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Bridge gray is a new color, popular for traveling dresses. It ought to be wora over watered silk. The Diamond Dyes for family use have no equals. All popular colors easily dyed, fast and beauíiful. 10 cents a paoküíít'Trouser clieoks - suspende. Faro oheoks- The authorities. Poker checks - Tlie grate bars. Bagage checks -The examine [occasionalL ]. Restanrant checks - The prices on the bill of fare. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure dyspepsia.heartburn, malaria, kidney disease, Hver complaint, and other wasting diseases. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS enriches the blood and purifies the system; cures weakness, lack ol energy, etc. Try a bottle. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is the only Iron preparation that does not color the teeth, and will not cause headache or constipation, as other Iron preparations will. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Ladies and all sufferers from neuralgia, hysteria, and kindred complaints, will find it without aa equal. uYhegreat cure j I POB S 2 -RH EU MA Tl SM- I 9 As it ia fop all th.3 painful diseases of tlie -g L KIDNEYS,L1VER AND BOWELS. Ej tg It cieauses tb system of tlie acrid poiaon QO tliat causes tho dreadful sufferin(j whicli O (P only tlio victims of Hheumatism can realice. L THOUSANDS OF CASES J L of tho worst forma of this terrible disease tg have been quickly relie ved. and in short tiine 5 PERFECTLY lURED. I O PROT!, $1. LKjtTID OR DKY, SOLD Bï 1)111 (CISTS. ü- Dry can be sent by mail. 3 I ■WELL3,HICHAKr)SOlr&Co..Burlln(rtonVt. CAUTION. AN ACT requiiing the holders of unrecorded . deeds to record sueh deeds or t'urnish the same for record. Sectiox 1, The People of the State of Michigan naet. That whenever any grautor whu has heretoforeconveyed, or shall hereafter convey, any real estáte within this State, shall have or hold in his possession any unrecorded deed or deeds, throuííh or urnler which lie derived title, of any lands by him so eonveyed. it shall be his duty, 011 the written request of his grantee or any subsequent grantee, to cause such deed or deeds to be 1 ecorded in the office of the Kegister of Deeds of the proper county, or cause the same to be delivered to such erantee demanding the same, for the purpose of recording, within twenty days f rom the time when sueh written request shall have been served upon him. Sec. 8. If such grantor shall neglect or refuse to record such deed, or deliver the same to such grantee, after having been requested so to do, as provided in the preceding section, within the time above limite 1, he shall be liabie t.o said grantee, his helrs. representatives or assigns, in the penal sum of one hundred dollars damages: and also for all actual damages occasioned by such neglect or refusal to the persou or persons entitled thereto, to be reco ered in an action on the case, with costs of snit Approved June 1, 1881. t CC a week i" your own town. Terms and $5 J D O outflts f ree. Address H. Hallett & Co., portland, Main DO YOU TAKE A GOU N TV PAPER ? IÍ not, and you ar about to subscribe for one we invite your attentioii to the AM ARBOR DEMOCRAT ! And respectfully inform you that It is the People's Paper. IT PVBLISHES FULL BXP0RT8 OF ALL I31P0RTAXT EYENTS In Washtenaw oounty. It gives a concia? and inu TcstinK Snmmary oL THE WORLD' S NEWS, EVroign, American, Congressional, V;dL(irn and Nurtheni. It prints J.HE NEWS OF MICHIGAN, 3oiled down for brief readin, and gives a fu. syaopsisof the doiiiKs oí the LegSlature. It cluonieles ALL THE HAPPENINGS Ub ANN ARBGR, The county seat, iving f uil and aoeurate reports of the Circuit Court, Political Meetings, Fai-mera' Clubs, University and School MalLcra, ütu., Etc. IT IS FEARLESS In its demmeiation of monopolies, and all othep omdens that weigh upon the Peoplo; n ml shows up all frauds rugardless oí who it kits. It, pubüshes A GOOD S1UU1' Every week, and has intorestinpr articles 'or ihe young. tëfTIts Price te $1. Per Year, tn Advcmce, Anu is regarded by its Bnbscrtbere as too valuable toloan; so don't try to borrow. We invite your attention to some of the iiiany complimentary Unngs that arebeingsaidof Thb Democrat" It evmces shrewdnees, push and ability."- Lansing Jmirnal. "It is making f ï-iends evE . f day. It ia a wellonducted and readable „üeet."- Pontiac BiU "A Tery enterprising, Tlde-awake local jour mAïLSS. and eood Mta-"-o "Itisalive spicy newspaper, and a valuable iKS list of Washtenaw n'nf'?!?11 1cf11y" .aníl tj-pographieally it i „L S Sst 'ooklng Papers that ever carne mtothisoffice."- Detroit Keenina News Thjb DEKooaAT abounds m able andvigorous ditoiaalB, a great variety of local information 'THE DEMOCRAT" Ie PublLshed Every Tlnnsil.iv Morntej. A JjSl Asrenlw wantod. #ñ a Iny mude .-I!. HV ■-áFIng oui-.N.w HO178EH0LD AIÍT1W r 41.50. UomdticScale Ou.. Cin'ti, O. ADVERTISÍNG ontracts mudo íor TvlIS, P.1 PER, which is keDt onftlowitu LORD ik THOMAS, Atlverlisiiij; AfiitH, CUÏcag otHl IK tfl tOnper '1ay at l'oine. Samples ü IU 4U woith85fi-fe. Addreaa Ktinson Co.. Portland Maim;. A moming paper, speaking of the attempted suicide of a yonng man, naya: "He shot himself in the woods." In that oase the bullet raust have entered the "lumbar región." ITrIEONLWEDÍciNEy II IS EITHEIÍ l.lül II Olí DKY FOBM WÊ Lm That Acta nc lile saine time od 2 TOS LITER, IMS 30WMZS,ñ Ti ÁFD TES KIDÏÏS.YS. i jiWHY ARE WE SICK? Wl Becattse tve allow these gtvat organt tWk become clogged or torpiú, and "poisonmttW í hutnors are therefore forced info the blood mm m that afiouldbe expeUed natitrally. j M WILL SURELYCUREj Mkidney diseases, m M LIVER COMPLAINTS.ji áMrii.r.K, ovsriPAi ion, vrinartQ n DIHEASK.H, FI'.M Al.i: V V. AKNESSE8, I am m:iivch:s visouueks, WMby causlngfree action of these organt andWÊ mresíofing their "poiver to throw ojf disease. y Why iiffor ltilinus jmins mul achest f 1 H Whj tormented nith Piles, Constipatlonl U m Wliy friglitenetl over dlsordered Khlneyti W pj Why endure uitvoiis ar sick hendacheit ■ l Use KIDNEY-WOUTnHá rejmce in heatth. Cj I It is put up in lry Tecetable Fopim, In tin H II cans one package of wblch makes six quartt of ■ V medicine. Also in Ltquld Form, very ('oncen-fl U trated, for tbose that cannot readily prepare lt. Ï ■ VBlt acta wlt h equal effloiencf in either form. JÉJ U QET IT OF YOUR DRUQOIST. PRICB, l.OoM M W IM.S. KICH A lllls( A ( o. . Trop-i, W IjlWUHendthedrypostpaid.) BUSUNOTOD, TT. H löOOEWM We will pay the above reward for an v case of Liver Cmnplaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Iudigestion, 'Jonstipation or Costiveness we cannot cinc with West 's Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large l.oxes containing 30 Pilis, 25 cents. Por sale by all Druggists. Beware of couuterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactnred only by John C, West & Co ■The Pili Makers," 181 and 183 W. Madison St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid un receipt of a 3 cent stamp. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Kruin Treatment, a speciflc for Hyster'a, Dizziness, Convulsión, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory Spermatorrhoea, Impoteney, Involuntary Emissions, Premature Ola Age, aused by over-exeition, self-abuse, or over-indulgence, which lead" to misery, decay and death. Oue box will cure recent cases. Eaeh box contains ontf month's treatment. One dollar a box or six boxes f or live dollars: sent by mail postpaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With eaeh order received bv ua for lx boxes, aecompanied wltli flve dollars, we will send the juirchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. GiKtranteas issued by Brown & Co., sole authorized Agts. for Ann Arbor. Micli. John C. West& üo., solé proprietors. 1S1 and tm W. Madison St,. Chicago, IU. JOSEPH ALGER, DEALER IN Fresh, Smoked and Salt =MEATS= Market on Arm St., Opposite Court House. FRED SORG, PAINTS, OlS VARNISHES BKUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, And all Painters' Supplies of the Best Qualitv SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington '.st ANN ARBOR. . MICMIQAN (TIOA WEEK. $13 a da} at home oasily P L made. Costly Address True & Co.. Augusta, Maine. C. E. HOLMES, Proprietor of the City Drug Store ! Has the choicest ijt of teufumes and the Largest Stock of Pure Drugs ! In the city. Also everythulg in the toilet and fancv goods line, at pr'.ces lower than anywhere else. