The Anti-monopoly Convention In Chicago

The national conventian of the antimonopolist party met at Hershey music hall in Chicago on the llth inst. The cali providcd for betweon 1,500 1,600 delgates. At opening tliere were about 200 delegates present. The convention was called to order at 2:30 by Jno. F. Henrv, chairman of the national committee. Henry then presented the name of Alson J. Streater of Illinois as temporary chairman, a;:d he was chosen to that position. During the courso of his remarks the chairman referred to the sniall number present, hut declared there were more present than when the Declaration of Indopen dence was signed. [Applause.] Tho cavise of the smallness of the cortvention was that many of its members were too poor to p_ty their faro, and because the ruonopolislic railroads refuse to give thnrn the samo ratos tbat would bo givan delegates to other convenlions. The speaker proceoded to say all the platform he wanted was: "We opposo all monopolies; we beliove all men created free and equal, and wo bu'ieve in Goneral Benjamin F. Butler." [pplause.] Committees on credentipls, rermanent organization and resolutions were appointed of one f rom oíicIi stata. The cali of states showed lfi states represented. Mr.K illmer of New York read a resolution adoptcd by the executive cornnrittee of the anti-monopoly league of New York, April 18, to the effect that it was inexpedient to nomínate presidontial and vioe-pvesidential candidates at this convontion: that the matter should be delegated to the national committee or another conventiou called after the conventions of the Re publican and Democratie parties were held, and that committees be appointed to attend the coDventions of other parties and endeavor to secure tho nomination of men pledged to antimonopoly principies. The committee on permanent organization reported for president John F. Henry of New York and makingtemporary secretarles permanent, ronding a report from the committee on platform the convention adjonrned HU 7:30. Tho convention rc-assemb.'ed at 7:30. Chas. Litchman of Massachusetts presented the majority report from the committee on platform. It begins as folio ws: The anti-monopoly organization of the United States in conventiou assembled declares: 1. That labor and capital should be allies, not encnüos; r.nd we demand justice for both by proteeting the rights of all as against the privileges of the few. 2. That corpora tions are creatures of the law and should bo controlled by law. 3. That we propose the greateat reduction practicable in public expenses. This platfonn proceeds to cali for the enactment and vigorous execution of just laws and equality in rights, burdens, privileges and powers, asserts that it is tho duty of the governnient to at once regúlate comtueree among states including transportaron of money and Iransmission cf intelfigence; hoids that bureaus of statistics must bo established, both state and national; the national eight hour law must bu honestly enforced, and importation of foreign labor under contract be made illegal; approves the passage of tho Reagan inter-stato commereo bill; domands payment of the bondëd debt as it falls due; the eleotion of United States senators by direct vote; a graduated income tax, a tariff which is a tax upon the peoplo that shill be so levied as to bear as lightly as possible npon necessaries; denounces tho present tanft' as being largely in the interest of monopoly, and demands that it bospeedily and radical ly reformed in the interest of labor instead of capital; that no further grants of public lands bo mado to eorporations; all land grmts should be forfeited when the terina upon whieh the grants were made are not strioly complied with. The platiorm finally asserts tlmt American legislation thus far has discriminated against agrieulture, whioh has iu ihe muantime borne the bruut of taxation and appeals to the farmers of the country to join in an anti-monopoly crusade. J. F. Crews submitted the minority report, which was the platform adopted at the anti-monopoly convention of July 4, 1883. It particularly demanded the abolishment of the national banking system. The adoption of the minority report was moved, and to it was tacked an amendment urging the establishment of female suffrage. Tne question cf tho adoption of the majority report developod considerable aorimonious debate. Chairman Henry advocated the majority report as being ono upon which Gen. Butler could accept the nomination for the presidency, This sentiment was endorsed by Mrs. Todd of California, who feit with Butler in the ohair female sufirage would havo more chance of adoption than though it was demandod in the platform and Butler not a candidato. A motion was then nitde to pi'oceed to tho nominatiou of candidatos for president. Another dispute aróse hero over tho method of procedure, and State Senator Boyd of New York mado a charge against the honesty of purpose of the chairman, and after declaring that the conventiou had been organizod to advanco the interests of one candidate as against the advocacy of real principies, he seized his hat and lef t tho hall. Ho was fqllowed by delegates from the District of Columbia. Gen. Butler was then put in nomination successively by Mr. Toddof California, Mr. Roodey of New York and several othersj Mr. Blanchard of Vermont put in nomination J. B. Weaver of Iowa. Tho chair here anuouncod that ho had just hadan interview with Mr, Woaver, and that that gentleman had not only declared that he would not accept a nomiuation, but was in favor of Gen. Butlar. Baird of Ncbraska nominated Allen i. Thurnian. On the informal ballot Butler received 124, Thurman 7, Solon Chase of Maino 1. Butler was declared the nominoO of the convention.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat