the. United States District. Court, and by the aid of friends uaid back to the government the entire sum wMch hc had overdran q. Spencer is a popular man and has always been regarded as the soul of honor It is a well-kaown fact that the money whicli he drew out of the office was expended for the benefit of f rlenrls with no thought of ünal conversión to his own use. He was a gallant soldier and lost a leg at Gettysburg. Secretary of State Conant has sent to physicians copies of the new law regulatlng the practico of medtcUe. Unlessthey have practiced medicine cotitinuously for at, leact five years in this state, they must be able to show a dioloma ïrora eome legally authorized medical college. The boys sent out from the. State Public School are dressed iu Kentucky .iean jackets and gray woolen pantaloous. Ttiey have labels gewed to thcir caps giving their aame, and the name and residance of the person who has adopted thein. Riilrnaii oomiurrnre look after them carofully. LewisM. -MiUer, late Journal clerk of the lousc of !;presentative?, andan uncommony good ■ ■ue, too, ha been employed by Secreary Of State Conant. U inflex tho las passed iv tbc last Legi&lature. There are upwards of nini ty pageê of the eesslon lawe already rinted. An exi 'ninjie save : Cedar timber which a few v'ü aaMMUTËly igaured ín calculation6 as toü and in thé northern portions of Michigan, has uow obtained a rank amoDg the taluaMé timbero of the State. ThoueaodÈ of acreB of laad from which the pine had been cut has been allowed to revert to the State in years past becauee considerad of intufficicnt value to admit of taxpaying, on which hundreds of thousaads of cords of ccdar was btaudiug, and which at the present time is of lLC6timable value, because the demand which hassprungupfor cedar was standing, and which at the present time is of inestimable value, becaust. of the dcinand which has sprung up for cedar for railroad Mee, fence post6 andïencing, telegraph poles, paving and other purposes. The former ownors of these lands now comprenend thelr ehortslghtedDCBS and realize that other men are reaping fortunes from that whlch they once possi'ssed in full title, but which was discarded by ttaem as worthlese, because of the then prevalent but foolish idea that the pine lands of the northwest were valuelcssexcept for the standing titnber and that when that wae once removed the mo6t sensible thing the owner could do was to let the State repossess it. Now, ycr, a thousand' acres of land well stocked ith cedar, is a bonanza, and the possessor íercof inay be looked upon as a "bloated moopolist lad kolder." The circuit court oí Hillsdale county has ust granted a divorce on the ground that. the aan lago was vold becau6e the woman in the cañe was only 16 years oíd. Gapt. Chas. H. Richman, fqr forty-seven ear6 a resident of Saginaw county, died reently at the Eastcrn lusane Asylum at Fontic, 8gcd 54 years. He served as captain in the eüth regiment of Michigan infantry during ie war, and was for sveral nionths attachea o the staff of Gen. James D. Morgan,of Illinois, ommandingthe First Brigade. Second DiviEion, roui teenth Artny Corps. From varlous localitics iu the state comes tbe oinplalnt that heavy rains are doing great dam;e to crops. Wheat fields ia Eiany sections re inúndate d, and wholc fields of corn have )een watbcd out. Huntc, who Ehot and killed VVeston in Manstee ajear or so since, was recently married ,o the wife of his victim, in Jackson. It will te recnerflbered that the woman volunteered to o upon the 6tand as a witness for the slayer f her husband, and now she has married hlm. ; will alsobe remembered that Weston charged iunter with breaking up his family. A member of the legislature told a Grand {apid8 reporter that much poker playing was ndulged in at Lansing. He furtJtiermore alegid that a member from the Lake Michigan lorc - abovc or below Muekegon - left the apital with $1,000 winnings from poker. Louis Ano, of Coeboygan, a boy eight years ld, went to ehurch with a pistol in his pocket, nd while returning home slippcd in some manner and feil, causing the pistol to be disiarged. The ball passed ciear through his ody, coming out at the back. He cannot urvive.


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Ann Arbor Democrat