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. No. 12 Cook; Hotel Block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Watches and Jewelry ! J. Haiïer k Si, 4(Siii]lli iVInin Slrccl, i)(;;ilcrs in tllC lA'iuliny: AMERICAN WATCHES! In Gold and Silver Cases, la Stem and Key Winding, Hdfiufactured ly ibe Leading Watch Coinoanies GOLD WÁTCH CHAINS. Of Standard Qtiahty and Various Patterns. A Lanfs and Complete Assnrtment of Lace Pins, Ear Rinsrs, Bracelets Finger Rings, AndIStuds. Silver Flitii Ware1 '"'rom the Most, Hcliahle Manufacturers at lottom Prion. Tlie Repaiiing of Fin Watches is in Charge of Competent and Skiiled Workinen, at Fair Prices. ra feature. Both Vralon NewTcotíinici.l Á f ' TWTQ IJUlUTm FüKSHEH & MCMACKIN Cincinnaii.u M"H110 Jf AIUL1J Sam. B, Revenaugn Is now taklnc the Best Glass 01 Pttpaplis In the City at Prices to Suit the Times Qround Floor GTallery GOODRICH BLOCK. East 8ide of th( NEW COUBT HOUWK JACKSON FÍRE CLÁY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe TILE. All our Draii Tüe are made or Fire Clay, ar'of anumutl strength and liuht weight. which lm. tcrially reduces the breakage and expense o transportaron. The dl tcli ing f or thls clans of tillng is less ezpen sive, as they do not require to be laid below f i oh: but only deep euough to escape the plow. While this is more economical it also aicU obtainingta better 'f all' or gradeto the drain. A full assortment of Jl sizes, for nala ra siu quantities, or car load lotï, at th FERDON LÜMBER YARD JAS. TOLBSBT. A. "Tile, the Createst Labor-Saving Machine of the Age." Tu the Editor of The Chicago Tribune. Dwight, 111., March 16.- One of the strongest and in it convincing f acts that I have yet Beeo with regard to tile drainage is brought out is the December report of the Agricultural Department of Illinois. It is this: ACREAOE. Acreage in corn in Livingston Couuty, 1881 268,507 Acreaee in corn in Logan County, 18-1. . 140,851 Livingston over Logan 187,738 TTKLD. Yield of corn in Livingston County,188l. .6,983 ,522 Yield of corn in Logan Oounty, 188Í 5,070,924 Livingston over Logan 1,902,598 In other words. Logan Couuty bas raised near ly as much corn on 140,859 acres as Livingston county has on 268,597 acres. Put it in another form, the farmers in Livingston County have been obliged to plow nearly doublé the acreage of land (2b,597), and have raised but a very small percentage of increase of corn over their brethern in Logan County, who only had to plow 140,859 aerea. Let us give it ano t her twist! A A farmer who has his land well tilled need only worlc eighty acres of land and grow jiist about as mucn corn as the man who plows 160 and takes all the risks of drouth and much beeides. It is uot fair, then, to conelude thatthe greatt laborsaving machine to-day of the age is the tile drain Frotn the same source of informaiion I gather the following as regards the progresa of tile-drainage in these twocounties: Feet. Total number of feet laid in Livingston County upto 1861 1,140,793 Total numWr of feet Iald in Logan County up to 1881 3,989,469 This table proves beyond all theory that owing to the f ree use of tile that on couuty has been able to produce nearly as much corn on 140,000 acres of land aa another county has produced upon 208,000 eres, which iw nearly doublé, and the beauty of the whole is that it was doue with half the work ! Mr. Editor, suppose a kind lrovidence should lengthen out the spin of our days until we saw Illinois thoroughly tile-dralned, where would be put the corn that this State would produce, and what would we do with our "silver dollars?'Samuel T. K. 1'hihx. MÜpïl Will stand for mares the season of 1883, at East side of Court House, M. M. Green's Livery and Feed Barn, Ann Arbor. M. M. GREEN. O. L. MATTHEWS. Attorney at Law and Notary Public Real Estáte, Insurance and Loan Autiieu. Deeds, mortgages and other papers carefully drawn. Have houses and lots for sale or rent, or to exchange for farm property, alao farms for sale, Property looked ai ter by the year.taxes paid insurance attended to. and renta collected at reasonable rates. Have city property that ean be bought on long time so that a Binall gum added to what you now pay out for rente will secure you a home of your own. I represent the Northwestern National Inr.urance company, and the Mechantes and Traders of N. Y. Loases wil] be promptly adjusted and paid. Money to loan at su (6) per cent. Office over Rinsey & Seabolt's store, Ann Arbor. Mich. EBERBACH&SON Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes AND Enfiflish Tooth Brushes. Wecall special attention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND : Pure Chemicals of our own Importation. A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list prices. Are cordial]} invited to examine our stock as qtiality and prices. EBERBACH SON. . &H cj 9 SiB3PPGirYQ43flB 9 - S rmM - tí - - - - - - 57" B - -sHi5 mu m Mm - - gCj k L-, Si - ■ -gs itfiJiiïihïïrrn -í-zz 2 ► -" - 0 M p A T life is sweep'ng by I go and U l_ T I daré, before you die, sometbin W I I mighty and sublime ; leave beIILiV I liiiid to conquer time." Sixty dollara a week in your own town; Uve dollar outfit free. No risk. Everything new. Capital not required. We will fiirnish you everything. Mm. y are making fon unes. Ladies make as inuch as men. and bovs and gtrls make ereat pay. Reader, if you want business at which you can mabe great pay all the time, write far the particulars to H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Me. Adam D. Seyler. SOLE AGENT FOR THIS CITY AM VIC1ÍÍITY, No. 6 X. MAIN ST. J. HOFFSTETTER Hh- mpioved his PLACE OF BUSINESS AND IS NOW RËADY TO ATTEND TO ThE MANY CUSTOMERS j THAT HAVE PATRÓNIZED HIM FOR YEARS. EYERYTHING NEAT AND CLEAN TIVOLI BEER, The only kind on TAP in the Cily. ALL KINDS OF THE BEST LIQUORS, WINES, TOBACCO, AND Cl ARS ON SALE AT J. HOFFSTETTER'S, 34 South Ma i ii Ht,., ANN ARBOR, - M1CH. MHH. L. N. FITCH. HAIR-WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Hair Nets, In vÍKÍlI Crimps, Braids, 'ih-Im. Sii0. Hair-Dressing for Brides, Baila and Theatricals a Specialty. Hair-Jewelry Braided in any Pat'n Huron St. - - Ann Arbor. tSfl viill wit be rexpoiunhle for anu work left imnu aai Trom nulice or Jiiiun. 1 1 f I f f people are aivfayson the lookout ■Af I " L for chances to increase their ■ ■ I I earnings, and in time beeorae II V k wealthy. Those wbo do not im prove their upportunitie remain in poveity. We offer a great chance to make money. We want many men, women, boys and girls to work for ua right in their own localities Any one can do the work properly from tlie flrst start. The businesH will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outflts furnished free. No ne who engages faiis to nmke money rapidly. Vou can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare momenta. Full information and all that is needed sent free. Address Stinson &Vo.. Portland, Me BltirwJÊA H JfSv & L Eudúrsed by the Frenen Academy of Medicine for 1NFLAMMATION OF THE URINARY ORANS, caused by indiBcretion or exposure. Hoel Dieu Hospital, Paris, trfatment. I'ositive cure in one to three days. Local treatmeut only rquired. No nauseous doses of Cúbeos or f!oaiba. Infallible, Hygienic, Curative, Preventive. Price $1.50, including Bulb eyriuge. Sold by all xuggists, or sent free by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of pric. Descriptive treatise free on applicatlon. AMERICAN AGENCY '" MEDICINE CO., Detroit, Mich., and Windsor, Ont. Sold in Ann Arbor by C. E. Holmes. Cook House lilock. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY. YPSJLANTI BHANCH- LANS1NQ DIVrSION. QOING WEST. LEAVK. MAIL. Ypsilanti 7 00 a. m. 9 15 a. m ittsfield Junction 1 40 a. ni. 9 34 a. m. i , 8 27 a. m. 9 45 a. m ridgewater 9 15 a. m. 10 0-1 a. m. Manchester 10 23 a. m. 10 83 a. m. Watltine 10 55 a. m. 1038a. m. Jrooklyn 11 40 a. m. 10 55 a. ni. illsdale 3 25 p. ín. 12 05 p. m. Sankers 3 50 o. m. ÍS SO p. m OOING EAST. LCAVE, A"-. ankers 8 00 p. ra. lillsdale 8 SO p. ni. .1 25 p. ni rooklyn 1 00 p. ni. 4 27 p. m Watkins 150p. m. 4 42 p. m. ancheBter 2 50 p. m. 4 55 p. ni. rideewater 3 25p. ra. 5 13 p. m. ALjík 4 10 p. m. 5 29pm. ittsfleld Junction 4 40 p. ra. 5 39 p. m. psilanti 5 15p. m. 5 55 p. in. Way Freight goes west Monday, Wednesday nd Friday eat, Tuesday. Thursday and Satrday W. H. CANNIFF, Suuerintendent. Goo. W. Híu, Ticket Agent.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat