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One of the gangways of the Cuy Ier oolleiery at Raven Kan near Shenandoah, Pi,., operaled y 8. M. Heaton & Go., ca ved in without any warning, entonibing ten miners. The cave was e-rased by a sarfden crushing oí the timhers. The entombed men all have families, and the cries oi wives and ohildren fill the air. Bxploring pirties report the mine a complete wreek and hopes ei' rescuing tho imprisoned minera olive naa been abandonad. The slope is 70u icet deep and ia divided into laar lifts. The ten men now in the mine were ia tne lower liit and the place is oloBed to the bottom of the first lift. Fonr hundrtd feet aboye there wtre thrce openinga to the mine, an air hole and two slopea aad ail three are closed below the first lift. The dangeroua condition of the miae rot only prsvents re.cuing p.rt{es iroia daing any work, but fcrbids even j, tuurough eXüinination of the workings. Xbe conoussion cauaed by the fsll was ao greai that miae cara at the f uot of the flrst lifc were forced up the slope a distance of fifty feet. Minfrí acqawúted with the wotkirigs declare it doubtiul whether even the bodies of the men entombed can be recovered. Tne coliiery employed i'rom 150 to 20Ü men, bat fortuaattly waa Lot in operation or all the men woall hs.vj beea lost. MRS. UARFIELB DENIES IT. Cimdea O. Rockwell, the brother-m-law of ra. Garfield, meationed in a rccaiit letter to li 3 the newspaper storie abaat her intention to marry again, and received in reply & letter (wrilten on the 4th of April) (rom wbich the following extract ia taken. It will be Been that ebe thoaght a dignified dental by her frieadu might be proper, bat nothing cin be more proper asd eflective, as it scems to ua, thau her own woaanly worda: ''This cruel ramor, which teems to have btea aflaat for tno or tbree menths, did not reaoh me till three days ago. Noth ing that bas ever been said aboiu Ete has kO hnrt and oflended me as this, and the dcepest humiliation of it is that so inany are ready to believe it. To me it seems jast as maca au insult to be asked whether it is true as it wonld be wtre the dear gener&l still htn. That any one can tbink me capable of beiiig false to his memory Eeems like beiní regarded criminal. A. dignified deniai by my friends, I snppose, can do no harm, stilt it hurts me to ieel that any denial is needed." MURDERED FOK A FEW CENTS: A moet horrible tragedy ocourredatPennsboro, near Parkersburg, West Va. Dr. E. H. Martin and Babe Timmons had a dispate over 45 cents. Timmons was co&xed away by his friends, bat had not gone far whea Martin began uring at him. One bul et lodged in Timmons' grein. Timmons returned the fire. At this j anotare Martin's 12]earold danghter, seeing her father in danger, ran to protect him, when she was hit by a ballet and killed. Both Martin and Timmons are nnder arrest. dimmick's doings. A. B. Dimmick, oharged with setting fire to the lown of Weston, Ore., a year ago, when 300,000 worth of property was bnrned, was discovered in Gervais, Ore., the other night. Tae sheriff with a posse of six men, made an niisuccesstul attempt to arrest the fngitive. The sheriff presented a doublebarrtlud shotgun and ordered Diinmick to snirender, bat Dimmiek sprang on him, tore the gun from his grasp and oovering the crowd with it esoaped. BIG LAND LE. One of the largest lind and catt Ie trades ever made in America was elosed ia Fort Worth, Texas, reoently. The Espuela land and cattle company, embraoing 6u,000 head of oattle and EO,O0O uores, was sold to an Esglish syndicate incorporated in London. The coneideration is not yet kuown, bnt the property is valued at $3,000,000. The new company will be known as the Espuela land and cattle company, limited. AFTKR HOADLET. üjt. Hoadley of Ohio reoeived a box throngh the mail the ot 1er day whioh apon being opened was fonnd to contiin an infernal machine loaded with dynamite, singa and spikes. From one end ot the box pro truded a string which was so adjasted tbat had the governor palled it an explosión would have followed and doubtless icstantaneous death. THROUGH A BRIDGE. The Iron bridge over Indian creek, eight miltis east of Connelsville, Fa., on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, broke down Aptil 10, preciptating an east-bound coke train of seventeen cars iuto the water, twenty-five feet belovr. The englne and seventee cars were eompletely aemolUhed and two brothers nained H. F aller end Benjamin Kuiler, respeeüvüly conductor aad br&keman, wtre tillod. The rebt oi the crewescaped unhurt. The ajoicent ia believed to have been caased by the high water washing away one of the abutments OÜE PATIËNT. ïuesday, April 14. Gen. Gmit obtained some rett yester.iay and last evemng by th ma of morphia. He was obliged to rest in liia cáair, as lyiog down inoreased his congh and sliep was itnpossibls. The irtqaent atbacks ot ooughing weaken the general yery u-r3f ptibly. The last bulletin was issued at 4 a. m. to-day, at whioh hour he was resting oomtorfcably. An attempt is being made to substi tuto buckwood for boxwood, andif sucoesstul the cost of skates wiU be reducedone-half. Billy Callón, the rising profsssiona billiardist, was a newsboy on the Chica go, .Burlington & Quincy railroad, an handled a cue at every chance. Etiquette prohibits South America ladies from going shopping without es corts.


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