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Michigan Legislature

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APRIL 8. 3 Senats.- Housa bill'to perniltthe consolid at ion of 'Jucatiunal institutions iutended to facihta'H tiie uuion of the Detroit and the Michigan Uolieges was passed on third read ing. All alter the enacting elaase was strack out in Sen ate büU to make the passession of fish or game daring the olose season prima facie tviJeuoe ot the illegal capture of such fish or game, and to provide iör a Ueputy Ai General. Adjoarned. House. - The governor noted his approval of the followiag aots; amendine Muskegon charter, amending Bay City charter, orgauizing Iron Coauty, incorporating the public schools of Bangor, Bay Ca.; incorporatiag the KaH Sagina Board of Education. The House spent the day in committee of the whole, and when the coaimiltea arose the House adjonrned. APBIL 9. Sshatk.- Senator Hawley offered a resolution ior an adjoarnment ironi Satnrday till Taeeday ntxt. Tabled. Bills passed; iuoorporatinjcouncilsot Roy al Templare, authorizmg Jackaon Ouunty Saperv.'sors and AgricuUaral Society to se 1 grounds, amtnding section 78, Huwell. relative to laking de positions to be use í in judicial proceedings Adjourned. House - The folio ing bilis passed on third readiug; abolishing the offleeof Swarnp Liad Road Commissiouer, authorizing the Kent Agricalíural Society to dispose oi certain propeity, to pension Detroit íiremen, to secare the doors ol the (lirio' Indastrisl chool at Adrián, amending Grand Bapids cbool act, rtquiuDg prosecuting attomeys to iaruish the Aitorney-General with statements and he'itt-i oi criminal cases removed to the Supremo Coart, amending section 5078, Howell, lelative to organiz&tion of townbhi) board oi iaspecíorj, deflning qanlifieations of depnty sheri&a, for ihe collectioD of apiarian sta'iatica, to protest deiendants in nolice of stt-oíf, to proyide puuishment oí death by hangiug for ihts crime oírap - indefinity postponed. Adjourned. AriiiL 10. Sknate - The governor nolificd his apprcval of the acts to rebuild and repair the bridge across tho Au Sable river; amending the natter o!' Kalaiuiz)o; amendiog sectiou 5184, Howell, relatwe to public lioraries; repealing the Uw esUblishing the cffioe of swamp lana roid commissioner ; Sonate bill 120, amending Uw relative to employment of convicta in jaffl was indcfinitely postponed. The (ollowiug bilis were paased: Amenaing &ct incorporating village of fc'outh Lyons; incorporating tbe village kcbools ol Salem; tor a (ree public library in Jackson; amending act S&, of 18S8, rélative to the bartfr of De'.rjit. The foliowiut; bilis were o-t on tbird reading: Amending ectioa 62üïowell, r-laiiva to notarles public; amendng act 198, ol 1877, rtlitive to t&x on Uogs. A ijourned. House - Mr. E-.teeofferíd a teaoiuliou Oíiinrintf the Detroit Evmiag Jourpsl and its orreapondent for the publioartion of sn item aleely describing the tone o debata in be Heuse npon ihe bill of Mr. Hankerd. Adopttd. Billa passed: Organizing Saltm mion school district, amending South L; on harter, empoweriug Leslie, Iugham county, ;o borrow money, amendin section 2304, Howell, re'ating to county agrioultural goieties, connecting the st.Ue housa of oorrect ion with the loaia water works, to protec. irms fïom dithouesty on the part of individual memberg failed to ass. Adjourned APRIi 11. Sen ATE-The Senatc passed the bill to preveLt ishing in UunLakeand adjourned till Monlay at 10 a. in. House - The goverDor noied bis approval of the acts making an appropriation to the gricultural oallege. Tlie following blJls assed oa third reading: Appr.priating moiity tor the state reiorm ohool ; o pay the claim of E. C. Webber tor a guoshot wonnd accideatally received ut the state military encainpment if approved 'jy the bord of state auditore; or fenoing ot pit holes ad shaits, making ten hour a legal day's work, amending síotiou 9131, Howell, relativa to offenses against property, for the relief of ö. P. Parker, lo prevent the sale of imtaaral books, newspaperg, p?mphkts, etc.. relative to unearned land grante, for a grant of swamp ianis to sid Qratiot ccunty in improving Map! e riyer. Adjourned until 10 a. ra. Monday. APRIL 13. Senatk- Only 16 Senators answered to their names this moming, and this bsing one lees than a quorum an interma! recéis was taken till 1:30 p. m. ín the afternoon the Senate Judiciary committce reported the extraordinary nnmber of 40 bilis. Tiie same oommittee will oonsider the Ford bill, restoring capital panishment in aggravatei os9s ot mnrder, in the Henate onamber next Thunday evening. Every perion who wishes to address the committea in regard to the bill oan then have a hearing. It is said Sylvester L'.rned, Rev. E. L. Rexford aad Robert Frazar will speak in opposition, and Mr. Ford, its anthor. in favor eí the bill. Tne Senate adjounnd nntil 2 p. m. Taesday. House- The House labored over several bilis in committse of the whole, ineluding one for the abolition of the aot proyiding for monthly reporta of cereal erop?, and adourned tiil 10 a. m. to-morrow.


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